Here is a teaser from Warlord’s Mercy, my most recent release.
Her height and size brought out his protective side. The universe was a dangerous place for someone so fragile, so exquisite, so beautiful. The daggers secured in her garment’s built-in sheaths weren’t enough to safeguard her.
And she was alone.
He shifted his weight from his right booted foot to his left. The wound in his right thigh throbbed, the pain reminding him of the last time he’d shown a human female mercy.
Berke’s gerel, his enemy’s human female, had stabbed him with a dagger.
The ungrateful male had left her alone in the midst of danger. Tolui had grabbed her, had planned to take her with him before he blew up Berke’s ship,
She had been…unappreciative.
This new female might be unappreciative also, but he couldn’t walk away from her, not until he was certain of her situation.
Chameles looked unfavorably on humans, didn’t appreciate differences as he did. They discarded unmated females and orphaned children, forcing them into isolation, treating them as though they were worthless, a drain on their resources.
He shook his head. Berke and his kind also valued strength, a characteristic the little female didn’t have.
She was tiny and different. The female had likely been abandoned…as he had been. His lips flattened. He would ensure she wasn’t harmed, would offer her a home.
The arrangement would have to be platonic. Although he wanted her…badly, she was too small for his usage. His needs were too dark and twisted for her. He would break her into pieces.
And that would be his greatest transgression in a long lifespan of wrongdoing.
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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.
She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.
* * *
Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.
That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.
After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.
He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.
Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.
* * *
Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.
Book 1: Warlord Sky
Book 2: Warlord’s Bounty
Book 3: Warlord Unarmed
Book 4: Warlord Reunited
Book 5: Warlord’s Mercy
Book 6: Warlord’s Return
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