Rereading Before Strive For Forever Releases
Strive For Forever can be read on its own.
If you haven’t read any stories of mine, well…I suggest you read Releasing Rage. (grins) That’s currently free and is a great way to try one of my cyborg romances risk-free.
But if you want Strive For Forever to be your first cyborg romance from me, hey, that’s awesome too! It is a solid entry point.
For long time reading buddies who want to reread some of my cyborg romances before Strive For Forever releases, I, of course, recommend rereading Grin And Bare Him and Raw Desires. Grin and Raw are Strive’s best buddies. They definitely make appearances in his story.
Power and Eirene Ours also make an appearance. But more briefly. So you might wish to reread Seizing Power.
Intrepid makes an even briefer appearance. His story is next. We first ‘meet’ Intrepid on page in Releasing Rage. And he plays a part in Seizing Power also.
Ohhh…I can’t wait to share Strive For Forever with you! (claps) Release Day is almost here!
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Throwback Thursday – North Bound
Steve, the male-eating plant ruler of Balazoid Minor in North Bound, is one of my favorite characters I’ve ever had the good fortunate to write about. He doesn’t speak but he expresses himself VERY clearly and he is so fraggin’ arrogant. I love him.
North and Myrina the Magnificent are awesome also. They are wonderful apart and they are even better when they join forces and fall in love.
North Bound is a fun story and a complete escape from everything around us. (smiles)
North Bound
A mission-focused cyborg battles a captivating and dramatic distraction.
North, the second-in-command of a cyborg crew, has two priorities—he has to explore and collect data on Balazoid Minor, a small planet in their sector, and he must bring his three-being team back to the ship alive and fully functional.
When he encounters his brash, bravado-wielding female, the one being genetically designed for him, he recognizes her for what she is—a distraction that might get him and his brethren killed. He WILL claim her, but only on his terms, when his mission is complete and everyone he is responsible for protecting is safe.
Myrina the Magnificent is the best warrior on her planet and possibly the universe. She has captured an unparalleled fourteen males for her all-female tribe. Once she has secured the fifteenth male, she will be a legend. Her name will live forever. She’ll earn the undying adoration of her sisters. Glory will be hers.
The male in her sights—and in her snare—is a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg with a skill for war and lips designed for kissing. One emotionally charged battle is all it takes for Myrina to realize she wants North for herself. She won’t share his caresses with anyone.
Their forbidden love might be destined to be, but it won’t be easy to maintain. Myrina will have to fight her sisters, an all-powerful male-eating plant, and her cyborg’s unbending will to make North hers and hers alone.
North Bound is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the fifth of six core stories in the Cyborg Space Exploration Series.
Book 1: Choosing Chuckles
Book 2: Doc’s Orders
Book 3: Dominance And Dissent
Book 4: Passion Surge
Book 5: North Bound
Book 6: Testing Truth
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The First Chapter Of Strive For Forever
I shared the first chapter of Strive For Forever here.
It is slightly different than the final first chapter. (sheepish grin) Yes, I changed it a bit. A wee bit. Okay. More than a wee bit. I added a few paragraphs, explaining a past event.
So you should re-read the first chapter when you receive the full story.
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Muse Food – Structures In Disguise
The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I passed this ‘waterfall’ in Japan.
As you likely noticed, the top of it is flat. The ‘rocks’ appear like they’ve been cut directly across.
Because they aren’t rocks.
This is a dam and it originally looked very much like a dam. The surface of it was smooth concrete and was colored a uniform, unnatural gray.
And it was VERY ugly. It didn’t blend into the wonderful greenery around it.
It looked like something the Humanoid Alliance would build.
The dam was recently resurfaced to resemble rock. It looks more natural and blends more into its surroundings. It is something Grin might design.
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Strive For Forever – Fourth Scene Of The First Chapter
Strive For Forever, the fourth core story in the Cyborg Unity series, releases next week! Woot!
Today, I’m sharing the fourth and final scene from the very first chapter.
You can read the first scene here:
“Fraggin’ hole.” Raw was oblivious to his state. “Is that another weapon?” He delved his right hand into the space to grab the pack.
“It’s mine.” Strive pushed his friend away from his prize.
“It isn’t yours, you malfunctioning bag of bolts.” Raw shoved him back. Harder. “This isn’t a pretty rock or an interesting splatter of mud. Weapons are my domain.”
“Stop it.” Grin propelled both of them away from opening. “The contents of the pack were given to us to guard, not to utilize.” He extracted the pack from its hiding place. “In order to properly protect them, we need to process what they are and who might be searching for them. Which is where your expertise is required, Raw.”
Grin opened the pack.
The tantalizing scent intensified. The aroma teased Strive’s nostrils and drove him completely wild. He was overwhelmed with the primitive need to take, to claim, to move the pack far away from anyone and everyone.
“Mine.” He grabbed the pack and turned his back to his friends, hunching over his newfound treasure, protecting it.
“What has gotten into you?” Raw circled Strive. His friend stared him. “You’re acting like…me.”
Raw’s female grinned.
“Strive isn’t you.” Grin’s forehead furrowed. “There’s only one thing or one being I can process that would make him act that way.”
“One being.” Raw repeated those two words. “Ohhh…” His eyes widened. “You’ve found your genetic match.”
“Strive has found an object belonging to his genetic match.” Grin’s expression turned grimmer. “That doesn’t mean he’ll locate that being.”
“All the objects in the pack were stolen by the Humanoid Alliance.” Grin’s female’s tone was equally solemn. “My kind’s guardians died trying to stop that from happening. Others might have died also.”
“My being is alive.” A wildness gripped Strive. She or he had to be alive. He peered into the pack. One of the objects it contained would lead him to the being he was fabricated to protect, to care for, to create a future with.
He grasped the first object. It was a glowing dagger.
“Careful.” Grin’s female hovered closer to him. “We don’t know the powers of the objects or what activates those powers, but Euryale, the being who gave the pack to us, cautioned they were dangerous.”
Strive brought the dagger up to his nose and breathed deeply. The scent clung to it.
But it was less intense than the aroma wafting upward from the pack.
His genetic match could’ve handled it briefly. It hadn’t belonged to her or him.
He passed the dagger to Raw.
“The Humanoid Alliance Commander we…encountered mentioned a magical glowing dagger.” Raw’s female touched the blade. “He said it belonged to a Valkyrie. And she wanted it back.”
“Fraggin’ hole.” Grin cursed. “We aren’t prepared to battle a Valkyrie. They’re some of the best warriors in the universe. And it’s nearly impossible to kill them.”
Strive didn’t care about battles or Valkyries. His focus was on locating his being.
He extracted the objects one by one, smelled them, passed them to Raw.
Until all he was left was the empty pack. The appealing scent originated from it.
He caressed the interior, the handles. The pack had once belonged to his being. His genetic match had touched it, possessed it.
Resolve filled Strive. He had to meet with him or her. “You were given this by a being named Euryale.” That name felt good on his tongue. “Where is this Euryale located?”
Grin exchanged a look with his female. “She was situated on Keid 9, a Humanoid Alliance-controlled planet, when we met with her. But—” He took a ragged breath. “—there’s only a 2.3764 percent probability she’s alive, Strive.”
“She’s alive.” She had to be alive. He couldn’t come so close to finding her and not see her, hold her, claim her.
The universe wouldn’t be that cruel.
Except Strive had witnessed it was that cruel. Again and again.
Despair swept over him. His systems strained.
“Find the calm.” He repeated that mantra and centered his processing on the decadent scent swirling around him. His anguish dissipated. A warmth flowed through him. His emotional system stabilized.
“When we met with Euryale, she was serving as a host to a powerful deity.” Grin’s female’s voice was soft. “She’s human, and that was killing her. Euryale was resigned to death, was almost cheerful about it. And then, when we escaped, a different deity was freed from its container. As we ran to our ship, it was killing the Humanoid Alliance beings, crashing their vessels, crushing their structures. The likelihood of her surviving that violence is—”
“She’s alive.” Strive jutted his jaw. The alternative was unprocessable. “And I will retrieve her.”
Or he would die trying.
She was his future, his hope, his calm. He had to save his female.
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – July 16
I’m continuing to work on the first draft of Intrepid Encounter, the fifth core story in the Cyborg Unity series (releasing in November). I love this story already and I think you’ll love it also!
I shared the third scene of Strive For Forever this week. The fourth and final scene in the first chapter will be shared tomorrow. Woot! That means release day is almost here.
Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a little treat like a new-to-you book or a decadent piece of chocolate. Say kind words to yourself. You look amazing and you ROCK! (more hugs)
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Strive For Forever And Adam
Euryale, the heroine of Strive For Forever, refers to the lifeforce inhabiting her form as Adam. She believes she gave the entity that name. He didn’t volunteer it.
Because I suspect, being all powerful, he ‘helped’ her come up with Adam. Adam is super controlling. He would only allow his host to call him by a name he approved.
The Adam I always think about, when I hear that name, is the Adam in the Bible, the first man on Earth according to Christian religions.
Adam, in Strive For Forever, likes to be thought about as being ‘first’ also – first in his host’s thoughts, first in any hierarchy, first on the list of most powerful entities.
Yes, he is VERY secure about his self-worth…and he has a right to be that way. He IS extremely powerful.
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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The Bell Peppers Have Been Sacrificed
Most of the bell peppers have been nibbled to nothing by slugs and insects and other wildlife.
That is sad on one hand. The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I grew the bell peppers from seed, starting them in the basement grow station. The Awesome Mom-In-Law took care of them while we went on a 3 week vacation. They were pretty and had huge shiny green leaves and they looked strong.
And now, they’re dead.
But on the other hand, this means there were slugs and insects and other wildlife to eat them. (smiles) Part of our goal is to create a backyard that supports critters, that critters thrive in.
And we did that! Slugs are a valuable part of the ecosystem. They munch on dead plants and fallen branches and they improve the soil. They’re doing well in our backyard.
We’ll buy a box of bell peppers from a local farmer. (shrugs) That is an easy solution.
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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Throwback Thursday – Dominance And Dissent
One of the (many) things I love about Dominance And Dissent is Dissent’s relationship and love for Nibbler, the baby miljoonasuut he rescues from a vendor.
The average person wouldn’t view miljoonasuuts as lovable creatures. They are huge terrestrial crustaceans, similar to the tiny pill bugs/rollie pollies/potato bugs we have here on Earth.
Yet Dissent LOVES them.
Because Dissent loves almost all creatures (the Humanoid Alliance being one of the few exceptions). He has space in his huge cyborg heart for many entities.
Including, of course, Greer, his equally generous human female. He adores her, would trade his lifespan for hers with any hesitation.

Dominance And Dissent
To earn the love of his curvy human, this cyborg will have to set her free.
Dissent has one primary mission—to find his female and protect her.
He doesn’t know who she is, where she’s situated, or what she looks like. That doesn’t stop him from searching the universe for her. He’s a cyborg and he’s determined. He WILL track her down.
While the J Model warrior is exploring a settlement on a merchant planet, he hears a defiant scream. Dissent has finally located the one being he’s genetically compatible with. He rushes to his little human’s side, ready and willing to defend her, eager to claim his female…forever.
Greer has only one dream—to be free. She’s been a slave her entire lifespan, has been subjected to soul-crushing abuse and pride-shredding humiliation. When an opportunity to escape presents itself, she takes it. Steps away from independence, she’s apprehended.
As she looks death in the face, waiting for the final strike, a tall, handsome cyborg warrior saves her. He exudes power, makes her tremble with desire, is unlike any of the males she’s ever known…except in one heartbreaking way.
He wants to own her.
As Dissent and Greer battle for dominance, danger looms. An enemy from the past has returned. He’s heavily armed, he’s not alone, and his sole goal is to kill both of them.
Dominance And Dissent is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an overprotective cyborg, a defiant slave, and a ravenous baby creature who is determined to eat his way through an entire settlement.
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Strive And Not Having To Earn Income As An Artist
One thing that I love about Strive, the artist hero of Strive For Forever, is, because he’s a cyborg, he doesn’t have to earn an income. He can create anything he wishes and not have to worry about the financial consequences.
That’s so fraggin’ freeing. And I hope for that for all artists.
His big wish, however, is that his art is understood and appreciated.
Which is a completely different challenge. (grins)
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Strive For Forever
This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.
Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.
Soon, she’ll die.
Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.
Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.
While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.
The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.
There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.
And she is in danger.
Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.
Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.
Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.
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