I sat down (virtually) with Tina Donahue for a short interview. Tina Donahue’s latest release is Taking Eve, an Erotic paranormal – past life regression – with BDSM elements.
Cynthia Sax: What excites you about Taking Eve?
Tina Donahue: I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time about a contemporary woman who willingly engaged in bondage and submission in a previous life. I love the back and forth between the present and the past. How the hero and heroine’s passion endured throughout time. I always want to keep readers turning the pages, and by moving from the present to the past and back again, I found myself eager to learn what happens next.
Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Taking Eve?
Tina Donahue: I know you…you know me.
Faith is thinking this as the story begins when she sees Colin for the first time. In their former lives she was Eve and he was Anthony, the noble Master she craves. Before their eyes meet, you can feel the tension within her. She senses he’s her lover from times past. Then when their gazes finally touch that thought – I know you…you know me is in her mind. Very powerful.
Cynthia Sax: Where does Taking Eve start?
Tina Donahue: I like to begin my stories with a solid hook. In the case of Taking Eve I had to begin the narrative in the present and let Colin, who’s a hypnotherapist specializing in past-life regression, lead Faith to the past. I began the story as Faith has reached his office. She’s seen his pictures in advertisements and realizes he’s the man she’s been dreaming about. This sets the stage for their current attraction and the question of what happened the first time they were lovers.
Cynthia Sax: Where is Taking Eve set?
Tina Donahue: During her past life regressions, Faith returns to Victorian England, a hidden manor referred to as the House of Lords. There nobles bid on and take her each night. The setting is opulent, the activities smoking hot.
Thank you, Tina Donahue, for joining us today!
Tina Donahue’s Website: http://www.tinadonahue.com/
A willing slave to possession, punishment, pleasure…
Dreams of a manor where submission and dominance once ruled draw Faith to hypnotherapist Colin Danes. Potently virile, he looks remarkably like her most cherished master from a past life. Desire smolders in his eyes, proving he’s never forgotten her.
Their carnal dance continues in the present and leads to their past when she was known as Eve. Through hypnotherapy, Colin brings her back to the Victorian era, a hidden estate where she eagerly submits to whatever he and her other noble masters crave.
The exquisite discipline of the strap. Being bid on and mounted each night. Displayed and used for the enjoyment of all.
Most will take her. One will try to imprison her. Only he will be her true master in that life and this.
Inside scoop: Faith’s paranormal journey takes her to a time of debauchery, including many voyeuristic, some male/male encounters. Faith’s past life encounters also contain some reluctant consent situations.
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