As we wait for the release day for Doc’s Orders (July 16th), I’m sharing the first chapter.
Read the first scene here:
Today, I’m sharing the second scene.
“No logical being would ever challenge whether or not Captain or Chuckles can perform their roles.” Doc replaced his body armor and rolled down the sleeve of his white medic jacket. “They both excel in them.”
“They also both have females.” Truth’s tone was edged with envy.
A cyborg warrior was genetically compatible with only one being. Many of them would never find their females.
“There’s no correlation between having females and having permanent damage.” Doc should know. No female had been found for him in the combined databases and he was permanently damaged.
Not that anyone was aware of that. He kept that concealed.
“Are you certain about that hypothesis?” Truth lifted his eyebrows.
“I’m 99.6932 percent certain.” Doc grabbed his black medic pack. Since he had escaped the Humanoid Alliance, he never went anywhere without it.
“Then I shouldn’t permanently damage myself to try to get a female?” Truth kept pace with him as they walked along the hallways. “Because I was considering doing that.” The D Model was never serious.
“If you do that, I’ll have to add you to my list of beings to repair.” Ensuring the beings Doc considered to be his responsibility were fully functional was his role, one he took great pride in undertaking.
They entered the bridge. The rest of the core crew were already there. Captain overlooked the space. His female was seated on his lap.
Their cyborg offspring, Future, was missing. Doc projected the likelihood to be 98.6958 percent that the male was training. Captain wouldn’t allow Future to participate in missions until his skills were honed, and the newly manufactured male was determined to prove himself to his father.
Chuckles’ female, the other non-cyborg on board the ship, was also present and impossible to miss. She was dressed in a bright-pink flight suit—matching her bright-pink hair—and she shared her warrior’s chair.
The two human females added complexity to Doc’s duties. They were more fragile than cyborgs, required more maintenance.
He scanned them with a handheld as he claimed his regular chair. Their specs were normal. To be thorough, he took the readings for the rest of the occupants.
Chuckles glared at him. The D Model was sensitive about his damage, resisted the regular diagnostics Captain had insisted be scheduled.
Dissent, the human-appearing J Model, frowned. Having only recently been freed, he wasn’t accustomed to having a Medic.
North, Captain’s Second-In-Command, had his head bowed over the private viewscreen embedded in the console. The male was focused on his role.
Truth spread out his arms as though he sought to give Doc more of him to scan.
“Truth, slow our speed as we orbit the planet.” Captain didn’t find the male’s antics amusing. “North, perform lifeform scans and other readings.”
A magnified image of Khambalia 5 was on the main viewscreen. The planet was small, consisted mostly of water. The one detectable land mass was covered with clouds.
“Early readings indicate a high level of toxins in the air, Captain.” North displayed that information on the main viewscreen.
Doc studied it, comparing the readings to information in his databases. “It’s within acceptable ranges for cyborgs.” They had been manufactured to tolerate toxins. “Prolonged exposure will cause damage in humans.”
“There are no humans on board the Reckless.” Chuckles’ female lifted her chin.
Chuckles frowned at her.
“Are there, sir?” She gazed defiantly back at her warrior. “You said I was no longer human.”
Chuckles was correct. The two females sported their warriors’ nanocybotics. That made them no longer human.
“There are no specs on the effects of toxins on cyborg’s females, Captain.” Doc was forced to admit his lack of knowledge about that new group of beings. “I project with 56.0258 percent accuracy that the acceptable range should be greater than a human’s is, but tests are required to confirm that.”
“We will not be testing the effects of toxins on any warrior’s female.” Captain severely limited his gathering of information. “Our females will stay on board the Reckless.”
Chuckles’ female’s bottom lip curled.
In contrast, Chuckles appeared pleased with that decision.
Doc applied a section of his processors to the challenge of determining acceptable toxicity levels on warrior’s females without testing toxins on those same females.
“I’m relaying all of the information I could access about Khambalia 5.” Dissent transmitted the data.
Doc scanned it at cyborg speed. It appeared to be mostly anecdotal, much of it illogical. There was nothing about the local humanoid or human population.
“Skin-melting vegetation, invisible four-legged predators with glowing eyes and venomous fangs, ship-destroying pockets of lava shooting from the ground.” Truth grinned. “I love this planet already.”
The D Model’s processors must be malfunctioning. No logical being could love a planet like that. But Doc had never been able to locate damage in any of Truth’s diagnostics.
Reading the next scene (available July 1st) here:
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Doc’s Orders
She wants both sides of her cyborg—the medic AND the beast.
A fully functional cyborg is balanced. His machine half and his organic half work together to produce the perfect warrior.
Doc isn’t fully functional.
The G Model operates at the two extremes. When his machine is in complete control, he’s the logic-driven medic, saving lifespans. Once his organics take charge, he becomes the savage beast…and beings die.
Both sides of Doc want to be the first to claim his female.
Allinen is one of the few beings in her small settlement who wasn’t born with a fated mate. Determined to belong somewhere, she has crafted a plan to leave the planet.
That plan doesn’t involve a huge stormy-eyed male who alternates between cool seduction and out-of-control ravishment. Doc isn’t her fated mate. Allinen knows that. But his dual nature and forbidden embraces tempt her to forget forever and indulge in more immediate delights.
Neither side of Doc views their relationship as being temporary. Her conflicted cyborg is prepared to battle her family, her planet and death itself to keep her.
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