Billionaires And Rock Stars with Mina Carter

By Cynthia Sax on June 17, 2013

I’m visiting the always fabulous Mina Carter at her blog today

We’re talking about billionaires and rock stars. Yeah, I know! YUM!!!

I love Mina. She is one of the nicest, most generous people in Romanceland. She designed my Facebook button for He Watches Me. She also designed the cover for Lust by Moonbeam, my very first Ellora’s Cave story!

If you haven’t yet read Melody’s Wolf, I STRONGLY recommend this sexy story!


He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Watches Me From Cynthia Sax

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.

Part One of The Seen Trilogy

Pre-order here:


He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

He Touches Me From Cynthia Sax

His touch enflames her desires.

Anna Sampson has allowed billionaire businessman Gabriel Blaine to watch her, all of her. And looking is all he’s done—until now. After giving him permission to touch her, Anna realizes she won’t be satisfied until she has all of this handsome and secretive man.

Soon she tempts him, shreds his control, and pushes him too far. Blaine’s reluctance to take her virginity frustrates Anna. He fulfills her fantasy, but what is their reality together?

Part Two of The Seen Trilogy

Pre-order here:


He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

He Claims Me From Cynthia Sax

A billionaire’s desires and a virgin’s wish to be claimed come together.

Two men want Anna Sampson. Gabriel Blaine is powerful, intelligent, the CEO of a successful company, and a billionaire. He’s watched her, touched her, encouraged her to become a strong, independent woman, a woman unafraid of her desires.

Now secrets from the past are exposed, threatening Anna’s freedom and safety. Will the man she loves stand by her side, or will he desert her, leaving Anna once again to face the future alone?

The searing climax of The Seen Trilogy.

Pre-order here:

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Interview With Megan Slayer

By Cynthia Sax on June 14, 2013

I sat down (virtually) with Megan Slayer for a short interview. Megan Slayer writes hot erotic romances for Changeling Press and her latest release is Sweet and Wild, the 7th book in the fabulous Glow series.

Cynthia Sax: What is your favorite line from Sweet and Wild and why?

Megan Slayer: “If you can’t get your mind off Callum, then a plastic lover is the next best thing. It won’t talk back.”

I love this line because the heroine is in a funk and doesn’t know how to get out of it. We’ve all been there. Something let us down and we’re pouting. Doesn’t have to be forever, but there’s that period of pouting. Her best friend has the answer—or so she thinks—to Sarah’s problem. I laughed when I wrote it and I laugh when I read it. Plus, it’s so true.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Callum and Sarah right for each other?

Megan Slayer: She’s got a secret wild side she’s still figuring out and he’s all about helping her see just how wild she can get. Toys, bdsm games, sex in different places…he’s willing to try them all, but only with her. And they find some hot ways to…mate.

Cynthia Sax: Will you be writing more stories in your fabulous Glow series?

Megan Slayer: Yes! There’s a new wolf who popped up, Kreig, who wants his story told. I keep saying this will be the last Glow book, but that was two books ago, so what do I know. I keep writing when the characters inform me to. Kreig wasn’t even planned. He just showed up and wants his counterpart. I have no idea who he or she is, so I’m still learning. But I love that about this series. The Glow band is it’s own animal and the pieces of the other characters stories fit with it so well. Just a matter of figuring out who fits where.

Cynthia Sax: What one piece of advice would you give new writers?

Megan Slayer:
Don’t give up. Seriously. You never know who you will meet, what you will read, or where you will go that will be the spark for your writing. If you give up and listen to the negatives, then you won’t get anywhere. You won’t know what you’ve missed out on. I have to remind myself to yes, take reviews into consideration, but to also go with what’s in my gut and never quit. It’s hard sometimes because the need to write is there all the time, but the negatives can get under the skin and hurt, too.

Thank you, Megan Slayer, for joining us today!

Megan Slayer’s Website:


Finding his counterpart is the easy part. Making things permanent — now there’s a tricky situation.

Sarah never planned to fall in love with a wolf — things just happened that way. He’s back, but is she ready to hand over her heart? Or will she make him work for what he wants?

Callum knew the moment he met Sarah she was the woman for him. But life took him away from her. He’s willing to do whatever she asks if it means having her in his arms.

Will they find the love they both deserve or will forces beyond their control shatter their sweet and wild dreams before they even get started?

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Interview With Lisa Carlisle

By Cynthia Sax on May 24, 2013

I sat down (virtually) with Lisa Carlisle for a short interview. Lisa Carlisle writes hot paranormal erotic romances for Ellora’s Cave and her latest release is Rock Me Tonight.

Cynthia Sax: What makes Nico sexy?

Lisa Carlisle: Nico is a software engineer by day—a total computer geek. But by night, he unleashes his wild side as a singer of a hard rock band. He’s also into reading and writes songs based on books he’s read. What’s sexier than a literary rock star?

Cynthia Sax: Why does Rock Me Tonight start where it does?

Lisa Carlisle: Rock Me Tonight begins where my last book, Fiery Nights, ends. It’s at the underground goth club Vamps where humans and supernatural characters interact. I loved writing the same rock scene from a different viewpoint. First, from a woman having a sexy song sung, dedicated by her lover, and then from a woman watching the event, wondering what it was like to have someone so into you they would do something as romantic as that.

Cynthia Sax: Where is Rock Me Tonight set and why is this setting exciting?

Lisa Carlisle: My series Underground Encounters is based on the setting. The goth club Vamps is hidden in a sleepy coastal village north of Boston. It’s popularity spreads by word-of-mouth, catering to humans or supernatural characters who don’t fit with the everyday world. Many of them feel like freaks, but feel free to express themselves however they like at the club. They wear all kinds of sexy, black outfits and fetish-wear, letting go of their everyday work selves in a setting that encourages them to be themselves.

For instance, Nike and Maya are the heroines in my first two books, Smoldering Nights and Fiery Nights. They are firefighters by day, working in a very male-dominated field. On their nights off, they like to peel off their shapeless firefighting gear to wear slinky outfits and decompress in a setting where they’re free to dance and be free. Yet in each of their stories, they meet someone who turns a night out dancing into a lifechanging event.

In Rock Me Tonight, Lily goes with her friend to Vamps for the first time to celebrate a new promotion. Allie tells her to keep an open mind and not judge. But when Lily hears the seductive voice of the man crooning on stage, she has to get a better look. And when she sees Nico, well you can guess her reaction!

Cynthia Sax: I love secrets! Do any of your characters have a secret?

Lisa Carlisle:
Yes, Lily is a shapeshifter who hates her furry little secret. She tries desperately to fit in as a human and hides her monthly change from humans, avoiding getting too close to anyone. When she meets Nico and he wants more than just a sexual fling with her, Lily must decide if she can trust him with her secret. The consequences could be disastrous.

Thank you, Lisa Carlisle, for joining us today!

Lisa Carlisle’s Website:


Lily Everett harbors a secret she’s certain no one will understand. She needs sex, but won’t consider a permanent relationship. When she meets the singer of a rock band at an underground nightclub, she’s disarmed by his sensual voice and mischievous good looks. After an icy introduction, Lily warms up to Nico’s charms.A computer geek by day, Nico dons a rock singer persona by night. He’s tired of women pursuing him just because he’s in a band—the sex may be handy, but he wants something more. He’s intrigued by Lily’s reticence.

Keeping her emotional distance proves difficult the more Lily uncovers the intelligent, considerate man hiding behind Nico’s bad boy persona. Their encounters are hot-hot-hot, but Nico wants more from Lily than sex. When Lily lets down her guard and reveal her other side, Nico’s shock destroys their closeness and they both doubt they can overcome their differences.

A Romantica® paranormal/shapeshifter erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

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