Regrowing Store-Bought Vegetables From Scraps

By on February 25, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby, when he has the choice, always buys vegetables and herbs with their roots intact.

We then cut off the roots plus a little bit extra, stick those roots in dirt and hope the plants grow back.

We did that with this cilantro here.

These cilantro roots have been planted for 2 days and they’re already growing little leaves.

The tops of the plants WILL likely grow back.

So a piece of carrot (the orange part IS all root) might grow carrot tops (which are GREAT in soups). It is unlikely, however, to grow another ‘carrot’ i.e. orange root part.

Herbs respond awesomely to this ‘trick.’ It is a fast track to growing them.

Green onions are the absolute BEST, however. We’ll buy a bunch of green onions, cut off the bottom part with the roots (eating the rest of it), stick those roots in dirt and we can cut and recut those green onions about five or six more times.

This is fun for us. And we usually get at least one more harvest from any roots.


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