I sat down (virtually) with Tina Donahue for a short interview. Tina Donahue’s latest release is Make Me Surrender, her steamy contribution to the Brought to His Knees boxed set.
Cynthia Sax: What makes Travis and Dutch sexy?
Tina Donahue: All of the books in Brought to His Knees are about Alpha males brought down by love. Personally, I can’t think of anything more delicious than a commanding guy who meets his match in a woman he can’t live without.
In Make Me Surrender, Travis and Dutch aren’t looking for love or any kind of commitment. Sweet Mercy waltzes into their lives and they don’t know what hit them. It’s awesome.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Make Me Surrender?
Tina Donahue: At the very beginning when Mercy says to Dutch and Travis, “I have a proposition.”
Like I said before, Travis and Dutch won’t know what hit them. They’ve known Mercy for a year and paid little attention to her, considering her more of a friend or a little sister type. Mercy has other plans. She’s wanted these tough guys from the beginning and is determined to make them notice and want her.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for Make Me Surrender?
Tina Donahue: It just came to me like all my other stories. I can be grocery shopping, driving, having lunch with friends and suddenly I see scenes in my head and the characters interacting. Basically, I write down what I see and the story progresses from there.
Cynthia Sax: How does Make Me Surrender start?
Tina Donahue: The story begins with Travis and Dutch coming into Fast Fill, one of those gas/groceries stores everyone’s familiar with. Mercy works there. She knows there’s an opening in Travis’s saloon and considers it her best chance to work with and be near him and Dutch. Make Me Surrender gets right to the core of Mercy’s greatest desire. She wants these guys badly and is determined to make them notice her once and for all.
Thank you, Tina Donahue, for joining us today!
Tina Donahue’s Website: http://www.tinadonahue.com/
Brought to His Knees
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one.
This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower.
Enter with anticipation. Finish satisfied…
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Thanks for hosting us!
I love Tina’s story in this set! Oh, to be Mercy!!
Cynthia, thank you so much for hosting.
Cynthia, thank you so much for sharing our collection!!! I loved reading Tina’s interview!!
Hot and sexy! Just the way I like em!! Thanks for posting!