Needing Valor And Omicron
Halleli, the heroine of Needing Valor, lives on the planet Adhafera Omicron.
I wrote this story long before the Omicron variant appeared and I wasn’t paying attention to where we were in the naming sequence of the variants. I thought we were well past Omicron.
(head slap)
Yep, I made a mistake and I’m sorry if that has, in any way, interfered with your joy regarding this thank you story, my gift to you.
(Makes a note to research which numbering/lettering system scientists plan to use for variants after they’ve worked their way through Greek letters so I can avoid that same system for future planet names)
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Needing Valor
This not-at-all-dead cyborg needs to be needed.
Seeking a change after solar cycles of war, Halleli enters a lottery on her home planet. Her wishes are granted. She wins a home of her own in the middle of nowhere.
The only problem is…that home is haunted.
Objects slide off horizontal surfaces. The floor howls. And the resident ghost, a sexy spirit she has named Chad, roams the space. He sports soulful dark eyes, a deep growly voice, and shiny silver hands big enough to handle a female’s abundant curves.
Halleli wants him, and that is wrong, so very wrong. A relationship between them is impossible. He is dead. And she is…not.
Valor isn’t dead. He isn’t a ghost. And his name isn’t Chad. He’s an E Model cyborg determined to claim his female…once he can convince her he’s alive.
Achieving that feat might require clever words, some heated kisses…and a whole lot of explosives.
Needing Valor is a short, light, companion story in the Rebel Cyborgs series and is meant to be read after B Free.
This Cyborg Romance features a permanently damaged yet very much alive E Model warrior, a courageous open-minded humanoid female, and a deadly domicile of horrors.
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Needing Valor And A Certain Character’s Name
Reading buddies have been asking me if the newest member of the cyborg family has a name yet. This new cyborg is first mentioned in B Free. We find out at the end of Needing Valor that a certain event involving him has happened but there is no name attributed to him.
His name WILL be mentioned in Seizing Power (releasing in February). You can likely guess what it will be based on the cyborg preference of using names of fallen loved ones.
Why is there a delay in sharing his name?
Cyborgs value names and, often, they either choose their own or they give the suggested name their approval. That requires processing and a bit of time. They might wish to research the meanings of names and the histories of the beings who have utilized those names in the past.
When cyborgs do finally reveal their names, they share some of their private selves with the us and with the rest of the universe. That’s a huge step for beings who were once viewed as interchangeable machines. That process shouldn’t be rushed.
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Needing Valor
This not-at-all-dead cyborg needs to be needed.
Seeking a change after solar cycles of war, Halleli enters a lottery on her home planet. Her wishes are granted. She wins a home of her own in the middle of nowhere.
The only problem is…that home is haunted.
Objects slide off horizontal surfaces. The floor howls. And the resident ghost, a sexy spirit she has named Chad, roams the space. He sports soulful dark eyes, a deep growly voice, and shiny silver hands big enough to handle a female’s abundant curves.
Halleli wants him, and that is wrong, so very wrong. A relationship between them is impossible. He is dead. And she is…not.
Valor isn’t dead. He isn’t a ghost. And his name isn’t Chad. He’s an E Model cyborg determined to claim his female…once he can convince her he’s alive.
Achieving that feat might require clever words, some heated kisses…and a whole lot of explosives.
Needing Valor is a short, light, companion story in the Rebel Cyborgs series and is meant to be read after B Free.
This Cyborg Romance features a permanently damaged yet very much alive E Model warrior, a courageous open-minded humanoid female, and a deadly domicile of horrors.
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Throwback Thursday – North Bound
North Bound features one of my all time favorite secondary characters – Steve, the male-eating plant. Steve is sentient, extremely aggressive and considers himself to be the supreme ruler of his planet. He allows Myrina the Magnificent, the heroine, and her sisters of the heart to live there.
Steve isn’t as accommodating with North, the cyborg warrior second-in-command on the Reckless. These two dominant beings clash…violently. Myrina the Magnificent has her hands full dealing with them. (grins)
North Bound
A mission-focused cyborg battles a captivating and dramatic distraction.
North, the second-in-command of a cyborg crew, has two priorities—he has to explore and collect data on Balazoid Minor, a small planet in their sector, and he must bring his three-being team back to the ship alive and fully functional.
When he encounters his brash, bravado-wielding female, the one being genetically designed for him, he recognizes her for what she is—a distraction that might get him and his brethren killed. He WILL claim her, but only on his terms, when his mission is complete and everyone he is responsible for protecting is safe.
Myrina the Magnificent is the best warrior on her planet and possibly the universe. She has captured an unparalleled fourteen males for her all-female tribe. Once she has secured the fifteenth male, she will be a legend. Her name will live forever. She’ll earn the undying adoration of her sisters. Glory will be hers.
The male in her sights—and in her snare—is a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg with a skill for war and lips designed for kissing. One emotionally charged battle is all it takes for Myrina to realize she wants North for herself. She won’t share his caresses with anyone.
Their forbidden love might be destined to be, but it won’t be easy to maintain. Myrina will have to fight her sisters, an all-powerful male-eating plant, and her cyborg’s unbending will to make North hers and hers alone.
North Bound is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the fifth of six core stories in the Cyborg Space Exploration Series.
Book 1: Choosing Chuckles
Book 2: Doc’s Orders
Book 3: Dominance And Dissent
Book 4: Passion Surge
Book 5: North Bound
Book 6: Testing Truth
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Needing Valor Releases!
Needing Valor, this year’s thank you short story, is available to be downloaded for FREE on BookFunnel! Woot!
We first met Valor in Containing Malice and he is SO deserving of love.
I hope you enjoy this gift from me to you.
Needing Valor
This not-at-all-dead cyborg needs to be needed.
Seeking a change after solar cycles of war, Halleli enters a lottery on her home planet. Her wishes are granted. She wins a home of her own in the middle of nowhere.
The only problem is…that home is haunted.
Objects slide off horizontal surfaces. The floor howls. And the resident ghost, a sexy spirit she has named Chad, roams the space. He sports soulful dark eyes, a deep growly voice, and shiny silver hands big enough to handle a female’s abundant curves.
Halleli wants him, and that is wrong, so very wrong. A relationship between them is impossible. He is dead. And she is…not.
Valor isn’t dead. He isn’t a ghost. And his name isn’t Chad. He’s an E Model cyborg determined to claim his female…once he can convince her he’s alive.
Achieving that feat might require clever words, some heated kisses…and a whole lot of explosives.
Needing Valor is a short, light, companion story in the Rebel Cyborgs series and is meant to be read after B Free.
This Cyborg Romance features a permanently damaged yet very much alive E Model warrior, a courageous open-minded humanoid female, and a deadly domicile of horrors.
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B Free And What We Leave Behind
Quinn, the heroine of B Free, is a researcher, a variation on an archeologist. She excavates the terrain inhabited by older civilizations, looking at what those beings left behind for clues as to how they lived.
While writing B Free, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what I’d leave behind. My stories might exist for a while. That would be wonderful. But I’d be pleased if my legacy was merely making a few reading buddies happy and maybe inspiring someone to write their own cyborg romances.
What would you like to leave behind?
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B Free
B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.
Or so he believes.
When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.
What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.
Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.
When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.
She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.
Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.
B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.
B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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More Containers
These containers, displayed in the Altos de Chavon Regional Museum of Archaeology in La Romana, Dominican Republic, were likely brought to the area on ships from Spain.
I think Quinn, the heroine from B Free, would love them. She couldn’t read them as they aren’t metal but she’d find them interesting.
I loved the color of this container. It was large. I would have to use both arms to hold it.
This container was much smaller…is the size of a large beer stein. I could envision the cyborgs drinking fermented beverage out of it.
This container is about the same size as the first one. I liked the warping of it.
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B Free
B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.
Or so he believes.
When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.
What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.
Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.
When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.
She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.
Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.
B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.
B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – December 5th
Seizing Power, the fifth core story in the Rebel Cyborgs series, remains with my Awesome Editor. I hope she loves it as much as I do. (crosses fingers)
I did a whole lot of nothing this past week and it was glorious. (grins) I slept in. I spent time with the Dear Wonderful Hubby and other loved ones. I completed some light writing business tasks but nothing too intense.
And I dreamed. Quite a bit. I dreamed of future stories, of cyborgs and brave, daring heroines and yes, I dreamed a bit about aliens.
I still haven’t decided whether to write Odium’s story or the standalone alien romance that has been haunting me next. If I write the alien romance, Odium’s story will likely release in June instead of in May.
Have an absolutely wonderful week, my friends. (snuggly hugs) Sleep in if you can. Sip on a favorite beverage. Browse your virtual or physical bookshelves. Revisit your favorite book characters. Remember how you felt when you met them for the first time—that joy, that happiness, that love.
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B Free
B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.
Or so he believes.
When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.
What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.
Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.
When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.
She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.
Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.
B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.
B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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2022 Upcoming Releases
I usually give you a monthly update, sharing which stories will be releasing next.
I KNOW Seizing Power, Power and Eirene Ours/Cadet’s story will be releasing in February. The submission draft of that story (which I LOVE) has been sent to my Awesome Editor. I think you’ll really enjoy this cyborg romance.
I KNOW I will also be writing…
Provoking Odium – featuring Odium. We first meet him in Under Strain.
Grin And Bare Him – featuring Grin. We first meet him in Breathing Vapor.
Raw Desires – featuring Raw. We first meet him in Breathing Vapor.
Strive For Forever – featuring Strive. We first meet him in Breathing Vapor. (Grin, Raw and Strive are best buddies. It is fitting that they find their females at the same time.)
Intrepid Encounter – featuring Intrepid. We first meet him in Releasing Rage.
But I also have a great idea for a truly standalone alien romance. And that idea won’t let me rest. So I MIGHT write it before I write Provoking Odium.
I have exciting stories to write but no release dates yet. I will know those release dates in January…hopefully. (grins)
2022 is going to ROCK! Woot!
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B Free
B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.
Or so he believes.
When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.
What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.
Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.
When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.
She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.
Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.
B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.
B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Cyborgs And Undergarments
A reading buddy asked me, “Do cyborgs wear underwear?”
No. (grins) They don’t wear underwear.
I doubt they’d wear underwear if they lived here on Earth with us. They are commando type of males. Heck, they don’t like wearing outer garments. They’d walk around naked all the time if that was feasible.
In the cyborg world, however, undergarments are usually built into the outer garments. A human female’s flight suit, for example, would have a built-in breast support. There would be no need for a bra. Yay!
(Beings, situated on the different planets the cyborgs visit, might wear undergarments if that is part of their culture, however.)
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B Free
B is the last remaining B Model cyborg. All of his brethren, the beings he trained with, fought with, cared deeply for, have perished.
Or so he believes.
When he intercepts a communication mentioning the existence of one of his kind, he has to investigate its source. The message could be a trap set by his enemies. He’ll take that risk if it secures him the companionship he requires to be fully functional.
What he finds is a daring brown-eyed female who activates all his systems. She proudly proclaims she’s a researcher, brandishing that information like a weapon before her. He wants to kiss the sass off her beautiful face, protect her from the dangers around them, claim her forever.
Quinn is on a quest to locate the mechanics of an early-version cyborg. She believes the information captured within that frame will give her valuable insights into the past.
When her mission goes zombie-like beings levels of wrong, she comes face-to-face with a living, breathing B Model. He has big hands, a primitive countenance, and stern hard lips crafted for kissing.
She doesn’t trust him. And she doesn’t have time to indulge her desires.
Their shared enemies are chasing them, would kill to get their precious specimens back. One minor mistake could reduce B and Quinn to a mere line in the databases of history.
B Free is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features the sole surviving B Model cyborg warrior, a courageous researcher seeking to uncover the past, and an unplanned visit to a settlement ruled by an extremely scary all-knowing, all-powerful being.
B Free is the fourth of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Throwback Thursday – Dominance And Dissent
Cyborgs, after enduring many human lifespans of having to stifle their emotions, have a LOT of love to give. They lavish love on their females, their offspring, each other and other beings. Some, like Green, adore plants.
Dissent, the hero of Dominance And Dissent, adores angry little killer creatures called miljoonasuuts. They look like huge pill bugs. And they eat everything and everyone they encounter.
While Dissent is in the midst of saving one, he encounters another lifeform in need of assistance—Greer, the female destined to be his.

Dominance And Dissent
To earn the love of his curvy human, this cyborg will have to set her free.
Dissent has one primary mission—to find his female and protect her.
He doesn’t know who she is, where she’s situated, or what she looks like. That doesn’t stop him from searching the universe for her. He’s a cyborg and he’s determined. He WILL track her down.
While the J Model warrior is exploring a settlement on a merchant planet, he hears a defiant scream. Dissent has finally located the one being he’s genetically compatible with. He rushes to his little human’s side, ready and willing to defend her, eager to claim his female…forever.
Greer has only one dream—to be free. She’s been a slave her entire lifespan, has been subjected to soul-crushing abuse and pride-shredding humiliation. When an opportunity to escape presents itself, she takes it. Steps away from independence, she’s apprehended.
As she looks death in the face, waiting for the final strike, a tall, handsome cyborg warrior saves her. He exudes power, makes her tremble with desire, is unlike any of the males she’s ever known…except in one heartbreaking way.
He wants to own her.
As Dissent and Greer battle for dominance, danger looms. An enemy from the past has returned. He’s heavily armed, he’s not alone, and his sole goal is to kill both of them.
Dominance And Dissent is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an overprotective cyborg, a defiant slave, and a ravenous baby creature who is determined to eat his way through an entire settlement.
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