Taking Vengeance, the next cyborg romance, will be releasing April 17th!
I’m sharing the final scene from the first chapter today.
You can read the first scene here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6259
Vengeance studied the female’s image. He had expected to see the round face, unblemished skin, smiling lips of her kind. Humans liked softness in females.
This female was anything but yielding. She had a defined chin, firm flat lips, numerous scars. One scar streaked down her forehead, somehow missed her eye, then carved her cheek in two. Another scar lined her jaw. Her nose had bumps, as though it had been broken and not reset properly.
He liked those irregularities in her countenance. A bit too much.
His gaze dwelled on her eyes. They blazed with raw, unfiltered anger, the emotion in them taking his breath away. What could have made the human female that furious?
Why did he care? He shook himself, returned to his perusal of her, his enemy.
The human female’s hair was long and twined into numerous small braids, the brown strands matching her eyes. Her skin was tanned, not golden as some were but a lighter shade of brown. She would blend into the shadows.
If it weren’t for her size.
He scanned her measurements. She was tall and broad and heavy…for a human. The female, this Astrid Ragnhild being, would tower over many of the human males.
She wouldn’t tower over him. Vengeance drew himself upright. He was a C Model, one of the largest cyborgs still in existence. She was small by comparison.
According to the databases, the female had joined the Rebel forces after her planet had been invaded. One of two survivors, she had been fighting since that planet rotation, a member of several elite ground teams.
Fighting face-to-face appealed to him also. As did the look of the human female.
She appeared strong, fierce, able to hold her own.
Picturing her with one hand curved around the hilt of a sword and the other wrapped around his cock, he hardened, his organics betraying him.
Fortunately, he was a cyborg, half machine. His processors recognized her for what she was—bait.
The humans had chosen her because of her façade, because her physical appearance would arouse him, would corrupt his databases with visions of savage breedings, allowing her to influence him, control him with his desire.
“She won’t tempt me.” He wasn’t that easily fooled.
“She scares me a little,” Death’s human female whispered. “They call her the Buoir Berserker, say she hacks apart the corpses of her fallen comrades.”
Damaging the already dead was more futile than scary. The female, this Astrid creature, was human. He would retrieve her easily.
But he would wear his body armor and bring his weapons. If it was a trap, he’d be prepared, would fight his way to victory.
Vengeance’s circuits surged, that challenge exciting him. “I’ll leave this planet rotation.” He removed more of his weapons from the display on the wall. “If Power asks you where I am, don’t answer him.” Cyborgs couldn’t lie, but they didn’t have to answer every question posed to them. “I’ll return with the female within four planet rotations.”
Death lifted his eyebrows. “She’s a former warrior. Do you require assistance?”
Death’s human female elbowed the warrior in the stomach, shaking her head vigorously.
“We can’t accompany you.” Death looked at her. “We aren’t authorized to leave the Homeland, but we can arrange for another warrior to escort you.”
“You’re asking if I require an escort?” Vengeance snorted. “I’m a C Model. She’s a human female. I can handle her.”
Death’s human female turned her head and stared at him. “She won’t be the one handled.” Her lips twitched. “She’s going to hand you your ass on a serving container.”
Her doubt irked Vengeance. The humans had always underestimated cyborgs, viewing them as processor-less machines, never thinking they’d rebel.
Vengeance and his brothers had proven their enemy wrong. He would prove Death’s human female wrong also.
“I’ll leave my transmission lines open if you should need me.” Death guided his human female out of the chamber.
“I won’t need you.” Vengeance was certain about that.
By this time next planet rotation, Astrid Ragnhild would be captured. Ten planet rotations of resisting her and their bond should be sufficient to prove his point.
They would then expel all humans from the Homeland.
His brethren would be protected.
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Taking Vengeance
The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet. That should be disappointingly easy. She’s a weak, fragile human.
Then she blows up his ship, blasting to bits his preconceived notions about the enemy.
Astrid, aka the Buoir Berserker, hates all cyborgs. They killed her entire clan, including her baby sister. The warrior female has vowed to hunt down and destroy the enemy. When a savage cyborg arrogantly puts his hard, sexy body within her reach, she does the only thing a female can do—she peppers his muscular physique with projectiles.
The more passionately they fight, the stronger their attraction becomes. Neither of them will relent on their missions, yet they can’t keep their hands off each other. Their battle will either end in love to last an eternity or in death.
Taking Vengeance is Book 12 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STAND-ALONE story.
It is also an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.
Pre-order Now:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Taking-Vengeance-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B079YGMLD2
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taking-Vengeance-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B079YGMLD2
Apple/iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/taking-vengeance/id1352770472
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/taking-vengeance-cynthia-sax/1128043105
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/taking-vengeance-1
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/794862
The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” of cyborg romance