Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 21st
I found this image in stock photo and thought you might enjoy it. The pink water lily represents Truth’s pink-wearing Princess and the gray leaves symbolize Truth, a D Model cyborg with gray skin. It is one of those magical images we find every so often that are exactly right for the story.
I sent my newsletter this week! If you are subscribed and didn’t receive it, reach out to me and I’ll share it with you. It features a bit of Eirene Ours’ childhood and is a heart-warming slice of Ghost, Lethe and her life. They are such a happy little family. I hope reading it will give you joy.
I wrote more chapters in Baring Grudge, the third story in the Rebel Cyborgs series (releasing in August). Amanda, my awesome cover designer, has almost finalized the cover for this story. I can’t wait for you to see it! It is man titty delicious! (grins)
I hope to complete the first draft of Baring Grudge this week (knock on wood). That’s my big goal. There will be at least 2 more drafts before I send it to my Awesome Editor (for 3 more rounds of revisions/edits). But I always feel a bit better having the first draft done. As a wonderful editor once told me, she can help a writer fix a messy first draft. She can’t write that first draft.
Have a wonderful week, my friends! Send virtual hugs to loved ones. (big hugs) Read some great romance novels. Find beauty all around you. You are amazing. You are kind. You are loved. Never forget that!
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Containing Malice
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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How Long Should Your Book Series Be?
I shared my thoughts on The Wicked Writing Corner about how many stories a series should have (I’ve figured out the right length for my series but that likely won’t be the right length for every writer or every series.)
Here is a snippet…
“I’m a pantser, a writer who writes by the seat of her pants. Sometimes, I’ll start a series with the intention of it being X stories long and the series becomes X+12 stories long. That happens. I write as many stories as I have to write to give readers a satisfactory end to the series.
But my ideal series length at this moment is five.
That’s because I’m self-published so I know my publisher (me – grins) will give me those five stories to run with. It is because my current favorite marketing strategy is to price the first story in the series, after a few years of being published, at permafree. And it is because, in cyborg romance, I see readership of a series dramatically drop off after five stories.
That might not be your ideal series length.”
You can read the full post here –
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Containing Malice
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Under Strain And Dinosaur Planets
Much of the action in Under Strain, the second Rebel Cyborgs story (releasing in May), occurs on Rohini 9, a dinosaur planet.
You KNOW I couldn’t resist that type of setting for long. I’m proud of myself for waiting this many stories to visit a dinosaur planet. I LOVE dinosaurs, real or fictional. I’ve been on digs. I’m a Jurassic park/world fan. When I was a babysitter, I was a hit with many kids because I could talk dinosaurs with them.
Looking at this setting from a science point of view, there is no reason why there couldn’t be dinosaur planets. If there hadn’t been a triggering event here, Earth might still be a dinosaur planet.
The cyborgs, especially Grudge and Rancor, have an absolute blast with them. And I hope you’ll enjoy this planet also.
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Under Strain
A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.
Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.
That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.
A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.
Strain wants to claim her. Forever.
Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.
When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.
She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.
Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.
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Throwback Thursday – Releasing Rage
Releasing Rage was the first cyborg romance I ever wrote.
I wrote it for myself. Two of my favorite cyborg romance writers were taking a break from their series at the same time. I was craving my cyborg romance hit, was bellyaching about it to the Dear Wonderful Hubby. He pointed out that I was a writer. I should write my own cyborg romances.
So I did.
When I finished Releasing Rage, I thought other cyborg romance reading buddies (I SEE you!) might enjoy it also.
Releasing Rage should be currently FREE everywhere.
If you enjoyed this story, I hope you will suggest other readers try it. The more cyborg romance readers we have, the more cyborg romances other writers will write. That’s a win for everyone!
Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.
Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.
Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.
When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?
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Reading Green Today

Many of my ancestors came to Canada from Ireland during the Potato Famine. Canada’s resources were swamped but they kept accepting immigrants because that was the humane thing to do. I’m grateful for that, grateful to the residents who opened their arms and their hearts to my ancestors.
My Grandma and Grandpa on my Mom’s side would do fun (and so not traditional) things on St. Patrick’s Day every year, ensuring we all knew about our roots and how lucky we were.
My Grandpa, a huge music lover, would play The Unicorn by The Irish Rovers. He would play the juice harp (that’s what he called it because he claimed it required a lot of spit – grins) along with the record. We would dance and sing.
My Grandma would make her famed potato buns, which we devoured in mass quantities and got our hands lightly slapped if we tried to sneak them.
We would all wear green. That, my Grandparents would tell us, would bring us luck in the upcoming year.
Today, I’m wearing green AND I will be reading romance novels with green covers.
If you’re looking to do the same, Being Green, a free short story is a great choice for a cyborg romance. Green isn’t actually green. He gave himself that name because he loves all vegetation, especially his beloved plant Windy.
Dark Strength is a great choice for an alien romance. Balvan is the great green gatekeeper of the Refuge, Kralj and Dita’s settlement.
I’m wishing you love and luck and happiness today and always. (big hugs)
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Green, a cyborg warrior, cares for one being—his plant Windy. When Windy becomes sick, he’ll do anything to heal her, even venture across the universe to visit a worlds-renowned plant doctor.
He doesn’t expect to find love.
Doctor Shelby Cooper is the sole resident of a tiny planet. She prefers to be alone rather than risk caring for another being and then losing him. The curvaceous scientist is determined to resist Green’s patient caresses, his thought-burning kisses, his slow seduction.
She has underestimated the power of a cyborg’s passion.
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Medieval Beast Shifters Releases!
Woot! Today is the release day for Medieval Beast Shifters!
This is a collection of three short(er) stories under C.S. Sax. They feature beast shifter heroes and are set in a medieval fantasy world. They are light and fun and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Medieval Beast Shifters
Three shapeshifting warriors—a unicorn, a phoenix and a griffin—court their human maidens while battling ancient prophecies and powerful enemies.
They are dominant and determined, masters of their medieval kingdoms and beings of legend. These magical knights of old are destined to love their ladies until the end of time. They will do anything for their fated mates, will battle for the right to hold them, touch them, make them theirs.
The Unicorn And The Virgin (The Unicorn Prince) – ‘Beware the virgin. Chastity brings death.’ That is the prophecy Reiter, the prince of the unicorns, has spent his life evading. Unbeknownst to him, his mate, the daring and brave Princess Lizbeth, is more innocent than she seems.
Return Of The Phoenix (The Phoenix) – Phoenix’s child bride is all grown up and demanding to be released from her wedding vows. Lord Phoenix has other plans for his fire sorceress mate. He hopes to be reborn in her flames.
Griffin’s Vow (The Griffin) – Lord Griffin tried to woo his mate using the principles of courtly love. She accepted his passion but not his proposals. Now, the rough, gruff warrior seeks to win her his way…while warding off a powerful and deadly rival.
Escape into a medieval fantasy world with these three lunch-hour-length romances.
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The Mafia Squirrels

I’ve shared a story about our backyard Mafia Squirrels on Dragon’s Book Hoarde.
Here is a snippet…
“In the Fall, the Mafia Squirrels hide the excess food on our exterior windowsills and in the barbeque and other places. If we touch it, we invoke their wrath. During the Winter, they hide their ill-gotten gains in the snow.
That creates a problem in the Spring (right now). The snow melts and birds can spot these treats from the sky. When the birds swoop down to eat the bounty on the ground, they also see the hoards on the windowsills.
This happens almost every year. And the scenario unfolds usually the same way.
It is total chaos, an all-out war between the birds and the Mafia Squirrels.”
You can read the entire post here:
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Containing Malice
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 14th

I’m still working on the first draft of Baring Grudge (releasing in August). I love Grudge. I love his female. I love his and her relationship with the Cyborg Retrieval Team. I can’t wait to write Cadet’s story. This series is so fraggin’ exciting to me.
Medieval Beast Shifters, published under C.S. Sax, is releasing on Tuesday. This is a collection of three short (er) stories. Each one features a different beast shifter – a unicorn, a phoenix and a griffin – and these steamy stories are all connected.
I’ll also continue to write Baring Grudge and…well…that’s about it on the writing front. (grins) A writer’s life isn’t very exciting, especially when we’re deep in a story.
The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I WILL be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day this year but in a quieter manner. Our section of the universe is in extreme lockdown so we will be staying at home, wearing our green and I’ll likely be cranking up The Unicorn by The Irish Rovers, a song my Grandpa would often play for his gazillion grandkids on St. Patrick’s Day.
Have a wonderful week, my friends! Stay as safe as you can and try to enjoy each day!
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Medieval Beast Shifters
Three shapeshifting warriors—a unicorn, a phoenix and a griffin—court their human maidens while battling ancient prophecies and powerful enemies.
They are dominant and determined, masters of their medieval kingdoms and beings of legend. These magical knights of old are destined to love their ladies until the end of time. They will do anything for their fated mates, will battle for the right to hold them, touch them, make them theirs.
The Unicorn And The Virgin (The Unicorn Prince) – ‘Beware the virgin. Chastity brings death.’ That is the prophecy Reiter, the prince of the unicorns, has spent his life evading. Unbeknownst to him, his mate, the daring and brave Princess Lizbeth, is more innocent than she seems.
Return Of The Phoenix (The Phoenix) – Phoenix’s child bride is all grown up and demanding to be released from her wedding vows. Lord Phoenix has other plans for his fire sorceress mate. He hopes to be reborn in her flames.
Griffin’s Vow (The Griffin) – Lord Griffin tried to woo his mate using the principles of courtly love. She accepted his passion but not his proposals. Now, the rough, gruff warrior seeks to win her his way…while warding off a powerful and deadly rival.
Escape into a medieval fantasy world with these three lunch-hour-length romances.
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Visiting With Past Characters

One of the (many) things I love about writing in the same world is, from time to time, we can visit with characters we’ve met in previous stories. This will happen often in the Rebel Cyborgs series.
The entire cyborg retrieval team made some appearances in the Cyborg Space Exploration series. Although at the time, we didn’t realize who they were or what their names were.
Ghost and Lethe, one of my favorite couples, make a brief appearance in Containing Malice. Their story was Ghost Of A Machine in the Cyborg Sizzle series. This couple will be referred to often due to their relationship with and influence on Cadet.
Power, the arrogant E Model hero of the fifth and final Rebel Cyborgs story, has made appearances throughout both previous series. His story will definitely feature some past couples.
Baring Grudge, which I’m writing at the moment, will include some characters from Chasing Mayhem. This third story in the Rebel Cyborgs series will be explosive. (grins)
Do you need to read these other stories to enjoy Rebel Cyborgs? No, not at all. The stories in Rebel Cyborgs can be read on their own. But I’m hoping these cameos will make some series reading buddies smile.
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Containing Malice
This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.
Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.
His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.
He wants her. He also seeks retribution.
Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.
Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.
The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.
Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.
Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Redeeming Strain

The second story in the Rebel Cyborgs series is Under Strain (releasing in May). As soon as I ‘met’ Strain on page, when he tried to attack the heroine of Containing Malice, I was intrigued. I wanted to know why he was so hostile, why he hates humans with that intensity.
Strain is extremely damaged. He makes Malice look like he’s well adjusted. (smiles) He, of all the cyborgs, is the warrior Cadet believes is most like Ghost, another severely damage cyborg.
Cadet and Grudge and the rest of the cyborg retrieval team, however, believe in him. They see something special, something worthy in Strain.
There is a huge gap between being worthy of a team and being able to love and be loved. It will take a unique female to embrace Strain.
Kamyelle, the heroine of Under Strain, is certainly unique. (grins)
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Under Strain
A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.
Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.
That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.
A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.
Strain wants to claim her. Forever.
Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.
When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.
She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.
Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.
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