This could be one of Astrid’s ancestors
Astrid, the heroine of Taking Vengeance, lives on Second Buoir. Her kinfolk were some of the best human warriors in the universe. They refused to align with the Humanoid Alliance, declaring themselves neutral. The Humanoid Alliance attacked them, killing almost every being on Second Buoir.
Why would the Humanoid Alliance kill warriors who were openly neutral?
They were sending a message to every other human in the universe. If the humans didn’t join the Humanoid Alliance, they would be viewed as enemies, beings to be eliminated.
The Humanoid Alliance didn’t start out as large and powerful as they are now in the cyborg series. They had to consolidate the populations of humans on the various planets before attacking other species. They also had to quash insurrection within their ranks.
Any civilian humans who didn’t join with the Humanoid Alliance discretely ‘vanished.’ Resisting warriors, such as the humans on Astrid’s planet, were deemed hostile and openly killed. This put fear into all humans.
This also allowed other species to look the other way. The species could say there was no ‘proof’ civilian humans were disappearing. They could say the warrior humans had ‘deserved’ the repercussions.
The Humanoid Alliance grew, expanding their reach and increasing their power…until they pushed their cyborg ‘weapons’ too far.
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Taking Vengeance
The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.
Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.
Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.
The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.
Taking Vengeance is Book 12 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.
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