Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 23

By Cynthia Sax on March 23, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this absolute character sleeping in the middle of a busy sidewalk in Manila, Philippines.

She forced all the humans to walk around her, waking up only for snacks and pets.


That feels a bit like the life I’m leading right now. I continue to work on writing projects but because there are no deadlines for them other than the ones I set for myself, there’s no true urgency. I can work on them when I want to work on them.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Create some space in your busy schedule to do…whatever you like. I find that’s often when I get my best ideas – during unstructured times. We often need quiet and room for innovation to grow. Give yourself that gift!


Cyborg Sizzle Homeland Omnibus

Cyborgs will do anything to protect their Homeland.
* * *
The cyborgs have claimed their Homeland but that has come at a cost. As they reconcile with their pasts, they seek to manufacture happier futures with the females they’re destined to love and cherish forever.
This omnibus includes three stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series: Taking Vengeance, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby and Dark Arsenal.
All of these Cyborg Romances are set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet.

The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.

Dark Arsenal

A cyborg warrior and a Rebel female’s first mission together might be their last.
Arsenal considers himself to be a disposable cyborg. He drifts from assignment to assignment, forming no connections to anything or anyone. When the cyborg council requires a warrior for a high-risk mission, Arsenal volunteers. He believes no one will miss him if he dies. He doesn’t realize he’s one female’s fantasy.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 16

By Cynthia Sax on March 16, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this lazing around kitty in Casablanca, Morocco.

I continue to work on new projects that I’m pitching to my agent, to publishers, to other entities. Writers write. (grins) That’s what we do.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Wear green. Embrace that good luck is part of any success. (Because it definitely is.) Sing loudly offkey in the shower. Belt out those tunes! You’ll feel so much better for having done that. And I WANT you to feel AWESOME, my friends. (more hugs) You deserve joy!


Cyborg Sizzle Homeland Omnibus

Cyborgs will do anything to protect their Homeland.
* * *
The cyborgs have claimed their Homeland but that has come at a cost. As they reconcile with their pasts, they seek to manufacture happier futures with the females they’re destined to love and cherish forever.
This omnibus includes three stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series: Taking Vengeance, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby and Dark Arsenal.
All of these Cyborg Romances are set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet.

The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.

Dark Arsenal

A cyborg warrior and a Rebel female’s first mission together might be their last.
Arsenal considers himself to be a disposable cyborg. He drifts from assignment to assignment, forming no connections to anything or anyone. When the cyborg council requires a warrior for a high-risk mission, Arsenal volunteers. He believes no one will miss him if he dies. He doesn’t realize he’s one female’s fantasy.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 9

By Cynthia Sax on March 9, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this LONG kitty in Dubai.


There’s no new writing news to share this week. The Moonbeam sets are still on hold. I’m waiting to see what will happen in the US. And I haven’t heard back on any of my other projects.

I continue to write, of course, because I’m a writer and that’s what we do.


Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Stretch out your arms or legs if you can. Become longer yourself. (laughs) When I was a kid, I thought if people pulled on my legs, that would make me taller. I DID become taller but I suspect that had more to do with natural growth than the leg pulling trick.


Cyborg Sizzle Homeland Omnibus

Cyborgs will do anything to protect their Homeland.
* * *
The cyborgs have claimed their Homeland but that has come at a cost. As they reconcile with their pasts, they seek to manufacture happier futures with the females they’re destined to love and cherish forever.
This omnibus includes three stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series: Taking Vengeance, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby and Dark Arsenal.
All of these Cyborg Romances are set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet.

The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.

Dark Arsenal

A cyborg warrior and a Rebel female’s first mission together might be their last.
Arsenal considers himself to be a disposable cyborg. He drifts from assignment to assignment, forming no connections to anything or anyone. When the cyborg council requires a warrior for a high-risk mission, Arsenal volunteers. He believes no one will miss him if he dies. He doesn’t realize he’s one female’s fantasy.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 2

By Cynthia Sax on March 2, 2025

This kitty the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted in Qatar has an adorably crooked tail.


The Moonbeam sets remain on hold. I haven’t requested covers for them…yet. I’m waiting to see what happens in the US regarding romance novels.

I HAVE been writing. Because…well…that’s what I do – I write. I’m working on a couple low-probability-of-happening, very-different-for-me projects. I’ll let you know if any of those long shots pay off!

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Consider taking a wild chance on something also, especially if taking that chance has very little downside to you. We never ever know and it COULD pay off!


Cyborg Sizzle Homeland Omnibus

Cyborgs will do anything to protect their Homeland.
* * *
The cyborgs have claimed their Homeland but that has come at a cost. As they reconcile with their pasts, they seek to manufacture happier futures with the females they’re destined to love and cherish forever.
This omnibus includes three stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series: Taking Vengeance, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby and Dark Arsenal.
All of these Cyborg Romances are set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet.

The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.

Dark Arsenal

A cyborg warrior and a Rebel female’s first mission together might be their last.
Arsenal considers himself to be a disposable cyborg. He drifts from assignment to assignment, forming no connections to anything or anyone. When the cyborg council requires a warrior for a high-risk mission, Arsenal volunteers. He believes no one will miss him if he dies. He doesn’t realize he’s one female’s fantasy.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – February 23

By Cynthia Sax on February 23, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this ‘flower’ licking his little nose in Abu Dhabi.


I am still undecided as to the fate of the Moonbeam re-releases. I REALLY want to re-release these fun 100 page alien romances. But I don’t want to waste my awesome cover designer’s time. I respect her too much for that!

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Try to lick your own nose. I can’t manage it. I CAN fold my tongue in two lengthwise. (grins) I consider that to be an accomplishment. And I can lick other people’s noses. (laughs) That’s doable. But only do that if you KNOW they don’t mind having their noses licked! Humans can be strange about that for some bizarre reason.


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – February 16

By Cynthia Sax on February 16, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this sleeping kitty in an artist’s studio in Bermuda.


I haven’t yet decided what to do with the Moonbeam stories.

I really want to republish them but I suspect, by the time they’re ready to be published (the covers are crafted and the sets are formatted), booksellers won’t list them.

And the publishing process requires effort by numerous people. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. Time is so very precious.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Take some of that precious time and spend it on something that gives YOU happiness. Listen to a favorite song. Reread a favorite romance novel. Dance around in your underwear. Give yourself that gift!


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – February 9

By Cynthia Sax on February 9, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this gorgeous cat while we were trekking around Dubai.


I won’t be linking to B&N’s online bookstore going forward. They have, thus far, delisted 33 of my 69 titles. Will B&N delete more of my stories? I don’t know.

(big sigh)

What does that mean for future releases?

Everything is on hold. For now. Because I don’t know what the future will look like, my friends. (shrugs)

But I AM wishing you an absolutely wonderful week. (big hugs) Read some steamy romance novels. Savor every word, every man titty-fabulous cover. (grins) Enjoy the NOW, the present. Carve out some happiness in this fantastical ever-changing world. You deserve it!


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – February 2

By Cynthia Sax on February 2, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this pretty kitty while we were trekking around Dubai.

The corporate tax returns are DONE! Whew! That is NOT my favorite part of this awesome career. That is for certain! But they’ve been completed for the year and I’m thankful for that.

I’ve decided to put together a third Cyborg World Omnibus. I already have the cover (which is GORGEOUS and deserves to be seen). It will feature already released stories. The Dear Wonderful Hubby formats my stories and omnibuses for free. And someone might enjoy it.

Hey, why not?


Have a wonderful week, my friend. (big hugs) Do you have something – a cover, workout gear, a can of soup – you’re not using? Consider using it or give it away to someone else who will use it. Put that positive energy out into the universe!


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – January 26

By Cynthia Sax on January 26, 2025

This cat was spotted in Mauritius and perfectly encompasses my laziness level today. (grins)

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I have returned to our annual trek to Vegas for the CES (Consumers Electronics Show). We paired it with an 8 night cruise out of LA along the west coast. And we had an awesome time.

This upcoming week, we have to complete the corporate income tax return and…sleep.

Have a wonderful week, my friends! (tackle hugs) I hope it is a sleep-filled one for you also. Take care of yourself. Drink some water. Get some fresh air. Laugh and love and LIVE. Treasure your time on this fantastical planet!


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – January 19

By Cynthia Sax on January 19, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I stayed at the Maison Du Nord when we recently visited Mauritius. It was an absolutely delightful boutique hotel with amazing customer service and a wonderful buffet breakfast featuring crepes and local fruits.

And Maison Du Nord had its own resident guard cat! This extremely skilled hunter is shown here protecting the lobby. (grins)

As you likely guessed it, the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I have been traveling. We’re seeing the world while I figure out which writing projects to work on next.

These writing projects will be pitched to agents, publishers, or other entities so they likely won’t be published in the immediate future. Big wheels turn slowly and all that. (smiles)

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Do some traveling of your own – whether this is around the world or into the next neighborhood. There are so many delightful and interesting places all around us, alcoves we haven’t yet explored. Get out there and sightsee!


Claiming Cure

A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.


Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.

There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.

Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.

The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.

But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.

Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.

He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.

His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.

Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.

But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.

Cure has an assignment to complete.

If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.


Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.

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