I’m currently working on edits for Passionate by Moonbeam, the fourth and final Moonbeam story. The hero of Passionate by Moonbeam is Fixer Vern, our favorite a$$ loving alien. He has appeared in the other three stories and reading buddies have been asking for his story. I thought it right that we should end the series with Fixer Vern’s happy ending.
All of the other heroes are mentioned or appear in Passionate by Moonbeam and one couple has HUGE news. This is my favorite story in the series.
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Officer Danielle smacks a hunky alien with her police cruiser, she suspects her black-and-green perp is up to no good…and that turns her on. She shoots him. He grins. She hunts him down. He captures her, seducing her on a bed of pine needles. She’s never felt so alive.
Krol knows a frail human female won’t satisfy his primal sexual urges, but he’s willing to make that sacrifice to ensure the continuation of his species. Then Danielle attempts to terminate him, and he realizes Earth women aren’t as dainty as they appear. Her lust may be a match for his basest needs, after all.
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