Dominance And Dissent Releases!
Woot! Dominance And Dissent, the third story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series, released today!
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Dominance And Dissent
To earn the love of his curvy human, this cyborg will have to set her free.
Dissent has one primary mission—to find his female and protect her.
He doesn’t know who she is, where she’s situated, or what she looks like. That doesn’t stop him from searching the universe for her. He’s a cyborg and he’s determined. He WILL track her down.
While the J Model warrior is exploring a settlement on a merchant planet, he hears a defiant scream. Dissent has finally located the one being he’s genetically compatible with. He rushes to his little human’s side, ready and willing to defend her, eager to claim his female…forever.
Greer has only one dream—to be free. She’s been a slave her entire lifespan, has been subjected to soul-crushing abuse and pride-shredding humiliation. When an opportunity to escape presents itself, she takes it. Steps away from independence, she’s apprehended.
As she looks death in the face, waiting for the final strike, a tall, handsome cyborg warrior saves her. He exudes power, makes her tremble with desire, is unlike any of the males she’s ever known…except in one heartbreaking way.
He wants to own her.
As Dissent and Greer battle for dominance, danger looms. An enemy from the past has returned. He’s heavily armed, he’s not alone, and his sole goal is to kill both of them.
Dominance And Dissent is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an overprotective cyborg, a defiant slave, and a ravenous baby creature who is determined to eat his way through an entire settlement.
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Dominance And Dissent – The Fourth Scene Of The First Chapter
Dominance And Dissent, the next story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series, will be releasing on November 12th.
If you wish to read the first scene from the first chapter, you can find it here:
Today, I’m sharing the fourth and final scene in the first chapter.
“I will fight you.” Hope buoyed the offspring’s defiant words. “I will devour you. There will be nothing left except your bones.”
Cyborgs didn’t have bones. They had metal frames.
Dissent ignored the little one’s threats. I require use of one of the shuttle crafts. He added an image of the miljoonasuut to his transmission to North and Truth.
Captain will not allow that creature on the Reckless. North stated a fact he already knew.
Captain was protective of his crew, his female, his offspring. He wouldn’t authorize a skilled predator to board the warship.
And Dissent would never place them at risk like that.
That’s why I require use of one of the shuttle crafts. He formed a plan. I’ll transport the miljoonasuut to Khambalia 5 directly. The offspring won’t board the Reckless.
“This bastard might be small.” A heavily scarred and repugnantly smelly Deneb removed the fabric from the miljoonasuut’s cage. “But it is a killing machine.”
His tone was similar to those the humans had utilized when they had tortured him. It contained glee and malice.
Dissent didn’t straighten, didn’t turn his head toward the male. The offspring was his focus.
“We were attacked by a full-grown one when we landed on its planet.” The Deneb continued to yammer. “That big bastard devoured six of my males, ate two of my fingers.” He held up one of his hands, showing Dissent the stubs. “It took a missile launcher to down it. These bastards might be tough on the outside, but they’re soft on the inside. There was goo everywhere.”
The humanoid laughed at a joke Dissent found no humor in.
The creature the Deneb had blasted must have been the offspring’s father. Anger built within him. The fully grown miljoonasuut had been trying to protect his young, had lost his life in the process. He deserved respect, not ridicule.
“The cold brightness has returned.” The offspring attempted to hide his eyes. “I will defeat it.”
“Put the cloth back.” Dissent frowned at the little creature. “You’re damaging him.”
“It’s mine to damage.” The Deneb shrugged. “Unless you wish to purchase it.” He extracted a handheld from a holster. “That will cost you one hundred thousand credits.”
That was the price of a used shuttle craft. But it was ridiculously low for a life.
“I’ll buy it.” He was grateful the miljoonasuut didn’t understand the universal language, didn’t realize he was being purchased as one might purchase a gun or a garment…or a cyborg. “Put the cloth back.”
“I have to see the credits first.”
The Deneb wanted to torture the creature. Dissent heard that in his voice.
“It is a large amount and—”
Dissent lifted the male and slammed him against the side of the stall.
The Deneb gasped.
Dissent brought his face close to the male’s. “You. Will. Put. The. Cloth. Back.” He said that between gritted teeth.
The male’s gaze lowered to the letter and number inked on Dissent’s left cheek. “Cyborg.” His face turned a darker shade of green.
If you kill him, his kind might seek revenge. Truth appeared by Dissent’s side. That will put our females in danger.
Dissent would never do that. “I am a cyborg.” He glared at the Deneb. “And the creatures on Khambalia 5 are under my protection. If you land on that planet again, I will hear about it and I will hunt you down. There is nowhere in the universe you can hide from me, and when I catch you, I will kill you…slowly, painfully. You’ll wish for death long before I grant you that peace.”
“Won’t. Land. There.” The Deneb’s eyes were wide with fear. “Ever. Again.” Liquid splattered on the pebbles by his booted feet.
The scent of urine tainted the air.
He has received your message, J Model. Truth transmitted dryly. Let him go.
Dissent reluctantly lowered the male until his boots touched the ground. “I’m transferring one hundred thousand and ten credits to your account.” He unhooked a handheld from his waistband and bumped it against the male’s device, making the connection. “I’m taking the cage and the cloth also.”
“Yes, sir.” The male hurriedly placed the cloth over the cage.
The miljoonasuut’s sounds of anger stopped. That eased some of Dissent’s own fury.
You can’t protect every creature in the sector, J Model. Truth shook his head.
I can protect this creature. Dissent lifted the cage containing the offspring. “Are you hungry, Nibbler?” He switched to the miljoonasuut’s language.
Nibbler? Truth groaned. You’ve named it?
He hadn’t viewed it to be the offspring’s name. But it did suit him. And miljoonasuuts, being solitary creatures, didn’t give themselves names.
“I will call you Nibbler.” Dissent held the cage higher. “You’ll be safe with me.”
The delay in finding his not-yet-identified female concerned him. Greatly. But she had survived until now without him. There was an 87.2695 percent probability she could survive for a few more planet rotations on her own.
During the interval, he would have a little creature to care for, to protect.
To love.
His chest expanded with happiness. His soul filled with purpose.
“Fight me, two legs.”
The offspring would battle his caring. The miljoonasuut was determined to view him as an enemy.
That was proof of Nibbler’s intelligence. Humans and humanoids weren’t to be trusted and that’s how the creature viewed him—as a human or humanoid. The miljoonasuut had no knowledge of cyborgs.
“I will source nourishment.” Dissent assured the little creature, hoping to appease him.
He must be ravenous. Miljoonasuuts constantly ate, devouring everything in their path, and Nibbler was growing, would require more nourishment.
Dissent glanced around. “Where is the Deneb?” He didn’t see the male.
There’s a 94.5693 percent probability he’s hiding from you. Truth’s eyes glittered. Or he could be changing his ass coverings.
The humanoid couldn’t assist him.
We require nourishment. He had a hungry offspring to feed.
When I passed Chuckles, en route to you, he was sourcing fruit for his female. Truth waved in what Dissent projected was the warrior’s direction.
Then we will source fruit also. He hefted the cage and carried a grumbling Nibbler toward Chuckles’ location.
Miljoonasuuts could chew through metals and wood and many other materials but they must not find the stone edible. Nibbler pushed against the confines of the cage yet couldn’t escape it.
I’m returning to Khambalia 5 with you. Truth walked with Dissent, matching his stride. I love that fraggin’ planet.
You love exploring. That his friend would temporarily give that up for him impacted Dissent’s emotional system.
I love many things. The D Model shrugged. If we complete this mission before we leave, I’m 84.5696 percent certain Captain will wait for us. He won’t land on another planet until we return.
We’ll complete this mission before we leave. Dissent would honor that commitment.
Good because, if we don’t, North will implode. Truth grinned.
I’ve surveyed 3.2369 percent of my terrain. North barked through a public transmission line. What is your status, warriors?
Truth exchanged a meaning-laden look with Dissent and they both laughed.
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Dominance And Dissent
To earn the love of his curvy human, this cyborg will have to set her free.
Dissent has one primary mission—to find his female and protect her.
He doesn’t know who she is, where she’s situated, or what she looks like. That doesn’t stop him from searching the universe for her. He’s a cyborg and he’s determined. He WILL track her down.
While the J Model warrior is exploring a settlement on a merchant planet, he hears a defiant scream. Dissent has finally located the one being he’s genetically compatible with. He rushes to his little human’s side, ready and willing to defend her, eager to claim his female…forever.
Greer has only one dream—to be free. She’s been a slave her entire lifespan, has been subjected to soul-crushing abuse and pride-shredding humiliation. When an opportunity to escape presents itself, she takes it. Steps away from independence, she’s apprehended.
As she looks death in the face, waiting for the final strike, a tall, handsome cyborg warrior saves her. He exudes power, makes her tremble with desire, is unlike any of the males she’s ever known…except in one heartbreaking way.
He wants to own her.
As Dissent and Greer battle for dominance, danger looms. An enemy from the past has returned. He’s heavily armed, he’s not alone, and his sole goal is to kill both of them.
Dominance And Dissent is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features an overprotective cyborg, a defiant slave, and a ravenous baby creature who is determined to eat his way through an entire settlement.
Pre-order Now:
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