Claiming Cure And Waiting For A Fated Mate
The Cancris, the humanoids on Cancri B, have fated mates. They have one (or, in some very rare cases, more than one) being they are destined to be with.
They believe in being faithful to these fated mates. They don’t romantically touch other beings.
Which means some Cancris, including Cyra’s best friend, are fascinated with innocent acts like…kissing. (smiles) If they haven’t yet found their fated mates, they also haven’t yet experienced kissing.
I find that absolutely adorable.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure – Second Scene Of The First Chapter
Claiming Cure releases on November 19th! Woot I’m sharing scenes from the first chapter as we wait.
You can read the first scene of the first chapter here:
This week I’m sharing the second scene.
“Your heart rate continues to be fast.” According to Cure’s previous observations, the excitement from the discovery of a not-yet-charted planet should have waned.
“Strike relayed the specs concerning my meeting with my contact.” Drift leaned toward the main viewscreen, acting as though that position would convey them to Cancri B faster.
It wouldn’t do that. The male’s reaction was illogical.
“Those specs were sparse.” The pilot tilted his head to the side. “I was given a time and a location. My contact is male. He’s Cancri and he calls himself L.”
Cure’s contact called himself C. Utilizing an initial must be a Cancri B custom.
“I wasn’t given a physical description for him.” Drift frowned.
“He’s Cancri.” Cure studied his handheld. “He would have black hair and orange skin like the rest of his kind.”
Drift rolled his eyes. “I require more data than that.”
Cure could relay more data. “His functionality would be similar to that of a human of the same size and sex except his heart would be 8.2356 percent larger, he would have three lungs, not two, his sweat rate would be 15.2896 percent lower, his—”
“A scar or distinguishing facial feature would be preferable.” The pilot’s humor returned. “I require something that will differentiate him from every other Cancri male on the planet.”
Cure couldn’t assist him with that.
“I do have an initial and a meeting place and a time.” Drift paused. “And I process with 100.0000 percent certainty my contact is male.”
“My contact is male.” Cure deleted all irritation from his voice.
“Your contact utilizes a manufactured voice while communicating with you.” His mission partner countered. “You can’t be 100.0000 percent certain he’s male.”
The attributes of the manufactured voice C chose aligned with those of a male speaker in 86.1482 percent of all instances. And 88.2235 percent of beings chose a voice that originated from the same biological sex as they did.
Cure was confident his contact was male. But he said nothing because Drift already processed those inputs and he had derived a different projection.
“Is your contact Cancri?” Drift pressed for more intel. “Do you process that?”
Cure hadn’t seen C’s medic files. But… “He is Cancri.” The planet was isolated and harsh. Few other beings would choose to live there.
“Are you 100.0000 percent certain about that?” Drift questioned that also.
“He lives on Cancri B. He’s Cancri.” Cure had never posed queries to his contact about himself. The male was a medic. As Cure was. That was the sole important detail.
“You’re making another assumption.” Drift chuckled. “I project you’ll soon uncover the universe isn’t always logical.”
Cure had already uncovered that. But he preferred to base his projections on probabilities.
And the odds were high that his contact was Cancri and male.
Silence stretched.
Drift flew their modified freighter toward Cancri B.
Cure reviewed the bits of medical data C had shared with him. He didn’t speak.
That was his default setting. Excessive chatter added 11.4599 percent more time to a repair. He could save a lifespan in that duration.
Or, in the current situation, he could complete an analysis.
The tumors inflicting the Cancris were similar to those found on humanoids inhabiting planets hosting previous world-ender manufacturing sites. The differences could be explained by Cancri biology. They—
Are you there? C opened a communication line with him.
Cure had programmed the messages to flow directly to his auditory system. Define there. He tapped his fingers against the surface of his handheld to enter his response.
The humanoid wasn’t utilizing his authentic voice.
Cure wouldn’t utilize his either.
You’re a joker. C’s laugh was equally manufactured. And his reply was illogical.
Cure twisted his lips. He hadn’t been joking. His request had been sincere.
I’m one of the best medics in the universe. He warranted respect.
Wow, that’s a coincidence. So am I. C showed him no deference. We’re two of the best medics in the universe, yet the change we made to the tumor-slowing formula didn’t work.
We didn’t make any change. Cure corrected the male. I suggested a modification. That was the extent of my involvement.
What? You don’t want to take credit for this brilliant failure? The male’s tone lilted with teasing.
C treated him like a friend, not like the professional he was. Cure didn’t like that. It increased the challenge of maintaining emotional distance between them.
The modified formula didn’t work. He steered the conversation back to that safer topic.
It didn’t work, C confirmed. The patients are now ten planet rotations past the point of the previous formula’s ineffectiveness. The tumors in the test group, in the patients taking the pills created with the altered formula, are growing at the same rate as the tumors in the control group. I see no decrease.
The male sent him the results.
Cure reviewed it and he was forced to agree with the medic. There were no notable differences.
Read the next scene (available November 4th) here:
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Be Good To Yourself
The world is…a tad bit stressful right now.
If you can escape for a couple moments into a great story, do that. Take naps. Eat chocolate. Pet a cat. Slow down and simply be.
And know that all we truly have to do is live to the next day. Everything else is extra.
(big hugs)
Be good to yourself, my friends.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure And The Health Of The Crew
Cyborgs rarely become ill. Most damage they incur is repaired by their nanocybotics and they were designed to be…durable.
Yet EVERY cyborg battle station has medics on board. These medics ensure the crew remain fully functional. And they are ready in case there are any not-yet-encountered damage.
Cyborg leadership values the lifespan and the health of every cyborg warrior. They don’t take unnecessary risks with the beings under their command.
Cure is the lead medic on the Dauntless. And he is VERY good at his role. He may be TOO good at it.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure – Do Cyborgs Fart?
One of the tough questions is asked and answered in Claiming Cure. (grins)
Do cyborgs fart?
Farting is a necessary act for humans. It is a release of built up gas in the digestive system. And it is a healthy thing for humans to do.
It is NOT a necessary act for cyborgs. Their systems are…more efficient. So no, cyborgs don’t fart.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure And Trying To Save Everyone
Cure, the cyborg medic hero of Claiming Cure, has lived for many, MANY human lifespans. He’s figured out over that time that he can’t save everyone.
Frag. He can’t even save all his cyborg brethren, much to his well-concealed sorrow.
Cure has narrowed down who he will or will not repair.
Cyra, the human medic heroine of Claiming Cure, wants and tries to save everyone. That’s…not going well. For herself. And for her patients. Everyone in her settlement is very, very sick.
But Cyra is still compelled to try to heal them. Because that’s who she is as a medic.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure – First Scene Of The First Chapter
The countdown to Claiming Cure’s release day has started! Woot!
I will be sharing the first chapter while we wait.
Today, I’m sharing the very first scene.
Chapter One
Cure had been manufactured for killing.
He was a cyborg. The Humanoid Alliance, their cruel creators, had designed his kind to fight their endless wars.
Ending lifespans had been his assigned purpose.
He chose to save them, to repair beings.
Over his lifespan, that role had led him to some…unprojectable places.
He was currently situated on the bridge of a modified freighter bound for Cancri B. A not-yet-processable threat was facing every cyborg in the universe. The Humanoid Alliance, their enemies, might be involved. More information about the situation could be found on the planet.
Cure had a contact situated there.
He’d projected helping the humanoid medic would come back to bite him in the ass. His lips twisted. But he couldn’t ignore the call over communication lines. The male had begged anyone anywhere for any possible repairs for an outbreak of tumors amidst the Cancri B population.
There were no repairs that he processed for that damage. But he had given C, his contact, some suggestions to slow the growths.
Those replies had resulted in Cure being sent, by his captain, on a mission to extract intel from C. He had been forced to temporarily relinquish his role as chief medic on board the Dauntless to undertake the assignment.
Statis, his second-in-command, a being he’d trained, had been placed in charge of the functionality of the crew of the battle station. The male had been ecstatic.
As he should be. Cure’s lips flattened. The male now held a role any medic would want. He was responsible for the well-being of thousands of cyborgs plus one human female and one Valkyrie.
Cure, in contrast, held a role any hardworking medic would dread. His patient load had been reduced to two beings—Drift, his mission partner, and himself.
And both of his patients were fully functional.
Drift sat in the captain’s chair and was flying their vessel. Sensors had been attached to the G model’s face and form.
Cure glanced down at his handheld. His mission partner’s specs were within range.
Though… “Your heart rate has increased.” The variation was slight but notable.
“Fraggin’ right. It has increased.” Drift grinned. “I’ve detected another planet.”
A circle appeared around the planet displayed on the main viewscreen. It was barely detectable to Cure’s enhanced visual system.
“I’m calling this one Big Blue 2.0.” The pilot tapped his fingertips against the controls embedded in the console. “And I’m adding it to the chart.”
The area they were transversing was poorly documented. Many of the planets and stars and other celestial bodies didn’t appear in any databases.
“It is big…for a planet.” Cure studied the new discovery. “And it is blue. And the 2.0 differentiates it from Big Blue.”
“I’ve modified the name for Big Blue to Big Blue 1.0.” Drift’s eyes gleamed. “I hadn’t projected we would detect multiple big blue planets.”
“That modification is logical.” Cure noted the reason for Drift’s increased heart rate in the male’s file.
The voyage wouldn’t be a complete waste of time medic-wise. Cure’s monitoring of his mission partner would expand his intel about cyborgs in general and G Models specifically. And that could assist him in repairing them in the future.
62.2365 percent of his medic knowledge had been derived from his own experiences and tests.
While Cure had been under Humanoid Alliance control, he’d hacked into the humans’ databases. The intel he found there about repairing his brethren was limited. And some of it was wrong. But it had formed a base for the process.
Then he had added to that knowledge. During their grueling training sessions, and later, in battle, he had stealthily and speedily repaired his fellow cyborgs. Being warriors, they were constantly incurring damage, and those malfunctions put them at great risk of being decommissioned.
By repairing his brethren, he had sought to spare them from that horrid death.
51.4586 percent of the time, he had failed at doing that.
The warriors he had failed to restore to full functionality had been sliced and diced into pieces. Their parts had been salvaged by the Humanoid Alliance while they remained alive.
Their screams had shredded his big cyborg heart to pieces. Those sounds of pain, of horror, would echo forever in his databases.
He had learned to manage the emotional organic part of himself. Because his self-assigned patients were dealing with their own emotional damage. They shouldn’t have to deal with his.
And he had more cyborgs to repair. 48.5414 percent of them would survive. He couldn’t help them if he was stricken by grief. Or if he had insufficient knowledge. The readings from the sensors attached to Drift might be the difference between a cyborg living or dying.
Read the next scene (available October 28th) here:
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure And White Jackets
Cure, the cyborg hero of Claiming Cure, and Cyra, its human heroine, are both medics. (The locals call Cyra a healer, their word for medic.)
They both wear white jackets similar to those doctors here on Earth wear.
Why do they wear white jackets?
The white jackets are highly visible. Medics on Cancri B and on the Dauntless won’t be mistaken for warriors. If an enemy shoots at a being wearing a white jacket, they know that being is a medic.
Patients will also know the being is a medic. They will have the comfort of knowing they’re with someone who seeks to heal, not harm.
The white jackets also have big pockets. That’s ideal for medics as they have a lot of things to carry – scanners, handhelds, containers of pills for patients, gifts from a head covering crafting teen girl, etc.
Another benefit of the white jackets is…they are easy to change. Being a medic can be a dirty job. There’s blood and other fluids to deal with. It is much easier to grab a clean white jacket than don a clean flight suit.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure And Finishing The Mission
If you’ve read Drift Would, you know Cure’s part of the mission is…to complete it.
The mission started with Strike. He uncovered a possible source of the mysterious noise the captain and crew of the Dauntless had detected.
It continued with Drift. He completed a significant portion of the mission.
And it will…hopefully…end with Cure.
Which is ironic as he is a medic and seems to be the least likely cyborg to complete a dangerous mission. (grins)
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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Claiming Cure And Assumptions
Cure assumes his contact on Cancri B is male and humanoid.
He has based this assumption on probabilities. The odds his contact is male are very high. The odds that contact is Cancri are also very high.
But Cyra, his female human contact, defies the odds. In all ways. (grins) Cure will soon realize that.
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Claiming Cure
A proud cyborg medic meets his human match.
Cyra has tasks to complete before she dies.
There are patients to heal, a dangerous mission to undertake, and a world to save. She doesn’t have time to entertain uninvited guests.
Especially one coldhearted cyborg medic who thinks he’s better than her.
The male might be breathtakingly handsome. His sternly set lips might be extremely kissable. And his touch might draw out a passion she didn’t think she was capable of feeling.
But he’s also a distraction, one that might doom millions of innocent beings to a painful, horrible death.
Cure isn’t emotionless. He feels…greatly. Listening to that malfunction has caused other beings pain and suffering in the past.
He refuses to allow his desires to cloud his judgment now.
His resolve is tested when he’s forced to associate with the most provoking, alluring medic in the universe.
Cyra is his genetic match, the one being in the universe he is fated to protect, touch, claim. She’s clever and beautiful, and the need to hold her almost downs his systems.
But now is not the time to indulge his great wanting.
Cure has an assignment to complete.
If he fails to accomplish his goals, everyone he cares for, including his human female, will die.
Claiming Cure is a standalone Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features two skilled medics determined to ignore the toe-curling attraction between them, a perilous impossible mission, and foes seeking to ensure they never heal another being ever again.
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