One Night With My Billionaire Master Releases!
Woot! One Night With My Billionaire Master is now available!
Note: If you purchased Mastered 2, you already have this story.
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross this morning. The billionaire financier is my father’s number one nemesis and has been pursuing me for months. He wants to own me, completely, promising exquisite pleasure balanced by equally intense pain, vowing to dominate me, to show me wicked things a virgin like myself shouldn’t be interested in.
But I am extremely interested, and I’ll risk everything—my job, my family, my future—to experience one night of total submission with this powerful Dom.
Will one night be enough for both of us?
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One Night With My Billionaire Master – Fourth Scene
Here’s the fourth scene from One Night With My Billionaire Master (releasing July 22nd)
Read the third scene here:
Logan’s lips lift into one of his rare smiles. “Dance with me.” This is a command, not a request. He leads me onto the floor. “It’s expected.” He swings me into position, his maneuvering graceful and sure.
It is expected. In the past, he has arrived at events, sought me out for a dance, and then departed immediately after our exchange.
His focus on me means nothing. If I say this statement enough times, I might believe it. I bend my left arm, layering my limb over his. Logan clasps my right hand tightly. Our bodies come together and we move as one.
This isn’t the rigid proper waltz I learned at ballroom dance class. It is rolling and sensuous, like the undulation of muscle under skin. One, two, three. One, two, three. There’s no thinking, no talking, only feeling, reacting. Logan steps forward. I step back. He turns. I follow.
Our hips brush together, my skirt swirling around his black pants. I gaze at his sharp chin, firm lips, feeling delicate, womanly, trusting him to guide me, to keep me safe.
Logan dips me and I fall back, confident he’ll catch me. “You’re exquisite.” His eyes gleam and he draws me upright, twirls me across the floor. If dancing is a sign of companionship, we’re ideally suited. I’ve never had a partner know me like he does, reading my abilities, fulfilling my wishes.
The music fades and he sweeps me toward the edge of the dance floor. Before the song ends, he’s concealed us in the crowd. “Escort me from the room.” He covers my hand with his. “As you’ve been instructed.”
My gaze darts upward. How does he know I’ve been given that order? “I can’t climb into the limousine with you,” I murmur, aware that we’re being watched. “People will gossip.”
“People already gossip.” Logan leans into me. “They see how we dance, speculate that we fuck as passionately.” His crudeness stimulates, rather than shocks me. “They suspect your sweet pussy is filled with my cum, that my love bites decorate the curve of your ass and my scent is on your skin,” he breathes into my hair and I warm, all over. “Everyone here knows you’re mine.”
I stare at him, my thoughts obliterated by his words.
“Looking at me with your fuck-me face won’t stop the gossip.” He chuckles softly and I blush. “No one will see you enter my limousine.” Logan steers me across the crowded ballroom, his stride shortened to match mine, his hold on me steady. “We’ll leave through the gardens.”
“Someone will follow us,” I express my worry, unaccustomed to giving another person control.
“No, someone won’t. I’ve taken precautions.” His certainty eases some of my concerns. “People will speculate, they already are, but no one will know.”
Speculation has been dogging me since birth. Heads turn and people whisper as we pass them. This isn’t a new phenomenon. I’m always being observed.
Except tonight, the murmurs aren’t as loud. The disdainful looks aren’t as direct. I glance up at Logan, knowing he’s the cause. The billionaire investor scares the shit out of everyone, and, by being with him, I’m protected. I’m no longer alone.
Logan opens the balcony door and we step onto the terrace, the structure overlooking the gardens. The cool night breeze sweeps over my flushed cheeks, a thousand ghostly fingers stroking my bare skin, fluttering my knee-length skirt.
I shiver.
“You’re cold.” He shrugs out of his jacket, his shirt stark white against the darkness, and he drapes the garment over my shoulders.
I draw the tuxedo jacket closer to me, savoring his body heat, his cologne, a mixture of spice, musk, and him, clinging to the fabric. “Thank you, Mr. Ross.” Wearing his clothing feels decadently intimate, the act arousing me.
“Thank you, Logan.” His tone is stern. “When we’re alone, you’ll call me by my first name. When we’re in a scene, you’ll address me as sir.”
He knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to demand it. My body hums with appreciation. I can please a man like him. “How will I know when we’re in a scene?” The BDSM websites he directed me to never explained that detail.
“You’ll know.” Logan grazes his fingertips over my cheeks, his touch agonizingly gentle. “It’s like dancing. I’ll lead and you’ll follow.” He traces my lips, I open to him, thirsting to taste him, and he smiles. “Your body already knows what I want.” He pulls his fingers away from my mouth, the loss of his caresses reverberating throughout my body, amplifying my loneliness. “It accepts that you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” I am breathless with need. “For tonight.”
“Tonight is merely one more step in our relationship.” He opens the tuxedo jacket and brazenly brushes his knuckles over my taut nipples. I shudder, his touch felt through the thin fabric, and his dark eyes sparkle. “We’ll both want more.”
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Note: If you purchased Mastered 2, you already have this story.
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross this morning. The billionaire financier is my father’s number one nemesis and has been pursuing me for months. He wants to own me, completely, promising exquisite pleasure balanced by equally intense pain, vowing to dominate me, to show me wicked things a virgin like myself shouldn’t be interested in.
But I am extremely interested, and I’ll risk everything—my job, my family, my future—to experience one night of total submission with this powerful Dom.
Will one night be enough for both of us?
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One Night With My Billionaire Master – Third Scene
Here’s the third scene from One Night With My Billionaire Master (releasing July 22nd)
Read the second scene here:
My heart races and my senses tingle, my body awakening as though from a long sleep. The man I’ve chosen to be my first, perhaps my last, lover, stands in the ballroom’s doorway. He draws every gaze, his shoulders barely contained in his black form-fitting tuxedo, his stance deliciously dominant, his feet braced apart like he’s preparing for battle. The lights from the crystal chandelier shine a spotlight on his thick mane of black hair.
He suits the venue, a man as darkly elegant as the gothic revival-style mansion he’s entered. I shiver with feminine appreciation. Several lifetimes ago, Logan Ross might have been a warrior, standing on the battlements with his hands clenched behind his back, watching over his domain. The woman he defended would have been safe, protected, cherished. No enemy would have dared to storm his gates.
Tonight, those gates will surround me. I’ll be the woman he defends and he’ll expect my total submission in return for his protection. He hasn’t been shy about his sexual preferences, sending me links to websites, murmuring his plans for us against my cheek. This won’t be a vanilla first taste of sex. He’ll restrain me, spank me, force me to service him.
My pussy moistens, the possibilities exciting me. He’ll tell me what to do, his commands supplanting my inexperience, ensuring we both leave his bedroom, his dungeon, as I privately think of it, satisfied. It will be glorious. I won’t disappoint him and I won’t be required to make any decisions.
“I know he wasn’t on Father’s guest list.” Frederick interrupts my fantasies. “Arianna must have invited him.”
“No one invited him.”
Logan does whatever he desires, fuck guest lists, fuck getting permission. Father refused to grant him security clearance for St. James Communications properties. Logan had his own passcard made. Father wouldn’t allow him to access the database. Logan instructed his team to hack into the system.
The billionaire takes what he wants, and tonight, he wants me, the family-run charity event be damned. My toes curl.
“Father is in a private room, negotiating a deal.” Kayla stares at me. “If Ross leaves now, Father won’t realize you invited him.”
I didn’t invite him. Knowing they won’t listen to me, I remain silent, my gaze drifting to Logan. He searches the crowded space. Beautiful women flip their hair and smile enticingly, trying to attract his attention. He doesn’t notice them, his focus on finding me.
“Once she gives him what he wants, he’ll go away,” Cindra states loudly, her inference that I’ll grant him a fast fuck irritatingly obvious. “We’ll allow her to manage him.”
I doubt anyone can manage Logan. He’s dominant and determined down to his well-clad feet. “I’ll talk to Ross, ask him to leave.” I smooth my moist palms over my evening gown, don a polite society smile, and step forward.
Logan turns his head and his gaze locks on mine. His brown eyes gleam with awareness, appreciation, and a thrilling possessiveness, as though I’m already his, I belong to him.
This is only one night. I repeat this mantra in my mind. Don’t get emotionally involved. I glide toward him, putting distance between my half-siblings and me, not wanting them to overhear our certain-to-be outrageous conversation.
My billionaire isn’t patiently waiting for my arrival. He stalks across the marble floor, his gait fluid and smooth, his gaze fixed on my face.
Bejeweled society matrons and gray-haired business titans step out of his path, their eyes widening with curiosity. Couples stop dancing. The band valiantly continues to play, choosing a waltz as their next piece of music, the haunting notes filling the silence.
Guests expect a scene. They won’t get one. I’ve watched my mom in action. I know how to handle a horny man.
“Mr. Ross.” I hold out my right hand, proud of how steady it is. “I’m glad you could come.” My voice lowers, accentuating the innuendo. “To our little event.”
Logan clasps my fingers, his palm warm and intriguingly calloused. “I knew you’d be here.” His deep rumble rolls through my body, tightening my nipples. “It wasn’t a hard decision.”
Is he hard? I resist the urge to drop my gaze and verify, knowing other people are watching us. “Did you receive the agenda for tonight?” Does he understand that no one is to know about our liaison?
“I did.” He lifts my hand and brushes his lips over my knuckles, his breath wafting across my skin. “I incorporated it into my plans.” Gold flecks glow in his eyes as he straightens. “You have no reason to worry, Arianna.” He doesn’t release my hand. Instead, he places my palm on his forearm, his muscles flexing under his tuxedo jacket. “You can trust me.”
“I know I can trust you.” I study him, this man I’ve chosen to fuck. “That’s why I sent you tonight’s agenda.” Our texts alone, private exchanges with the dreaded enemy, would damn me in my father’s eyes. “You would never hurt me.” I know this in my soul.
“I won’t allow anyone to hurt you,” Logan makes one of his infamous vows, promises he’s been known to bend laws to keep. “You won’t regret your decision.”
We stand in the middle of the ballroom, surrounded by people. I see only him, entranced by the emotion in his brown eyes, his passion, his need, and something more, something I don’t dare believe in.
“Was this my decision?” I muse. “Did I have a choice?” Or was this inevitable, our fate, our destiny?
“No, you didn’t have a choice.”
Read the next scene here: (available July 14th)
Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter:
Note: If you purchased Mastered 2, you already have this story.
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross this morning. The billionaire financier is my father’s number one nemesis and has been pursuing me for months. He wants to own me, completely, promising exquisite pleasure balanced by equally intense pain, vowing to dominate me, to show me wicked things a virgin like myself shouldn’t be interested in.
But I am extremely interested, and I’ll risk everything—my job, my family, my future—to experience one night of total submission with this powerful Dom.
Will one night be enough for both of us?
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One Night With My Billionaire Master – Second Scene
Here’s the second scene from One Night With My Billionaire Master (releasing July 22nd)
Read the first scene here:
My friend shrugs. “Speaking of decisions we must make, we’re running low on the eighty-two. We only have three bottles left.”
“Then serve the eighty-three.” He opens his mouth, a refusal written all over his pretty face, and I hastily add, “I realize that vintage of champagne isn’t as rich as the eighty-two, but it’s late in the evening, and very few guests are as discerning as we are.”
“They’re ignorant buffoons,” the Frenchman grumbles.
“Who are generously supporting our educational programs.” I pat his tuxedo-clad arm, trying to pacify him. “That was my last decision of the night, my friend.”
He frowns.
“You agreed to this,” I remind him. “And I trust you to handle any minor problems.” He knows I consider almost every problem to be minor. “If there’s an emergency situation, speak with Cindra.”
“Not Cindra, anyone but her.” Benoit glances over his shoulder at my half-sister and shudders dramatically. “I’d rather drink the seventy-eight.” Seventy-eight was one of the worst years for champagne in recent memory.
“There’s no one else.” Frederick, my half-brother, flat out refused to help. Kayla, the youngest half-sister, couldn’t make a decision to save her life. “I doubt there will be any emergency situations.”
My friend mutters under his breath.
“You’ll manage, Benoit. I have faith in your abilities.” I walk away, ignoring my guilt. He knows the routine, having shadowed me at dozens of similar events. He can handle this responsibility.
I approach my half-siblings, my dread carefully hidden behind a polite mask. Frederick, Kayla, and Cindra watch me with a disturbing level of interest, as though they expect me to embarrass myself, to shame our father.
I won’t be their entertainment tonight. I straighten my shoulders and lift my chin. I’m no longer a child they can tease and torment.
“Your boy toy looks unhappy.” Cindra throws the opening verbal punch, her blue eyes glittering with malice. “Are you having a lover’s tiff?”
Guests, hovering nearby, twitter behind their hands. Her words will be embellished and repeated, tarnishing my reputation even more.
“Benoit was consulting with me on a gala issue.” And he prefers men. I keep this information to myself, his personal life being no one’s concern but his.
“He was consulting with you?” Kayla supports Cindra as she always does. “Is that what you’re calling your activities now?” She looks down her perfect nose at me, a glass of champagne clasped by her well-manicured fingers.
I wish it was the seventy-eight.
“His unhappiness is to be expected.” Frederick joins the fray. “According to rumors, you’re having nightly private consultations with Logan Ross.” His lip curls.
“Daddy won’t like that,” Cindra sings.
“Our father knows those rumors aren’t true.” Tomorrow I won’t be able to use this defense. The gossip will reflect reality.
My half-siblings laugh, causing a wave of whispers to roll through our audience. I don’t know why I respond to their jibes. No one believes a word I say. They all think I’m fucking Logan.
“You’re just like your mother.” Cindra, the eldest and the meanest, is the first to bring up my ethically-challenged parent. “When Daddy finally sees that, you’ll be cut off.”
That’s their goal, to drive a permanent wedge between our father and me, his unwelcome slut-spawn. It isn’t enough that they have the bulk of his affections. They want it all, begrudging me the gold teardrop-shaped pendant I wear while our father drapes them in diamonds, complaining about my economy vehicle even as they stand in front of their luxury cars, contesting my five percent share in St. James Communications using income earned from their ten percent ownerships.
I stifle a sigh. I’m weary of being attacked, weary of being alone, untouched and isolated, starved for affection. A movement catches my eye and I glance upward, hope and longing coloring my soul.
It isn’t Logan. My burst of happiness fades. Benoit lurks in an alcove, signaling that he wishes to talk to me. I shake my head, refusing his request. My workday is done. I told him I’d made my last decision.
He frowns and beckons again, his movements more exaggerated and frantic. I’m not in charge, I silently scream. For once in my life, I don’t want to be responsible for anything other than my own pleasure.
The Frenchman waves his hands in the air, almost clipping a passing waiter with his elbow. His mouth is moving. I can’t hear his words, he’s too far away, but I see his desperation. He needs my help. I take a step toward.
“Oh my God,” Cindra gasps. The mood in the ballroom shifts, the air thickening with expectation. “He did dare to show his face.” She sounds almost giddy. “Daddy’s going to blow a gasket.”
Only one man can cause our father to lose his temper. I mouth a clear no to Benoit, adding a hand chop for emphasis. If the newcomer is who I think he is, my friend will have to deal with his problems on his own.
“He has some gall,” Kayla chimes in. “He might have been able to sneak into the other events, but this is our gala. Everyone knows he has no business being here.”
It must be him. I look over my shoulder and my breath hitches. It is.
Logan Ross, billionaire investor, thirty-five percent shareholder in St. James Communications, and my father’s sworn enemy, has arrived.
Read the next scene here: (available July 7th)
Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter:
Note: If you purchased Mastered 2, you already have this story.
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross this morning. The billionaire financier is my father’s number one nemesis and has been pursuing me for months. He wants to own me, completely, promising exquisite pleasure balanced by equally intense pain, vowing to dominate me, to show me wicked things a virgin like myself shouldn’t be interested in.
But I am extremely interested, and I’ll risk everything—my job, my family, my future—to experience one night of total submission with this powerful Dom.
Will one night be enough for both of us?
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One Night With My Billionaire Master – First Scene
Here’s the first scene from One Night With My Billionaire Master (releasing July 22nd)
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross, billionaire investor and my father’s most hated adversary, eleven hours ago. Fucking Logan is inevitable, I tell myself, as I stand in the crowded ballroom. He won’t stop pursuing me until he has me, and I’m tired, so damn tired, of resisting him, delaying what we both want, what we both need.
I half-heartedly listen to Benoit, my flamboyant French second-in-command, grumble about broken champagne flutes and incompetent waitstaff. Normally I’d care about these details, taking my job seriously, but I’m too wired to work tonight. All I can think about is sex and Logan, his rough hands, stern voice, intense no-bullshit gaze.
He’s been as subtle as a sledgehammer over the past seven months, standing guard over me at every event, every dinner, glaring at any man who dares to approach me, making his claim on the St. James slut, thrillingly obvious.
Logan must be aware of my reputation, everyone in our business circles knows of my mom, how I’m expected to follow in her notorious footsteps, yet he treats me with respect. Sure, he whispers scorching hot sexual fantasies into my ear, brushes his calloused fingers against my neck, shoulders, and arms, every chance he gets, but he’s never crossed the line, never made me feel like anything other than his woman.
And, sweet mother, I love it. I shiver. It’s a miracle I’ve withstood his single-minded seduction this long.
No one believes I have resisted him. Everyone thinks we’re already fucking.
I can tolerate the speculation as long as there’s doubt. My father won’t disown me without concrete proof, my half-siblings reminded of this during their last attempt to usurp my minor role in our dysfunctional family. I trust Logan to be discreet, to handle the details, to protect me.
Tomorrow, he’ll turn his attention to another woman. I smooth the full skirt of my black sleeveless gown, the garment chosen for its ease of access, bra and panties not required.
The thought of my billionaire standing by someone else’s side shouldn’t sadden me. I know who I am, whom everyone believes I resemble. I have my absentee mom’s blonde hair, big breasts, and long legs, and my appeal will be as fleeting, as empty. He’ll get me out of his system and move on.
At least my night with Logan shouldn’t have any deadly and long-lasting consequences, unlike my media tycoon father’s fateful night with my opportunistic mom.
My father had been so lust-struck with my free-with-her-favors mom, that he cheated on his critically ill wife. I was conceived. My birth and the subsequent highly-contested paternity test revealed my father’s secret to the world, forcing him to give me his last name and a place in the family. That humiliation killed his wife, the woman he claims to have adored, leaving their three children without a mother.
My aggressive billionaire, in contrast, isn’t married, doesn’t have any children who would make a possible ‘oops’ baby feel unwelcome, unworthy, hated. I’m on birth control, and I suspect, with my inherited slutty reputation, he’ll use condoms.
My gaze drifts once more over the buzzing ballroom. Ladies wear long gowns in a variety of rich colors, offsetting the stark black of the men’s tuxedos. Precious gemstones glitter around the women’s necks, in their ears and hair.
My fingers close around my plain gold pendant, my sole adornment, and I’m filled with satisfaction over an event well-organized. The crème de la crème of Toronto society is attending my family’s charity gala. I recognize politicians, movie stars, the business elite. Everyone I expect to see is here.
Except Logan. I don’t spot his tall, muscular physique and distinctive ink-black hair in the crowd.
“He hasn’t yet arrived, Ari,” Benoit observes. A small smile curls his lips, illuminating his handsome face. “Believe me, I’ve been looking. That delicious man of yours fills out a tuxedo jacket nicely, and his ass?” My friend flicks his gaze toward the heavens. “Like a gift from God.”
My face heats. “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” I lie, knowing exactly whom he’s referring to. Logan does have a great ass and beautifully wide shoulders. “Esteban won’t appreciate you scooping other men out,” I warn. Benoit is in a committed relationship with the venue’s top-ranked chef.
“Esteban doesn’t care where I get my appetite as long as I eat at home,” he jauntily replies, as though having someone to love who returns that love is a casual accomplishment.
I don’t say anything, suppressing my envy, hiding my loneliness, my need for company.
“Are you finally banging your billionaire tonight?” Benoit returns to this embarrassing topic. “Is that why you’ve put me in charge of this fiasco?”
“Keep your voice down.” I hush my friend, aware that I’m being watched by my half-siblings. They report every infraction, imagined or real, to my father, hoping he’ll finally withdraw his support and his love. “You’re in charge because I need, no, I deserve one evening to relax.” This isn’t a lie, but it isn’t the full truth either, as I will be banging my billionaire tonight. “I don’t know why I must be the one to make all of the decisions.”
“Because you have a keen brain in that pretty little head of yours.” Benoit winks. “Which is why I chose to work for you, and why your Mr. Ross guards you closely. Your man doesn’t want stupid children.”
“He’s not my man.” Logan doesn’t think of me as marriage material.
“Tell that to him.”
Read the next scene here: (available June 30th)
Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter:
Note: If you purchased Mastered 2, you already have this story.
One night. No one must know.
This is the text I sent Logan Ross this morning. The billionaire financier is my father’s number one nemesis and has been pursuing me for months. He wants to own me, completely, promising exquisite pleasure balanced by equally intense pain, vowing to dominate me, to show me wicked things a virgin like myself shouldn’t be interested in.
But I am extremely interested, and I’ll risk everything—my job, my family, my future—to experience one night of total submission with this powerful Dom.
Will one night be enough for both of us?
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Mastered 2 – USA Today Bestseller!
Mastered 2 made the USA Today Bestseller List!
I’m so super stoked and so appreciative of everyone for supporting us. This is my very first time on the list and you know what they say about first times–you never forget them!
The best part is… I’m sharing this experience with 11 wonderful writers and with you! (big hugs)
Ohhh… I’m SO happy!
On the heels of the wildly popular New York Times and USA Today bestseller, MASTERED, we bring you MASTERED 2, ten more tales of sensual surrender, plus a bonus short story!
These scorching erotic romance books (plus a bonus short story) are all brand-spanking new and never-before-released, until now! And they are from your favourite New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors, including Avery Aster, Opal Carew, Portia Da Costa, Madelynne Ellis, Karen Fenech, T.J. Michaels, Emily Ryan-Davis, and Jennifer Leeland. Also featuring Evangeline Anderson,Cynthia Sax, and Saskia Walker. Plus a bonus short story by Ruby Foxx.
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Jacqueline crashes a billionaire’s exclusive poker game in order to seduce him into granting a favor to save her sister, but instead finds herself Played By the Master.
TANGLED & BOUND by Jennifer Leeland with Emily Ryan-Davis
When a threesome gets complicated, conflict can drive lovers apart. Ty, Noah and Tasha must find a way to connect before one of them walks out the door.
HER SECRET by Portia Da Costa
Jamie Lennox is the first man that Susannah ever loved, but now he’s different, dangerous and more devastatingly attractive than ever before. Their reunion is passionate and perverse, a thrilling exchange of power and pleasure. Can this lover from Susannah’s past become the master of her future?
Can Arianna make her one night with her billionaire master last a lifetime?
THE BUYER by Saskia Walker
A wild weekend with a dominant master proves Naomi’s true nature, but will it also prove that business and pleasure don’t mix?
RESISTOR by Madelynne Ellis
Rhythm guitarist, Spook Mortensen doesn’t want a second chance with sound engineer, Allegra Hutton– not over a table, in a limo or in bed.
HIS TOUCH by Karen Fenech
After her life is shattered by her Dom, can Corinne trust another man with her submission and her heart?
MASTERING THE MISTRESS by Evangeline Anderson
A muscular slave turns the tables on his unsuspecting mistress and teaches her an erotic lesson in submission.
LUSCIOUS by T.J. Michaels
MacKenzie Ivers is a strong personality who submits to one man–her husband, Landon. After ten years of marriage, a nasty divorce, followed by a sweet reconciliation, Mac wants nothing more than for her husband to stop punishing himself for his part in the former “crazy”. It’s going to require some conniving and some rope…miles and miles of rope. Luckily, Twilight Teahouse has everything she needs to get this particular rigger back in the saddle.
Some secrets are worth pursuing, especially when discovering them means you might be punished!
XO, BLAKE by Avery Aster
For fans of the dark comedy BDSM film Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down comes an erotic exploration in domination and submission where Ivy League students let their kinkiest desires run wild, and Blake shows you just how good it feels to be on top.
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Flashes Of Me Featured On The USA Today Blog
Flashes Of Me was featured on the USA Today blog today!
I’m super stoked!
Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.
Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.
Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?
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Warlord’s Mercy Featured On USA Today Blog

Tolui, a clone of a powerful Warlord, is a male without a homeland or a future. Doomed to never mate, he ruthlessly wages war, seeking to give his clone brothers a planet system to call their own, a place where they can live without persecution.
When Tolui crashes on a deserted planet and meets a small human female, he discovers everything he knows about clones is a lie. Lea, his destined mate, frees the passion he’s suppressed over his lifetime. He wants her. He needs her. He’ll do anything to bond with her.
But he won’t share her. Tolui’s greatest battle will be the fight for Lea’s heart. To win her love, he’ll face hundreds of his clone brothers, men who look exactly like him.
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Warlord Unarmed Featured On USA Today Blog!
Warlord Unarmed was featured on the USA Today blog!
You can read the post here
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

When Murad, a powerful and deadly Warlord, arrives to repair Gale’s beloved ship, she doesn’t like it one bit. She sees the danger lurking behind his wide, sexy smile and the temptation in his coarse touch. He stands too close. He smells too good. He muddles her mind with erotic thoughts no bounty hunter should ever entertain.
Murad is known for being lighthearted…until he meets Gale. He’s deadly serious about seducing his curvaceous bounty hunter. With one blast of her stun gun, she captures his attention, and starts his lust burning. To claim Gale for his mate, Murad will brave his cautious female’s itchy trigger finger, his overbearing older brother and Gale’s sense of duty.
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Warlord’s Bounty On The USA Today Blog
Warlord’s Bounty was featured on the USA Today Blog!
By Cynthia Sax
Now Available From Ellora’s Cave

The bigger the bounty, the more dangerous the fugitive.
Khan, a Chamele warlord, has a huge bounty on his head. His enemy is willing to pay an outrageous amount to secure him. Khan wants to be apprehended, especially if the bounty hunter capturing him is a brown-eyed female with razor-sharp daggers and an even sharper tongue. He’ll allow her to subdue him sexually, his passion and prowess not inhibited by restraints, and when she collects her bounty, he’ll collect his revenge, killing his enemy and claiming his little bounty hunter forever.
Zeta doesn’t do forever. She captures the worst scum in the galaxy and trades them for credits. Khan is fierce and sexy and the most dominant male she has ever encountered, but he is also a fugitive, and once she sates herself with his body, she’ll betray him. It is her job.
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