One of the many, many things I love about writing the cyborg series is how their horizons are expanding with each story.
Food is one great example of this.
Cyborgs eat. They recharge their machine side by plugging into energy sources. They keep the organic part of their forms healthy by eating. (They rarely need to drink as that system is mostly closed.)
While the cyborgs were enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance (as they were at the beginning of the first series i.e. in Releasing Rage), they were fed tasteless yet nutrition packed nourishment bars.
That was all they knew. They didn’t realize food could taste good.
They had to eat. It was a task they had to complete. But it held no joy for them.
(Which I find so very sad as I LOVE food. I believe it is one of the great pleasures in life.)
Since the cyborgs have rebelled and are now free, they’re interacting with other beings in a deeper way. They’re finding their females, beings who come from different cultures. They’re traveling. This has exposed them to flavorful fruits and a vast variety of other foods.
They are really liking these new experiences. And because cyborgs share information, ALL of them are being introduced to tasty food.
Eating is becoming a pleasure for the cyborgs.
I’m excited about what this means for the future. I wouldn’t be surprised if, solar cycles and several series from now, there’s cyborg-fusion cuisine.
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Doc’s Orders
She wants both sides of her cyborg—the medic AND the beast.
A fully functional cyborg is balanced. His machine half and his organic half work together to produce the perfect warrior.
Doc isn’t fully functional.
The G Model operates at the two extremes. When his machine is in complete control, he’s the logic-driven medic, saving lifespans. Once his organics take charge, he becomes the savage beast…and beings die.
Both sides of Doc want to be the first to claim his female.
Allinen is one of the few beings in her small settlement who wasn’t born with a fated mate. Determined to belong somewhere, she has crafted a plan to leave the planet.
That plan doesn’t involve a huge stormy-eyed male who alternates between cool seduction and out-of-control ravishment. Doc isn’t her fated mate. Allinen knows that. But his dual nature and forbidden embraces tempt her to forget forever and indulge in more immediate delights.
Neither side of Doc views their relationship as being temporary. Her conflicted cyborg is prepared to battle her family, her planet and death itself to keep her.
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