I often joke that I’m part gypsy. For the longest time, I would move cities by mailing one regular sized box. Yep, everything I owned could fit in one box. I’d also leave on spur of the moment trips. Once I called my hubby from the bus station because I just HAD to get away for the weekend.
So I completely understand how Cora, the heroine of Gypsy King, feels. She wants to be free, unattached to anything or anyone.
I also know that gypsy spirits can find true lasting love. I’ve loved my more grounded, practical hubby for over 20 wonderful years.
By Cynthia Sax
Available Now From Changeling Press

Cora doesn’t need a crystal ball to know the tall, dark stranger
standing in front of her is trouble. When he pays to have his fortune
told, she sees the two of them making passionate love. Tamos isn’t
destined to be a transient lover. He’s a man she could love for all
The problem is… Cora doesn’t do love and she doesn’t do eternity.
She likes her freedom. She isn’t going to give that up for anyone, not
even the smooth-talking, knife-throwing, jail-springing king of the
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