Breathing Vapor And Lying

By Cynthia Sax on November 20, 2015

Cyborgs don’t lie. They’re manufactured to always tell the truth. They might not answer but when they do, you know you’ll hear the real deal.

Mira, the heroine of Breathing Vapor, lies. About everything. (This drives Vapor, her truth telling cyborg hero, crazy.) Yes, she’s living a double life—appearing like a super bitch, a member of the Humanoid Alliance condescending elite, while secretly helping children at risk. That’s one major reason why she lies.

But it’s more than that. Mira feels that sharing the truth with another being gives him/her power over her. It’s an act of trust and she doesn’t trust anyone. Lies are safer. Lies, she can manipulate. She can reveal only what she wants others to see.

We all lie, maybe not to extent Mira does, but we all tell little white lies. Someone asks, “How are you?” We know they don’t truly care about the answer so, in the interest of politeness, we say, “Fine” even if we aren’t. We tell loved ones that everything will be okay when we’re not certain it will be. A buddy comes to us because she needs our help and when she asks if we’re busy, we tell her we aren’t when we’re, in fact, extremely busy. These little white lies are okay because they don’t seem to hurt anyone.

Many of us know that the big lies aren’t okay. Lies that put someone else in prison or physically hurt someone or cause huge lasting damage aren’t morally acceptable in today’s society.

It is the in between lies that cause us problems. A writing buddy asks us if we liked her book. We didn’t. Do we tell her that we liked it? (Because we all know what the next step will be. She’ll ask us to leave a review.) We miss the deadline for a job we really want but we hear the company has had system problems. Do we blame these problems for the lateness? Ask two people if these lies are okay and you’re likely to get two different answers.

Where do you draw the line with lying? Could you love someone who draws the line in a very different place?


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Interview with Vapor From Breathing Vapor

By Cynthia Sax on November 18, 2015

Kate Hill has interviewed Vapor from Breathing Vapor on her blog today.

Here’s a snippet…

Kate Hill – Do you have a code of honor?

Vapor – I’m a warrior, not an executioner. The Humanoid Alliance demands that I battle beings with no skill, no desire to fight, and I can’t refuse them, not without losing my own life. Once I’m free, I will only battle beings at my skill level.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Talking Breathing Vapor and Dom/Sub Relationships

By Cynthia Sax on November 18, 2015

I’m visiting Delilah Devlin’s online home today, talking about Breathing Vapor and Dom/Sub relationships.

Here’s a snippet…

Vapor and Mira, in Breathing Vapor, also have a Dom/Sub relationship but it is very different. Mira is, what we would call, a bratty sub. She taunts Vapor until he punishes her (spanking is their punishment of choice). She likes the punishment because it helps her express her pent-up emotions. He likes the challenge of making her submit. Vapor is all about being ‘the best.’


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Breathing Vapor Featured On Dear Author

By Cynthia Sax on November 18, 2015

Breathing Vapor was featured on Dear Author today as one of the hot new releases.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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New Breathing Vapor Excerpt

By Cynthia Sax on November 17, 2015

Still undecided about reading Breathing Vapor?

In Patti’s Imagination has posted a never-before-seen excerpt.

Not at all safe for work. (grins)


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Interview At Smart Girls Love SciFi Romance

By Cynthia Sax on November 17, 2015

Woot! I’ve been interviewed at Smart Girls Love SciFi Romance.

Here’s a snippet…

SGLSF: What were some of your favorite books growing up?

Cynthia Sax: I had so many favorite books growing up but I think it’s telling that one of them was Bambi (the Felix Salten original, not the Disney version). That was a children’s book yet very bad things happened in it. Felix Salten wasn’t afraid to hurt characters and do even worse. I remembered that while I was writing RELEASING RAGE Very bad things happen to the heroine but I had to allow these things to happen. They are key for Joan’s character development, for Rage’s character development, and for their relationship.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Breathing Vapor And Darkness

By Cynthia Sax on November 13, 2015

I’ve received some questions on Breathing Vapor, asking about whether or not this standalone sidequel to Releasing Rage is as dark as the first story.

It IS dark but it is a different kind of darkness. All of the stories in the Cyborg series are set during wartime. Bad things happen during wartime. Some people die. Some people are hurt.

Experiences are different. Joan, the heroine of Releasing Rage, thus far has had the most brutal personal experience of the four stories I’ve written in the series. Is it the most tragic? I don’t know. It depends on what YOU find most tragic.

All of the cyborgs have been tortured and tormented. That’s why they rebelled against their human manufacturers. But each cyborg handles that harsh treatment differently. In Releasing Rage, Rage’s torment is recent. In Crash and Burn (releasing in February), Crash starts his story as a free cyborg.

I WILL share that all of these stories are romances. They will have a romance ending. For me, that means a romantic Happy Ever After, not merely a Happy For Now.

These stories aren’t for the faint of heart. (grins) Expect the unexpected.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Releasing Rage And Warrior Heroes

By Cynthia Sax on November 8, 2015

What do you love about warrior/soldier heroes?

I’m talking about warrior/soldier heroes at Elizabeth Munro’s online home today (a timely post as Remembrance Day/Veteran’s Day is on Wednesday).

Here’s a snippet…

First and foremost, there’s something extremely sexy about a male who feels so passionately about a cause or person or planet that he is willing to die for it. Rage risks his life to fulfill his missions. Can you imagine what he’d be willing to do for the woman he loves?


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Releasing Rage And SciFi Story Snippets

By Cynthia Sax on November 7, 2015

Allie Ritch is featuring a snippet from Releasing Rage and 11 other delicious SciFi stories on her blog today.

I love these posts as I often find new-to-me series and writers.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Breathing Vapor And Tau Ceti

By Cynthia Sax on November 6, 2015

See other great SciFi romance posts here –

The cyborg manufacturing facility in Breathing Vapor is set on Tau Ceti, a fictional Earth-like planet. This is a nod to the real Tau Ceti, a star, and its surrounding planets — Tau Ceti b, Tau Ceti c, Tau Ceti d, Tau Ceti e and Tau Ceti f.

In Breathing Vapor, I simply called the inhabited planet in the system Tau Ceti. My thinking is that this is how beings would casually refer to it. No being would be living on the other Tau Ceti planets so there would be no reason to distinguish it from the others.

The (real life) Tau Ceti system belongs to the constellation Cetus, situated less than 12 light years from our solar system. Its star is similar to our sun yet smaller. Of the five planets orbiting its star, two are in the habitable zone. These planets are of extreme interest to SETI. They might, just might, contain life.

In Breathing Vapor, the locals are humanoids. Before development, the terrain was mostly grassland. The locals evolved with striped green and brown skin, assisting them in blending into this terrain (similarly to how an Earth zebra has stripes to assist it in blending into its terrain).

The Tau Cetians believe that white represents death, as it would on a grassland planet. That color would draw the eye of predators. White is also the color of sun bleached bones. This belief causes problems with the newly arrived Humanoid Alliance female. White is the color of prestige for them. One species believes the color means one thing. The other species believes the color means something else. This escalates the culture clash.

We’ll be returning to Tau Ceti in Crash And Burn (releasing in February), learning more about the culture and the planet.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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