Gardening – Harvesting Mini Bell Peppers

By Cynthia Sax on September 10, 2024

The harvest is happening in my part of the world. In the Sax backyard, we’re harvesting tomatoes, green beans, some butternut squash and a gazillion mini bell peppers.

These mini bell peppers were started from seeds we harvested from grocery store-bought mini bell peppers. They start green and then mature into three vivid colors – red, orange and yellow. The color doesn’t indicate heat or flavor. They’re all sweet.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I LOVE them. And we plan to overwinter some plants inside the home. We’ve harvested more seeds and will plant those if the overwintering doesn’t work well.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Muse Food – Life Finds A Way

By Cynthia Sax on September 9, 2024

I LOVE seeing plants growing where they shouldn’t logically be growing.

Like this tree flourishing on the edge of a rock cliff.

That life is existing where there, in theory, shouldn’t be life gives me hope. We can beat supposedly unbeatable odds.


Life will find a way.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – September 8

By Cynthia Sax on September 8, 2024

I’ve completed the first round edits for Claiming Cure, the third core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in November), and I’ve returned the manuscript to my Awesome Editor. Woot! We are one step closer to release day. (grins)

I also started crafting Grid Locked, the fourth core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (likely releasing in March).

I think I have a solid opening to this story! One of the most challenging parts of writing, for me, is finding the best place to start a story. There is SO much going on in a character’s life. Deciding when is the best to join up with them can be difficult. But I think I’ve found the right spot.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Wiggle your fingers or your toes if you can. Marvel at how amazing our bodies are. With a mere thought, you can control parts located at the far end of you. Life is truly a gift.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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As The Weather Cools…

By Cynthia Sax on September 7, 2024

Publishers often get excited about beach reads, books that people will bring on summer vacation with them.

I’m more about Fall Books. Both reading them and writing them.

As temperatures lower, I turn pages. (grins) I find a window nook or a place in the sun, wrap a snuggly blanket around me, and I read.

Or I write. I grab a cup of warm beverage and lose myself in my laptop.

It is a wonderful time to read and to write. (smiles)


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Drift Would And Other People’s Assumptions

By Cynthia Sax on September 6, 2024

One of the (many) things my Awesome Mom taught me was…

We can’t control other people’s assumptions about us or about any situation. Sure, we can try to guide these assumptions but we can’t control them. People will think what they want to think.

Roshini, the human heroine of Drift Would, leans into this. She knows the average Humanoid Alliance male thinks human females are purely decorative. The Humanoid Alliance doesn’t believe women have the brains or the strength to do something huge like…lead a rebellion.

Which is exactly what Roshini is doing. (grins) She plays the brainless superficial female the Humanoid Alliance expect her to be while secretly plotting to destroy them all.

And this is WORKING for her. VERY well.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Throwback Thursday – Taking Vengeance

By Cynthia Sax on September 5, 2024

Vengeance, the cyborg hero of Taking Vengeance, hates all humans.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, the human heroine, hates all cyborgs.

When they meet, stars, it is explosive. In more ways than one. (grins)

They truly want to kill each other.

And one of them almost succeeds in doing that.

Taking Vengeance Cyborg Romance

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.

Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.

Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.

Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.

The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.

Taking Vengeance is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

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Reducing The Hoard

By Cynthia Sax on September 4, 2024

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I tend to save too many things.

We’re not at the stage that we’d belong on an episode of Hoarders. And our collections don’t match those built by Gale, the heroine of Warlord Unarmed.

But we do have more than we need.

Which is a privilege. I know that.

I also know that the right thing to do is to give the things to people who DO need them. So the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I are going through our stuff and donating the excess to charity/thrift shops.

We are doing this now, in the Fall/Autumn, as the busiest time for charity/thrift shops is November and December. They’ll have time to sort through our donations and put items on the shelves by then.

It makes me smile to think someone else will gain joy from these things. The universe will be a happier place.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Gardening – Saving Seeds

By Cynthia Sax on September 3, 2024

It is Autumn/Fall-like weather in my corner of the universe. And that means the time for seed saving is nearing an end.

I’ve cracked open dried radish pods and saved those seeds. Pepper seeds have been dried from the peppers we’ve eaten. Tomato seeds from our ‘best’ plants have been fermented and dried. Marigold flowers were deadheaded. Those deadheads were dried and then cracked open to harvest the seeds (I have a plastic takeout container filled with them).

I try to harvest as many different types of seeds as possible. This ensures the plants evolve to flourish in my specific environment. And I am guaranteed to have seeds for the next year. Sometimes there are seed shortages.

Plus these seeds are free! That’s the best price going. (grins)

I store the seeds in airtight takeout containers. I use large meal containers for vast numbers of seeds (like the marigolds) and small sauce containers for the smaller collections. I store them over the winter in our cool, dark, dry basement.

I always feel a little more relaxed when I have harvested seeds. They represent hope for the future.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Muse Food – Try A Different Pen Color

By Cynthia Sax on September 2, 2024

One of the ‘tricks’ I use when the words are stuck is to write long hand (i.e. with pen and paper, not on the computer). That seems to activate a different part of my brain.

Ink colors also seem to activate different parts of my brain. I am more ‘businesslike’ using black ink, as an example, compared to purple ink.

If your muse is giving you trouble, consider changing your process. That might spark some inspiration.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – September 1

By Cynthia Sax on September 1, 2024

Wow. It is September already. This year is flying past!

I received the first round of edits/revisions from my Awesome Editor on Claiming Cure, the third core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in November). She likes it! Woot! That’s always a relief (and never guaranteed).

I’ll be working on those edits this week.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Play a game you loved as a child. Find that joy, that wonder, that freedom again. And laugh. Research says laughter makes us live longer. It certainly makes us live happier. (smiles)


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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