Eating Cadbury Easter Creme Eggs

By Cynthia Sax on March 29, 2024

The Dear Wonderful Hubby bought a Costco pack of Cadbury Easter Creme Eggs for me. YES! He knows I love these delicious treats.

And I love that they are only available in my part of the world around Easter. I can indulge and not feel guilty because that is only possible for a very short time.

Is there a limited time available treat that you love?


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Cyborgs and Always Being Online

By Cynthia Sax on March 26, 2024

A few days ago, the internet in my area completely failed.

Every provider was down.

The only way to get internet was to drive to another service area.

I spent the day offline.

I puttered around the garden, dreaming of all the seeds I’d plant when the risk of frost passed. I had a wonderful and relaxing time.

But it was…stressful at the beginning. I felt disconnected from the rest of the world.

And I realized that was how a cyborg might feel if they were unable to receive transmissions from their brethren. There would be an unsettling silence in a space where they were accustomed to chatter. They would feel cut off. Alone.

Cyborgs are always ‘online.’ That’s their default, their normal. It’s how they were manufactured to be.

Humans? Not-so-much. (grins)


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Strike Zone And Looking Outward

By Cynthia Sax on March 22, 2024

When the cyborgs first escaped from the Humanoid Alliance, they were super focused on their own planet, on protecting it, on establishing order, on keeping everyone else out.

They have slowly expanded their monitoring to their entire sector. They allow most of the planets to govern themselves. But they ensure no hostile beings enter the sector to bother or hurt the inhabitants of these planets. And they are there to be consulted.

Because the safety of those planets impacts the safety of the cyborg-controlled planets.

In Strike Zone, Power and the cyborg council authorize a mission in a neighboring sector. They realize that the activities in that sector could destroy their sector. And it is easier to stop those activities before they finalize.

The cyborgs’ view on the universe is expanding.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Strike Zone – Order and Cyborgs

By Cynthia Sax on March 20, 2024

The mysterious sound Strike is investigating originates within a neighboring sector. This sector is chaotic. No one is truly in charge of it. There are baddies setting up debris field traps. And planets at war. And ships disappearing.

I love chaos. A bit of it. Too much chaos places everyone in danger.

Someone has to take control of the sector.

Enter the cyborgs. These awesome warriors are half machine. They are SKILLED at creating systems. And systems usually lead to order.

Will they play a part in organizing the sector? That will be up to the Fates (literally and figuratively).


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Writing Every Day And The Need For Downtime

By Cynthia Sax on March 19, 2024

As writers, we often hear comments like ‘write every day’ or ‘you don’t need breaks if you love what you do.’

That advice might work for a few writers but it certainly doesn’t work for me.

I usually take a few weeks off fresh writing after finishing the submission draft of a story. I do this because drafts 2 and 3 of a story are very intense for me.

Focusing on the many threads, the character growths, the details is all I do during that time. I don’t read other people’s awesome novels. I don’t watch TV. I don’t go out with friends. Heck, I barely speak to my poor Dear Wonderful Hubby. (grins) The only thing in my head is the story.

So when I send the story to my Awesome Editor, I’m physically and emotionally drained. I need sleep. A lot of it. I need outside stimulus. I need to reconnect to the world.

And I need to purge my brain of the world I created in the story. I can’t think of the next story while I’m still living in the previous story.

This is what works for me. Every writer is different and has different needs. But don’t ever feel guilty about not writing everyday. Many of us take breaks.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Reading Green On St. Patrick’s Day

By Cynthia Sax on March 16, 2024

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. I like to think reading a romance with a green cover or with a green character on St. Patrick’s Day brings us all some good luck.

Plus…it’s fun. (grins)

The best green-themed Cynthia Sax story is Being Green. It is currently FREE. It features a cyborg named Green. It’s short and sweet. And it has a green cover.

Wishing you all the luck, my friends! (big hugs)

Green, a cyborg warrior, cares for one being—his plant Windy. When Windy becomes sick, he’ll do anything to heal her, even venture across the universe to visit a worlds-renowned plant doctor.

He doesn’t expect to find love.

Doctor Shelby Cooper is the sole resident of a tiny planet. She prefers to be alone rather than risk caring for another being and then losing him. The curvaceous scientist is determined to resist Green’s patient caresses, his thought-burning kisses, his slow seduction.

She has underestimated the power of a cyborg’s passion.

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Strike Zone And Working Together On A Project

By Cynthia Sax on March 15, 2024

Kesser, the heroine of Strike Zone, recruits Strike, the hero, to help her rescue her best buddy and that best buddy’s mate.

They are working on the same mission, the same project and I know how they work together on that mission is how they’ll work together in life. Because life is often a series of smaller, less exciting missions.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Strike Zone And Making A Good Impression

By Cynthia Sax on March 13, 2024

Talley, Kesser’s best buddy, wants to make a good impression when she meets her mate’s kind.

She worries, specifically, about what she will wear. Because she, being fashion-conscious herself, knows others tend to judge us by our outfits (this is true here on Earth and also on other planets).

I remember when I first met the Dear Wonderful Hubby’s family (both immediate and extended). I didn’t usually care about what I wore but, stars, I fussed over my outfits on those days. I wanted them to accept me (they were). And I wanted the Dear Wonderful Hubby to be proud of me (he was).


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Strike Zone And Super Weapons

By Cynthia Sax on March 12, 2024

In Strike Zone, the cyborgs detect a sound that is similar to the sound a world-ender exudes except it is MUCH louder. The projection is this loudness is due to the weapon being more powerful.

A more powerful world-ender type weapon could be… an entire sector-destroying weapon or perhaps a solar system-decimator or simply a weapon with a bit larger range.

The cyborgs don’t know what more powerful means. They only know it is VERY bad for the universe.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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Strike Zone And Boinking

By Cynthia Sax on March 9, 2024

There are a gazillion different words for sex. And it would make sense there would be as many words throughout the universe for it.

Where I come from, many people referred to sex as boinking. (grins) It is a fun word to say and it is child-friendly.

Kesser uses it as a nod to my past.


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Strike Zone

A cyborg devoted to duty…and to her.


While attending a party, Kesser, the daughter of her planet’s leader, witnesses the abduction of her best friend and her best friend’s mate.

She’s determined to rescue them. Preferably without fracturing the fragile peace agreement her mom has crafted with the abductors’ planet.

The only issue is…she has never participated in a retrieval mission.

Searching for assistance, she approaches the mate’s guard. The male, with his big broad shoulders and deep growly voice, affects her like no other being ever has.

Kesser wants him. She trusts him. And she requires his stealth combat skills.


Strike is no guard. The D Model cyborg has been sent to the sector to discreetly investigate a potential planet-destroying situation.

When a curvy human female with big brown eyes requests his help with a rescue, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She’s his genetic match, the one being he was manufactured to protect.

She’s also traveling to the next planet he has to search. He plans to claim his female while he fulfills his responsibilities to his kind.

Neither Strike nor Kesser realizes the dangers facing them are far greater than they imagine. Their enemies are converging, and one failed mission could doom the entire universe.


Strike Zone is a standalone, mistaken-identity, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg warrior with a finely honed sense of honor, a human support being taking on her first dangerous mission, and an evil that threatens everyone in existence.

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