Choosing Chuckles Featured As A New Release
Choosing Chuckles has been featured on Veronica Scott’s SciFi Romance New Release Post!
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Choosing Chuckles Featured At Smashwords
Choosing Chuckles has been featured at Smashwords!
See all of the featured stories here:
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Choosing Chuckles Featured On Dear Author
Choosing Chuckles has been featured as a new release on Dear Author.
See all of the new releases here:
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Choosing Chuckles Releases!
Choosing Chuckles has released!
I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Interviewed At Everyday Fangirl
Patty Hammond has interviewed me at her online home. Here’s a snippet…
“Patty: Do the names of the characters in your novel have some sort of significance or importance to you? If so, give a few examples…
Cynthia Sax: I named the heroine of Choosing Chuckles Bettina as a nod to Simone Micheline Bodin aka Bettina. She was considered to be one of the first supermodels and was best known for her beauty, but she was much more than that. She was a designer, a poet and a composer.
Like the supermodel, Bettina, my heroine, is viewed by some beings as merely a pretty face, but she is much more than that. She designs jewelry (not clothes), has honorable, worthy, secret goals that have nothing to do with her beauty.”
Read the entire interview here:
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Choosing Chuckles – Final Scene Of The First Chapter
Choosing Chuckles, the next cyborg romance, releases on March 19th (It is available for pre-order now). While we wait, I’m sharing the first chapter.
Read the first scene here:
This week, I’m sharing the final scene of that first chapter.
His female glanced downward. Her gaze shifted from right to left.
The image of a viewscreen reflected off a panel behind her.
Chuckles expanded that image, flipped it to read the words.
No visual. Big. Warrior. Can’t track the signal. Abandon this, Bait.
Bettina’s chin firmed for a heartbeat. Then she smiled up at the recording device, at Chuckles, and his heart malfunctioned, stopping for a moment and restarting.
“I’ve been alone for so long.” She continued her deception.
Satisfaction flared inside him. His lying little human had deliberately disobeyed the messenger’s orders, refusing to abandon her ploy. She wanted to meet with him as much as he wanted to meet with her.
“I don’t have any credits to pay for repairs, but maybe we can work out other arrangements.” Her hands lowered to her rounded stomach. Her hips were wide, his female built for a D Model like himself. “Would you like that, Chuckles?”
She was offering to breed with him. “Yes.” He would like that.
But he doubted her words were genuine. He suspected she made that proposal to every male who answered her fake distress call.
“Then you’ll help me?” She batted her eyelashes. “Alone? It’ll be just the two of us, right? I’m shy.”
Chuckles stifled his snort. There was nothing shy about her. She was the most brazen being he had ever encountered.
“It will be just the two of us.” He wouldn’t sweep anyone else into her trap. “I’ll come for you.”
“Oh, you will come for me.” Her voice coiled around his cock, gripping him in the most sensual of holds. “I’ll ensure that.” Bettina was referring to breeding again, issuing promises his foolish body believed. “I’m sending you my coordinates.” She tapped her fingertips against the viewscreen. “I’ll see you, all of you, soon, Chuckles.” She laughed.
The transmission ended.
“I thought cyborgs couldn’t lie.” Captain’s female broke the silence. “You implied you’d meet with her.”
“I am meeting with her.” Chuckles placed his hands on the console before him and pushed himself to his feet, his knee screaming with pain. “I require one of the shuttle crafts, Captain.”
Captain’s female and all of the warriors gazed at him.
“You don’t need a shuttle craft, Chuckles.” Captain’s female spaced her words far apart, speaking to him as though his processors were malfunctioning. “You were right. It’s a trap.”
“I’m aware it’s a trap.” He hadn’t veered from his original assessment of the situation. “Everything she said was a lie. Her every movement was manufactured, cleverly designed to lure unwitting males to their doom. Even her hair is false. I will never trust my female.” That disappointed Chuckles, yet it didn’t surprise him. He trusted few beings. “But I will retrieve her.”
“Your female,” Captain repeated.
Captain’s female’s mouth fell open.
“You, the most cynical bag of bolts in the universe, are paired with the most colorful female we’ve ever encountered.” Truth, that foolish warrior, laughed, his entire body shaking with mirth.
Chuckles’ lips flattened. He was glad someone was amused, because he certainly wasn’t. Other warriors had honorable females. He had Bettina, if that was truly her name, a being skilled in deception.
She was colorful. Truth was correct about that. Chuckles looked at her image. Once, after a rainstorm, he’d seen an arc of colors in the sky above the battlefield. The sight had given him a deep sense of happiness before the feeling disappeared, never to be seen again.
Bettina was like that arc, as stunningly beautiful and as inconstant, a vision a warrior could admire but couldn’t count on or predict.
“She could have a good reason for trapping beings.” Captain’s female recovered from the shock of his revelation. “I had good reasons for hacking into Vector’s transmissions.” She exchanged a fond look with Captain.
“She doesn’t have a good reason.” Chuckles held no illusions about his female. “It’s a ploy to gather credits.” She was either holding her rescuers for ransom or relieving them of whatever wealth they had on their forms.
“She could have a noble use for those credits.” Captain’s female clung to her positive view of Bettina.
“I doubt that.” He shook his head, his expectations of her and of life low. “I will uncover her plans when I meet with her.”
“I shouldn’t authorize that action.” Captain looked grave. “You’re knowingly walking into a trap, risking your freedom and your lifespan.”
Chuckles knew exactly what he was risking. His female, a being with no honor, had the ability to destroy him.
But the alternative was an endless lifespan of solitude, with no female, no offspring. An image of Future, Captain and Captain’s female’s newly manufactured son, filled his processors and a wave of wanting swept over him.
“She’s my female.” Chuckles would risk everything to secure her.
The warriors around him nodded, silently agreeing with his decision.
“I’ll go with you.” Truth stood.
The warrior would voluntarily walk into a trap to assist him. Chuckles was temporarily struck silent by the offer. Truth was a brave warrior. He was honored to serve with him.
But he wouldn’t risk the cyborg’s freedom. “I do this alone.”
Truth opened his mouth.
“If she captures me and I can’t escape, I’ll call on you.” He made that compromise. “Keep your transmission lines open.”
“They’ll be open.” Truth’s head dipped.
“I’ll search the databases for information on your female.” Captain’s female’s fingers already tapped against her private viewscreen. She was skilled at uncovering data. “Have faith in her, Chuckles. Give her a chance.”
Chuckles grunted. He didn’t have faith in very many beings.
“You can have any ship in the docking bay.” Captain gave him the authorization he needed to leave. “Take weapons and any other resources you require to succeed in your mission.”
They were supporting him in his foolish quest. That humbled him and firmed his resolve.
Chuckles hobbled toward the doors. He would retrieve his treacherous female, capture her using whatever means were necessary.
And he would never let her go.
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Dark Cure – One Of The Best Books Of 2018

Woot! Dark Cure was nominated by Love Romances Cafe for both the Best Book All Around Of 2018 AND the Best Science Fiction/Futuristic Book of 2018.
See all of the nominees in all of the categories here:

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A warrior seeking forever faces a medic living in the moment.
Gisella, the Refuge’s medic, is dedicated to her role. She doesn’t have the space in her lifespan for love, a mate, or children. Healing is her entire focus.
But she’s also a female in her prime. She has needs, wants, cravings…especially for a scarred, long-haired barbarian warrior temporarily residing in the settlement. One fierce, soul-blasting, passion-filled encounter is all she is willing to give him before she returns to her duties.
Oghul, a Chamele Warlord’s Second-In-Command, has waited his entire lifespan to find his gerel, the being fated to be his. He’s thrilled to discover she wants him as savagely as he yearns for her.
His little human medic appeals to his primitive possessive side. Greatly. He wants to stamp his ownership all over her bountiful curves, take her back to his home planet, claim his fiery female permanently.
When Carinae E’s solitary sun rises, two determined beings with very different desires find their lifespans entwined. Their battle for emotional supremacy will span systems and alter destinies.
The universe will never be the same.
Dark Cure is a STANDALONE SciFi Romance set in a gritty, dark world.
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Talking Aliens, Cyborgs and Mardi Gras at SFR Brigade
I’m at the SFR Brigade today, talking about aliens, cyborgs and Mardi Gras.
Here’s a snippet…
“Aliens can be themselves in New Orleans today. Their blue skin or antennas or extra body parts will be assumed to be part of their costumes. A ship might be viewed as a float, an elaborate prop. As Mardi Gras in New Orleans attracts humans from all over the world, the aliens can speak their home planet’s language and not be noticed.”
Read the entire post here:
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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Choosing Chuckles – Third Scene Of The First Chapter
Choosing Chuckles, the next cyborg romance, releases on March 19th (It is available for pre-order now). While we wait, I’m sharing the first chapter.
Read the first scene here:
This week, I’m sharing the third scene of that first chapter.
Fraggin’ hole. He’d found his female, the one being genetically compatible with him, and not only was she human, the most untrustworthy of all species in the universe, but she was a blatant deceiver.
“It’s a trap.” Chuckles stated that obvious truth. His female was luring beings in, seeking to profit from them in some way.
“It is a recording,” Captain’s female admitted. “But it seems to have been sent from a shuttle craft.”
She put the vessel’s location on the main viewscreen also.
His female was close, less than a planet rotation of travel away from him. Chuckles leaned forward, unable to take his gaze off the still image of her beautiful face, intrigued despite his misgivings.
“We could communicate with her, concealing our transmission location,” North suggested.
“Dissent could communicate with her.” Captain’s female studied the J Model. “He looks almost human. I could doctor his image, remove his model number. No one would know he was a cyborg.”
That was not happening. “I am communicating with her,” Chuckles announced. No other male was speaking with his female.
All heads turned in his direction. Captain’s female and the males stared at him. Doc, the ship’s medic, held up a handheld. The cyborg was scanning him, looking for damage.
Chuckles glowered back at them. “That’s my role.” He was the Communications Officer.
“She’ll take one look at you and realize you’re a cyborg.” Captain pointed that out to him.
That was true. Chuckles was an earlier model, had the gray skin, brilliant blue eyes of his kind. His deceitful female would know he was a cyborg.
“If Dissent communicates with her—”
“I’m communicating with her.” Chuckles barked. “That’s non-negotiable.”
What the frag are you doing, fellow D Model? Truth asked him through a private transmission line. You don’t use phrases like non-negotiable with the Captain. He’ll toss you off the ship.
Captain’s jaw was clenched.
Chuckles’ processors whirred. “We’ll block my image, Captain. If she legitimately requires assistance, lack of a visual shouldn’t dissuade her from accepting it.”
He was retrieving her whether it was a trick or not. Chuckles had already decided that. He’d capture her and lock her in his chamber. Permanently. He’d ensure her lies and deception didn’t harm any other being ever again.
Captain narrowed his eyes at Chuckles. That response didn’t bode well.
“Chuckles is right.” Captain’s female, unexpectedly, came to his defense. “That will tell us immediately if her distress call is a ruse.”
She winked at Chuckles, like they shared a secret.
Chuckles frowned back at her, not processing what that secret was.
Captain looked at his female and then at Chuckles. “Chuckles, you can communicate with her.” He authorized that action. “Make the necessary arrangements.”
That took mere moments. Captain’s female assisted with hiding the transmission trail. Chuckles blocked his image.
Then he hailed his female, his heart pounding. Small talk, that useless exchange of non-essential information humans seemed to enjoy, wasn’t his strength. His female’s distress message had been chatty. She’d want words from him.
“Hello. Hi.” His female appeared on the screen, disregarding all hailing conventions.
Her multi-colored hair was now pulled into one bundle on the top of her head. Her flight suit was bright pink. A matching strip of fabric encircled her neck. Small pink stones decorated it, adding the sparkle she seemed to like.
“Is someone there? Please tell me you’re there.” She clasped her hands, her eyes wide with feigned concern. “Please. Please answer me. I’m alone and so very scared.”
Her act was over the top. Did she think beings were that stupid? “This is Chuckles.” He scrubbed all emotion from his voice. “Do you require assistance?”
“Chuckles. Ohhh…that’s a great name.” She placed one of her hands over her even more prominently displayed breasts, her curves one jiggle away from escaping her flight suit. “So different. So”—she blew out her breath—“male.”
Chuckles envisioned her pursed lips wrapped around his cock and his need for her escalated, drumming at him, a primal beat repeating “Mine. Mine. Mine.” over and over.
But he was a cyborg—part human, part machine—and his lust for her hadn’t disconnected his processors. His female was playing the role of temptress, was using her powers of seduction as a weapon against him.
“Do you require assistance?” He repeated his question.
“I can’t see you, Chuckles.” She said his name as though she found release merely forming the syllables.
That appealed to him. He shifted in his seat, his body armor uncomfortably tight.
“And I want to see you.” She squeezed her breasts together, deepening the valley between them. “I want to put a face to your sexy voice.”
This female is too much. Truth laughed through the transmission lines.
Chuckles glared at him. No one should be speaking about his female. “I’m unable to send you a visual.” Because she was a lying deceitful human and might use the information to damage him and his brethren. “Is that an issue?”
“Of course not.” The female played with the lapels of her flight suit, drawing attention to the sparkling skin displayed there. If Chuckles hadn’t been a cyborg, capable of moving his gaze quickly, he might have missed the flicker of uncertainty in her blue eyes.
The female didn’t like not having a visual. She wanted to see who she was trapping, preferred to have that information to prepare for his arrival.
While he found her treachery abhorrent, he approved of her caution.
“What is your name, female?” A name would aid him when he searched the databases for her.
Not that she would give him her real name.
“My name’s Bettina.” Her eyes widened a fraction as though that statement had caught her by surprise. “But you can call me Baby.” Her eyelashes fluttered.
Chuckles frowned. Why would he refer to her as a human offspring?
“You sound like a big male, Chuckles.” She purred that observation. “Are you big?” Her tongue, small and pink and enticing, glided over her bottom lip. “All over?”
“Yes.” Being an early model cyborg, he was much larger than the tallest human male. Every part of him was proportional.
“I like that.” Bettina touched the swell of her breasts again. “You talk like a warrior, all decisive and grrr…” He wasn’t certain what that sexy growl meant but the sound excited his already highly stimulated form. “Are you a warrior?”
“Yes.” Chuckles wasn’t the warrior he once was, but he could defeat any human. He could protect her if that was needed.
Read the next installment (Available March 11th):
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Choosing Chuckles
A Cynical Cyborg Meets A Bad, Bad Female.
Chuckles hates all humans. In the past, humans betrayed him. That treachery caused permanent damage to his muscular form, resulting in a lifespan of pain.
When the primitive D Model cyborg answers a distress call sent by a pink-and-blue haired, sparkly human female, he knows it’s a trap. He still has to respond to her fake cry for help. She belongs to him, is the one being genetically fabricated for him. But he plans to be her captor, not her captive.
Bettina, aka Bait, works with a team of females, snaring sexual predators in space, seizing their ships and transporting them to primitive planets. As soon as she speaks with Chuckles, she knows he’s not like the others. He has honor, is a being worthy of respect, of caring.
But she can’t let him go. She has to trap him. His dominance thrills her. His deep voice evokes desires she’d never experienced in the past. She’ll risk it all, breaking every rule for one wild encounter with the male she calls Sir.
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