Flash Fiction: Kissing The Reaper
Here is my answer to this week’s Flash Fiction!
“You’re not supposed to be here.” A tall lean figure garbed in a long black cloak hovered at the foot of Matt’s bed. Moonlight reflected off the blade of his scythe.
“I couldn’t stay away.” An equally tall purple alien stood with his feet braced apart. “I know we have to take this human.”
They turned their heads toward Matt. The alien’s catlike eyes glowed. Under the grim reaper’s hood was a hole of endless nothingness. Matt slid deeper under the covers, his body shaking with fear.
“But we won’t take him tonight,” the grim reaper murmured, his words echoing in the small bedroom.
“Not tonight.” The alien surged forward, gripped the reaper’s shoulders and captured his nemesis’s mouth. The reaper pushed back, grasping purple muscle with his skeletal hands. They battled for sexual supremacy, two powerful beings intent on dominating the other.
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Flash Fiction Challenge: Rock and a Hard Place
Time for the weekly Changeling Flash Fiction Challenge!
** (Inspired by pic on FB) The Grim Reaper and an alien have both showed up in your bedroom. One of them is in the wrong place. Which one and what happens when they figure it out? **
View image here:
– Write a quickie with the above theme
– 100 to 150 words
– Authors and readers can play
Please put “FFC” or “Flash Fiction” (and a title) in your subject line so we don’t miss any potential plot bunnies.
Answer the challenge here
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May 3 Release Date For Warlord Unarmed
I was just told that Warlord Unarmed, the second story in the Warlord’s Bounty series, will be releasing on May 3rd.
Here is the blurb for Warlord Unarmed.
When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
OH, and Warlord 3 has a title – Warlord Reunited!

The bigger the bounty, the more dangerous the fugitive.
Khan, a Chamele warlord, has a huge bounty on his head. His enemy is willing to pay an outrageous amount to secure him. Khan wants to be apprehended, especially if the bounty hunter capturing him is a brown-eyed female with razor-sharp daggers and an even sharper tongue. He’ll allow her to subdue him sexually, his passion and prowess not inhibited by restraints, and when she collects her bounty, he’ll collect his revenge, killing his enemy and claiming his little bounty hunter forever.
Zeta doesn’t do forever. She captures the worst scum in the galaxy and trades them for credits. Khan is fierce and sexy and the most dominant male she has ever encountered, but he is also a fugitive, and once she sates herself with his body, she’ll betray him. It is her job.
Buy It Now At: http://www.ellorascave.com/warlord-s-bounty.html
Buy It Now on ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-warlord039sbounty-1025975-144.html
Buy It Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AO5CWVG
Buy It Now on B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warlords-bounty-cynthia-sax/1113984150
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Dragon Lord’s Destiny Contracted!
Changeling Press has contracted Dragon Lord’s Destiny, the next medieval dragon shifter erotic romance in my Dragon Lord series. Dragon Lord’s Destiny will be releasing in July!
Here is the VERY unedited blurb for Dragon Lord’s Destiny.
Lady Celestria eagerly travels with her aunt and cousin to participate in festivities at King’s Keep. Decades ago, her father had met her mother in the courtyards. He took one look at her mother’s face, sank to his knees, and declared his undying love. Celestria believes this is where she will find true love also.
In the forest, less than a day’s ride away from the keep, they are attacked by bandits. Celestria fights alongside the guards. Outnumbered and disarmed, she faces her death bravely.
Then a warrior dressed all in gray, breathing smoke and fire, enters the fray. Celestria knows he’s the one, the man she’s destined to love. He doesn’t know he’s her future husband, however, and he’s riding toward her with his sword raised.

What is a maiden to do when the dragon shifter she loves won’t claim her?
Rhoslyn volunteers to be the village’s virgin sacrifice. She is bound
and stripped, presented as an offering to appease their dragon
protector, a dragon she has intimate knowledge of, a dragon who refuses
to meet with her outside their mate link.
Lame from a past battle wound, Blau knows Rhoslyn deserves a more
worthy knight than himself, but with one look at his mate’s naked body,
all of his noble plans fly out the turret. He doesn’t deserve to claim
Rhoslyn, but he can’t let her go.
Buy It Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1867
Buy It Now on ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-dragonlord039scaptive-946754-140.html
Buy It Now On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Lords-Captive-ebook/dp/B009G85MKA
Buy It Now On B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dragon-lords-captive-cynthia-sax/1113011543
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Cover Reveal For Skies On Fire!
I have a cover for Skies On Fire!
Bryan designed this cover.
Isn’t it gorgeous?
(if images are turned off, please click on the link)
Skies On Fire is the third story in the Operation Bliss series.
The first two stories (Dr. Feel Good and Sexual Healing ) were written by the always wonderful Ashlynn Monroe. They’re AWESOME! READ them!!!

Lieutenant Reisen, a grim Dracheon warrior, would die for honor and duty. He has sworn to protect the captain of the Bliss. When an alien attacks the ship, seeking to harm the captain, Reisen maintains his post by her side, ready to defend her with his life.
Jayla, the ship’s botanist, would never ask Reisen to turn his back on duty, not even to save her life. During an attack on her laboratory, all she asks of the impressively large male is that he take care of her beloved plants should she die… and that he remember the one stolen kiss they shared in a darkened alcove.
Reisen will never forget that kiss. Jayla is his mate, the sole being he is meant to spend his life with, and if she dies, his dreams will die with her. But he is honor-bound to protect his captain, and a Dracheon warrior never breaks his vows.
Buy It Soon: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2027
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Wayback Wednesday: Badge Bunny
I had such doubts about my ability to write humor that two days after I submitted Badge Bunny, I emailed my fabulous editor Maryam, asking her to withdraw it from submission. Thankfully, she had already read Badge Bunny and talked me out of withdrawing the story.

My name is Officer Drake. I’m genetically enhanced to be the best damn policeman there is. I can snap a werewolf in two. I can outrun a car. That’s not boasting. Those are the facts.
I’m designed to protect and serve, and when I spot a plush little bunny shifter by the name of Hunny Lapin, that is exactly what I do. I protect her from a strip club owning vampire and serve up her every desire in bed. ‘Course, that lands me in a whole heap of trouble, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’m a supercop, remember?
Buy Now: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1452
Buy On ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-badgebunny-484418-140.html
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Ellora’s Cave Titles 50% Rebate
All of my Ellora’s Cave titles (which means all of my SciFi erotic romances) have a 50% rebate at ARe. Yeah, 50%. That’s a crazy sale! This is a rebate which means we buy the book at full price and then get a credit for the next book we purchase. I buy books one at a time and apply the rebate right away.
But the sale gets even crazier because the buy 10 books, get 1 book free promotion still applies! So we can buy 10 books with the rebate and then get 1 full-priced book for FREE! NUTS!
Remember that Lust By Moonbeam remains FREE (for this week only)! Please spread the word! I want all of my SciFi reading buddies to know about this!
Here are a list of all of my Ellora’s Cave titles at ARe
Mission Menage Series – This series is on break while Steve, the man-eating plant does his thing
Mission Menage – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-missionmenage-641709-340.html
Savage Menage – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-savagemenage-784684-340.html
Unleashed Menage – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-unleashedmenage-834960-340.html
Assassin Mine – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-assassinmine-923928-340.html
Menage Lost – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-menagelost-996418-144.html
Moonbeam Series – I’ll be writing the next Moonbeam story this year – yes, Fixer Vern’s story!
Lust By Moonbeam (FREE) – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-lustbymoonbeam-624920-340.html
Ravished By Moonbeam – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-ravishedbymoonbeam-672416-340.html
Exposed By Moonbeam – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-exposedbymoonbeam-964621-340.html
Tattooed Tryst Series – I’ll be writing TWO more Tattooed Tryst stories this year
Tattooed Tryst – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-tattooedtryst-889618-340.html
Warlord’s Bounty Series – The next two stories are written and I’m writing story #4 right now
Warlord’s Bounty – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-warlord039sbounty-1025975-144.html

suspects her black-and-green perp is up to no good…and that turns her
on. She shoots him. He grins. She hunts him down. He captures her,
seducing her on a bed of pine needles. She’s never felt so alive.
Krol knows a frail human female won’t satisfy his primal sexual urges, but
he’s willing to make that sacrifice to ensure the continuation of his
species. Then Danielle attempts to terminate him, and he realizes Earth
women aren’t as dainty as they appear. Her lust may be a match for his
basest needs, after all.
Buy Now: http://www.ellorascave.com/ravished-by-moonbeam.html
Buy Now on ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-ravishedbymoonbeam-672416-144.html
Buy Now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ravished-by-Moonbeam-ebook/dp/B006X0JUZ2/
Buy Now On B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ravished-by-moonbeam-cynthia-sax/1108333058
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TRS Party – Enter To Win
The Changelings are at TRS Parties today, talking about our new releases.
I’m talking about Dragon Lord’s Captive, Speed Demon, and Tiger Byte.
Remember to enter here
For a VERY good chance at winning FOUR Changeling stories of your choice!!!
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