A Year Of Sizzling Hot Sax – Sinful Rewards 8 Read Along
Yay! Sinful Rewards 8, the eighth novella in Sinful Rewards, my hot, hot, HOT 12 novella contemporary erotic romance serial, releases today! Yes, this is the installment with the cameo from Blaine, the dashing billionaire hero of The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me).
(We’ll be discussing this in more detail on our Goodreads group – https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/139616-a-year-of-sizzling-hot-sax-read-along ).
Blaine’s Cameo
Blaine, the hero from The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me), makes a brief appearance in Sinful Rewards 8. Don’t worry if you haven’t read this serial. You’ll be able to follow the story with no problems. If you have read the serial, you’ll likely smile. He’s as hot and as sexy as ever!
Nicolas Confronts Hawke
You knew this was coming and yes, it happens in Sinful Rewards 8. Nicolas and Hawke face each other. It is awkward and violent and shows us quite a bit about the two men–how they react under pressure, how they truly feel about Bee, their true natures.
Cyndi Confronts Angel
There are quite a few smackdowns in Sinful Rewards 8 but one of my faves is when Cyndi confronts her fair weather friend Angel. I know many of my reading buddies have the hate on for the often wicked Angel. She drives me crazy too. Does she get what she deserves in this installment? You tell me!
For more discussions about Sinful Rewards 8, please join us on our Goodreads group!
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Sinful Rewards 8 – Cameos
I LOVE featuring cameos (guest appearances) of characters from past series in my current stories. New-to-me readers view the returning character as a new minor character. He/she plays a small role in the story and that’s it.
Regular reading buddies will get all of the inside jokes associated with the character’s appearance.
You’ll know why there’s an unlit cigar on Nicolas’s desk in Sinful Rewards 8 (releasing tomorrow). Blaine, the billionaire hero from The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me), makes a cameo in this installment of Sinful Rewards. He gave up smoking cigars when Anna, the love of his life, became pregnant.
You’ll also know the significance of Blaine knowing Nicolas. Blaine only works with people he trusts. That Blaine is vouching for Nicolas says a lot about Nicolas’s character (despite his asshole claims).
Cameos have rules. The most important one is that the characters are usually from books published by the same publisher. Why? Because if the new story does well, the previous publisher might wish a piece of the profits. A cameo isn’t worth an ugly lawsuit. We’re erotic romance writers. We like to keep everything lovey dovey.
This rule is one of the issues I’m having with my SciFi erotic romances (and why it is taking time for me to write my next story). I have 16 stories, four different series, published with my previous publisher. With these stories, I’ve created intricate worlds, dozens of alien species, several languages.
When I write my next SciFi erotic romance for a new publisher, however, I’ll be starting from zero. If I need five different aliens for a café scene, I can’t use my existing aliens. I have to craft new ones. They need different biology, different home worlds, different languages. Yes, SciFi erotic romance isn’t easy but that’s one of the many reasons I love writing it!
Do you enjoy seeing cameos of characters from previously published stories?
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Sinful Rewards 1 – Hooked!
Bayou Book Junkie shares
“All in all, a fantastic start to what promises to be a very good series. I’m hooked and hope to read more of it as soon as I possibly can.”
Read the full review here
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Sinful Rewards 1
Cynthia Sax
Belinda “Bee” Carter is a good girl; at least, that’s what she tells herself. And a good girl deserves a nice guy—just like the gorgeous and moody billionaire Nicolas Rainer. He is everything she wants in a man.
Or so she thinks, until she takes a look through her telescope and sees a naked, tattooed man on the balcony across the courtyard. Hawke is mysterious, the bad boy she knows will bring only heartbreak. He has been watching her, and that makes him all the more enticing.
But when a mysterious and anonymous text message dares her to do something bad, she must decide if she is really the good girl she has always claimed to be, or if she’s willing to risk everything for her secret fantasy of being watched.
Is her mystery man the reclusive billionaire with a wild side or the darkly dangerous bad boy?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-1-Cynthia-Sax-ebook/dp/B00I7V89H0
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards1-1560586-237.html
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-1-cynthia-sax/1119055390
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_1?id=g08ZAwAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-1/id814148703?mt=11
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Fifty Shades Of Grey Fun
Fifty Shades Of Grey, the movie, is releasing this weekend. I’m super excited and I thought I’d have some Fifty Shades fun!
The Seen Trilogy (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me) was mentioned on Real Time With Bill Maher, with a comparison to Fifty Shades.
Click on the image to play the video

Of course, I have some Fifty Shades puns. (grins)
Will you be watching Fifty Shades Of Grey, the movie, this weekend?
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Named One Of The Fifty After Fifty
Awww…. I was named as one of the top 50 writers to read after Fifty Shades Of Grey!
That’s such an honor!
To be in the company of writers such as H.M. Ward, Jennifer Probst, and Lauren Hawkeye is really something!
(Note: This collection contains excerpts and interviews from the 50 writers, not complete stories)
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Cynthia Sax Upcoming Releases
It is difficult to believe it is February already! Wow. The year is flying by!
I thought I’d talk about what I’m working on, what releases are upcoming, etc. I’ve been a busy woman. (grins)
Sinful Rewards – June 2014-July 2015
The last five installments in Sinful Rewards will be releasing from February 17th to the middle of July.
Will the unsuccessful hero (I’m not telling who that is! grins) have his story written. I hope so. I’d like to write it. But this decision will be made by my publisher.
Mastered 2 – April 21st, 2015
I’m contributing a BDSM-themed contemporary erotic romance novella (100 pages) to the Mastered 2 boxed set (releasing April 21st). Thus far, we have 11 awesome writers committed to the boxed set. We’re all bringing our A-games. I know I’m very proud of my story. And these 11 stories, over 1,100 pages of hot, hot, HOT erotic romance, are priced at a ridiculously low 99 cents. Readers really can’t go wrong!
The Good Assistant – September 2015
Currently, my novella (100 pages) The Good Assistant is only available in a print anthology. I have plans to self-publish this story in September. It will be priced at 99 cents (as all of my contemporary erotic romances are). I’m considering throwing in the short story I wrote for the Shades of Pink anthology as a bonus since this story is set in the same world.
My New Contemporary Erotic Romance Story – Release Date Yet To Be Determined
I’m 100 pages into the first draft of a new 400 page contemporary erotic romance. I love this story. I love the characters and yes, it will feature a billionaire. This WILL be published and I’m certain you WILL enjoy it. I don’t yet know when or by whom.
I also suspect it will be at least a 2 story release, perhaps 3, these stories having the same heroine and hero. Their romance naturally splits into parts (as Anna and Blaine’s romance naturally splits into parts – He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me). There will be a happy for now at the end of each story.
SciFi Erotic Romances
I haven’t forgotten about my SciFi erotic romance reading buddies. All of my series at Ellora’s Cave are complete. My agent is shopping around a couple of ideas for new series. When she finds the right home for them, I’ll start writing these stories.
They will be longer, ranging from 200 to 400 pages (depending upon feedback from the publisher and how much sex my characters decide to have). Yes, I’m on a long story kick! Don’t worry, novella lovers. I’m sure I’ll have a couple of shorter releases also.
That’s all I have on the schedule thus far for 2015. I’m certain (and hopeful) other projects will come up. I’d love to contribute to a couple more boxed sets. Those are fun!
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Sinful Rewards 8 – Third Excerpt
This post has adult content. If you are under the age of eighteen years old and/or sensitive to adult language/situations, please do not read this post.
Here’s a teaser from Sinful Rewards 8 (releasing February 17th) starring Nicolas, our billionaire.
Nicolas’s office looks nothing like his penthouse, the varying styles confusing me. “I didn’t expect your office to look like this.” My ears ring and my foot throbs with pain.
His forehead furrows with thought lines. “It matches the rest of the club.”
“Your penthouse is very different,” I explain.
“My penthouse matches the rest of the complex,” Nicolas says as though I’ve made a silly observation, as though everyone matches his private spaces to the decor of the building.
He shows guests nothing of his true self, safeguarding his soul from possible pain. Yet he shared everything with me—his deepest darkest secrets, his hidden shame, his hopes, his dreams.
I gaze up at my billionaire, only now realizing how much he trusts me.
“I’m honored to be your friend, Nicolas,” I say softly.
“I’m a terrible friend.” Crimson streaks across his cheekbones. “You can make your call here.” He pries my fingers away from his palm.
“Okay.” I nod, reluctantly releasing my real estate mogul, allowing him to emotionally retreat. Making a call must have been the excuse Mack gave him.
“I have to work.” Nicolas slides his hands over my bare shoulders, his skin warm and smooth. “Your bodyguard will stay with you. There’s a table waiting for you in the VIP area when you’re done.”
I must leave this room eventually. Disappointment weighs on me. “Thank you.”
Nicolas looks at me, his brown eyes soft, a rare vulnerability on his gorgeous face. I summon a bright smile, ignoring Mack’s scowl and the agony in my toe, focusing on my lonely billionaire, on his unspoken needs.
We don’t speak. There’s no need to say anything. Nicolas drifts his fingers along my arms, up and down, up and down, a comforting caress, laden with meaning. He’s here for me if I ever need him as a friend. I’m not alone.
Nicolas presses his lips to my forehead. “I’m glad you came tonight.”
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Bee Carter is no longer torn between her handsome billionaire and her tattooed bad-boy biker. After enjoying mind-melting, world-tilting sex and experiencing the pleasure of waking in her man’s arms, she has finally made her choice.
Or has she?
A violent early morning confrontation pits biker against billionaire and results in a shocking proposal: the discarded man is willing to overlook Bee’s wild night with his rival in order to win her love. He will sacrifice his pride, his heart, and everything he holds dear to have her.
Bee is unmoved by the offer … until the man she’s chosen encourages her to accept.
Now Bee is yet again faced with an impossible decision: Does she pursue the man she craves, who has rejected her love, or does she settle for the man who will do anything for her?
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KPVB4RM
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-8
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-8-cynthia-sax/1119919842
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_8?id=O-xMBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-8/id885104040
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Sinful Rewards 7 – What Is Your Dream House?
I’m at Babs Book Bistro, talking about dream houses!
Here is a snippet…
“What is your dream home? Is it a huge mansion in a gated community? A tiny seaside cottage? A New York penthouse overlooking Central Park? A ranch with thousands of acres between you and your next neighbor? A mobile home you can drive to a new town?
Why is it your dream home?
The why fascinates me. Having worked in property management, I know that while we might have the same dream home, our why’s are likely to be completely different. And there’s always a why. We choose these homes for a reason.”
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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.
To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.
Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00JZOVYQG
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards7-1718231-237.html
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-7
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-7-cynthia-sax/1119919841
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_7?id=CGsOBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-7/id870582006
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Sinful Rewards 7 – My Top 5 Writing Distractions
I’m at Manga Maniac Cafe, talking about writing distractions!
Here is a snippet…
“5. Other Story Ideas
Story ideas are one of the most tricksy of all distractions because we, writers, know how fleeting they are. We have a flash of inspiration and, if we don’t take action, the inspiration is gone.
What I do is quickly sketch out everything I ‘see’. This is usually the premise or the first scene. I then add this idea to my top 100 list. Yes, I maintain a list of my top 100 story ideas. Ideas fall off this list every week. I’ll never be able to write every story I want to write. That’s stressful and thrilling and one of the many reasons I’ll never stop writing.”
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Bee Carter has been offered everything she has ever dreamed of—a caring, lasting relationship with a handsome, often charming billionaire; the permanent home she’s never had but has always craved; and wealth to buy the designer fashions she loves, support her hard-working mother, and ensure her acceptance by Chicago’s elite.
To obtain what she’s desired for so long, she has to do only two things: Walk away from her best friend, a woman who is destined to betray her … and end her passionate nightly encounters with a certain tattooed biker, a former Marine who can never give her what she needs.
Her answer should be clear, but the heart has a way of complicating even the most straightforward decisions.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sinful-Rewards-Billionaires-Bikers-Novella-ebook/dp/B00JZOVYQG
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-sinfulrewards7-1718231-237.html
Avon: http://www.avonromance.com/book/cynthia-sax-sinful-rewards-7
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sinful-rewards-7-cynthia-sax/1119919841
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Sax_Sinful_Rewards_7?id=CGsOBAAAQBAJ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/sinful-rewards-7/id870582006
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Mastered 2 – Logan Ross Vs Christian Grey
As we’re waiting for both Fifty Shades Of Grey, the movie (February 14th) and the Mastered 2 boxed set (April 21st) to release, I thought I’d have some fun and compare the two heroes – Christian Grey and Logan Ross.
Christian Grey – The billionaire CEO and Founder of Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc., a publishing company
Logan Ross – A billionaire venture capitalist and partial owner of St. James Communications, a media company
Christian Grey – “He is not merely good looking – he is the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking.”
Logan Ross – Has a hard, angular face. Is more striking than handsome.
Christian Grey – Lives in a penthouse in Seattle
Logan Ross – Lives in a sprawling mansion in one of most private and exclusive neighborhoods in Toronto
Christian Grey – His tastes ‘are very singular.’ I.e. He’s into BDSM and is extremely dominant.
Logan Ross – “I’ll be the woman he defends and he’ll expect my total submission in return for his protection. He hasn’t been shy about his sexual preferences, sending me links to websites, murmuring his plans for us against my cheek. This won’t be a vanilla first taste of sex. He’ll restrain me, spank me, force me to service him.” Yep, he’s into BDSM also and is as dominant as Christian Grey.
Christian Grey – Is attracted to Anastasia Steele, a young innocent virgin
Logan Ross – Is attracted to Arianna St. James (oh dang, I didn’t realize until now that Anastasia and Arianna have the same initials), a youngish (older than Anastasia) not-so-innocent virgin
Christian Grey – Will stop at nothing to claim Anastasia.
Logan Ross – Feels as strongly about Arianna
“You’re mine, Arianna, and I will pursue you until I breathe my last breath.”
These two sexy billionaire Doms are similar in some ways and very different in others. Logan Ross is not Christian Grey but I do believe lovers of Fifty Shades Of Grey will enjoy my contribution to the Mastered 2 boxed set!
Mastered 2 features ten sizzling BDSM-themed erotic romances. (My story will also feature a billionaire – grins) It’s priced at a crazy low 99 cents and is available for pre-order now.
I’ll give you all more details as I receive them!
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