I had such doubts about my ability to write humor that two days after I submitted Badge Bunny, I emailed my fabulous editor Maryam, asking her to withdraw it from submission. Thankfully, she had already read Badge Bunny and talked me out of withdrawing the story.

My name is Officer Drake. I’m genetically enhanced to be the best damn policeman there is. I can snap a werewolf in two. I can outrun a car. That’s not boasting. Those are the facts.
I’m designed to protect and serve, and when I spot a plush little bunny shifter by the name of Hunny Lapin, that is exactly what I do. I protect her from a strip club owning vampire and serve up her every desire in bed. ‘Course, that lands me in a whole heap of trouble, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’m a supercop, remember?
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