Talking Crash And Burn And Building A Series

By Cynthia Sax on February 23, 2016

I’m talking about one way to write a standalone series today on Liza O’Connor ‘s online home.

Here’s a snippet…

There are a number of ways to build a standalone series (a series with books that can be read on their own). My favorite, by far, is the sexy brother premise.

This is exactly what it sounds like. The hero of the first book in the series has two or three or four or more sexy, single brothers. In the subsequent books, these brothers find their own heroines (or heroes or heroines and heroes, depending on the stories being told – grins).

These brothers don’t have to be brothers by birth.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Happy Valentine’s Day

By Cynthia Sax on February 14, 2016

Thrasher wrote you a poem for Valentine’s Day. (grins)

And here is another deep thought for this Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Talking Crash And Burn And Love It Or Hate It Books

By Cynthia Sax on February 14, 2016

I’m at Cathryn Cade ‘s online home today,
talking about Crash And Burn
and how love it or hate it books happen.
(they usually aren’t accidents – writers know what they’re doing)

Here’s a snippet…
“…during the telling of any story, a writer has a bazillion decisions to make. She is often faced with making a ‘safe’ choice, a choice that won’t cause readers any discomfort, or making a ‘risky’ choice, a choice that might be right for the story and characters but might also upset reading buddies.
I made more risky choices than I made safe choices…”


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Interview With Safyre, Heroine Of Crash And Burn

By Cynthia Sax on January 28, 2016

Woot! Kate Reedwood / Felicity Kates has interviewed Safyre, my heroine from Crash And Burn.

Here’s a snippet…

LMKA: If you had to choose between sex on a beach or sex in a bed, which would it be?

Safyre: Sex against the wall, my arms stretched above me, my hands bound. Give it to me fast and hard. ‘Course a male would have to be strong to take me that way. I’m not a small female. (Cynthia whispers ‘He’d have to be cyborg strong.’)


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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A Little Chaos And Strong Heroines

By Cynthia Sax on January 23, 2016

I watched A Little Chaos last night, a film about a female landscape artist who wins the honor of designing a part of Versailles (Kate Winslet stars in it. Alan Rickman both directed and appears in it). I loved it. I don’t understand why I haven’t heard more about this movie.

Or maybe I do.

Because the lead character is female. She’s strong, stocky, wildly intelligent and super independent. There’s a love story. Yes. But her hero makes her even stronger. She’s a brilliant engineer and a savvy leader. Strong men choose to follow her.

I suspect that makes (mostly male) critics and award voters uncomfortable. Thank goodness I write romance. Romance readers EXPECT strong heroines. They EXPECT love interests to make these heroines stronger. They EXPECT heroines to find their own solutions and not wait for someone else to save them.

They expect a heroine like Sabine De Barra, Kate Winslet’s character. Sabine has a gripping back story (she’s a widow and is dealing with her grief, something all of us have struggled with). She has numerous goals and an unique view on the world. She isn’t perfect, far from it, yet she’s sympathetic (The director, Alan Rickman, sets this up beautifully with showing Sabine’s friendship with another woman right at the beginning. This woman clearly loves Sabine and that makes me love her also.).

She’s a character I could happily write a series about.

Aside: One of my favorite parts of the movies is when the ladies at court are talking about the deaths they’ve experienced. I found it interesting that Sabine doesn’t cry yet I felt the emotion even more strongly than if she did break down. It reminded me that I don’t need tears to convey a character’s sorrow.

Another note: There is debate about whether or not Sabine is a real historical character. That there is even a discussion around this tells me the film is historically accurate enough to make me happy. It COULD have happened.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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For The First Time – USA Today Bestseller

By Cynthia Sax on January 21, 2016

Woot! For The First Time hit the USA Today Bestseller List!

Thank you to Skye Warren for all of her hard work on this boxed set. She ROCKS!

20 never before (and perhaps never again) released sexy short stories from some of the hottest writing folks in Romanceland plus 1 story from me (grins)

My story is Testing Driving The Billionaire.

Here is the blurb;

Drift Dornan, my billionaire boss, has a need for speed and sports the tattoos to prove it. He spends every spare moment at the track, with me in his passenger seat, driving speeds that make my heart pound and my fingers curl. My crazy sexy boss likes his cars fast and his women even faster.

I desperately want him to take me for a spin. But there’s a bump in that road. I’m a virgin, lacking the experience required to give him the erotic thrills he’s accustomed to.

Will he slow down enough to let me catch him?

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Cyborg Romances

By Cynthia Sax on January 21, 2016

Veronica Scott has an awesome post on cyborg romances today!

Releasing Rage is mentioned.

“The series is billed as a “Dark SF Erotic Romance” and the author herself warns readers on Amazon that if they’re sensitive to violence of any sort, to please read one of her lighter romances instead. But in the end the story is all about the cyborg and the woman he comes to love. I just finished reading Breathing Vapor and I’m eagerly anticipating Crash and Burn in February 2016.”

Also mentioned are fabulous stories by Melisse Aires, Cara Bristol, Eve Langlais, Donna McDonald, and M.L. Adams!


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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Newsletter Shout Out

By Cynthia Sax on January 19, 2016

Renee Rose posted an awesome article on writer newsletters and she gave my newsletter a shout out! Woot!

IMHO… a newsletter is not only a writer’s best way of promoting (we completely control it) but it also is expected by reading buddies. Reading buddies asked me to send a newsletter. I love it! I offer my newsletter subscribers exclusive, never-published-anywhere-else stories like Being Green, a cyborg short.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Writers On Vacation

By Cynthia Sax on January 18, 2016

Recently, the dear wonderful hubby and I went on a (super cheap) cruise from Florida. One of the stops was the Dominican Republic. The cruise terminal was situated miles away from anywhere. We needed to take a taxi to town. To save money, we partnered with another couple.

We usually travel on the cheap, hiring a driver if that’s necessary (more often, we take public transportation or we hoof it) and that’s it. The wife of this couple, however, really wanted the history spiel. This was her first big trip and she wanted to know everything about the place.

She talked us into hiring a ‘guide’. This guide assured us that he knew his history and he could speak English well. We piled into the taxi and took off.

It turned out… he could only speak enough English to convince us that he knew the language. He had memorized short speeches about the big sites. His answer to every question was ‘Yes. Yes.’

The wife was disappointed. She became more and more upset, arguing with our ‘guide’. The dear wonderful hubby and I could tell that this blunder was wrecking her day, coloring her view of an otherwise wonderful country.

So we started peppering our so-called guide with ridiculous questions.

“Is it true that General Luperon died fighting the vampirous, ferocious blood drinking invaders from a nearby island?”

“Yes. Yes.” The guide bobbed his head.

“I read that today is take your chicken to work day.”

“Yes. Yes.” The guide nodded.

“I understand that depression in trees is common here, that they have tree doctors who try to lift their spirits.”

“Yes. Yes.”

Soon, the wife was smiling, laughing, joining in, asking equally ridiculous questions. At the end of the day, the husband said it was the most fun he’d ever had on a tour. We had an absolute blast.

Never question that reading and creativity is valuable. It can change a ‘disastrous’ day into one of the best ever.


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Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

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Other booksellers coming soon!

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Breathing Vapor And BBW Heroines

By Cynthia Sax on January 7, 2016

My definition of BBW (big beautiful woman) is a woman who is much larger than today’s North American culturally accepted ideal. It isn’t a dress size or a percentage body fat. It is how others perceive the woman and how she perceives herself.

Joan, the heroine of Releasing Rage, is very muscular but she’s sturdy and stocky, a former agri lot worker. Mira, the heroine of Breathing Vapor, is softer and very curvaceous. Safyre, the heroine of Crash and Burn (releasing February 23rd), falls between the two. She’s more toned than Mira but softer than Joan.

Because that’s the thing. There is no ONE BBW shape. Some BBWs have large breasts. Some don’t. Some are super fit, able to run marathons. Some aren’t. Every heroine is an individual.

Some readers question that a romance hero would prefer a larger woman. I can assure you that some would. I’m a BBW myself. I’m happily married to a very fit, good looking, successful man and he loves me the size I am.

Keely Shaye Smith is a gorgeous BBW and Pierce Brosnan aka James Bond adores her

Cyborgs would naturally be attracted to larger females. Cyborgs are manufactured to be larger than the average human male. They would seek females similar to them in size. They’re also warriors and value strength. Many beings equate size with strength. AND they are rough males, unaccustomed to tempering that strength. They view BBW human females as being delicate and fragile. The smaller the females, the more cyborgs would worry about hurting them.


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Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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