Gardening – Indoor Geranium Update

By Cynthia Sax on December 20, 2023

Before our first frost, I dug out my geraniums, put them in pots, and brought them inside the house.

They all survived that stressful process and are now thriving. There are so many flowers and they are growing quite vigorously.

A couple months before our last frost, I plan to take cuttings of these plants and put those in pots. I hope to have an entire section of one of the flower beds filled with geraniums! I think they’ll look pretty.

I’ve heard that butterflies and hummingbirds like geraniums.


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Intrepid Encounter

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie

Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She’s the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her touch produces a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of her Valkyrie sisters, and she’ll do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant-blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might…have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough handling, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her fellow Valkyries from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.

Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie, and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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Bringing The Geraniums Inside The House

By Cynthia Sax on October 24, 2023

I live in a corner of the universe that enjoys a snowy, cold winter. Any plants that don’t have deep roots die over that period.

Which means I bring some of my plants inside the house from first frost to last frost. Some of those plants are the durable, constantly blooming geraniums.

There are quite a few ways people can overwinter geraniums. Some folks pull them out of the ground, shake off the dirt and store them in paper bags in a cool, dry place. Some folks trim them severely and store the entire container inside the house.

I dig them out of the ground, repot them, put them by a window and enjoy the flowers all winter.

The trick is to do this before the first frost. (sheepish grin) I sometimes leave this transfer too late.


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Intrepid Encounter
(This blurb is VERY rough.)

Cyborg vs. Valkyrie
Blood will be spilled and hearts will be captured.

Intrepid and his crew on the Dauntless guard the border to the cyborg sector. The D Model cyborg captain has dedicated his lifespan to protecting their homeland. He’ll do anything to secure the space and keep his brethren safe.

That includes confronting a Valkyrie intent on vengeance.

The female warrior is beautiful, brave, strong…and Intrepid’s genetic match. She is the one being he is fated to claim. Her voice causes his circuits to hum. Her caresses produce a passion he struggles to control.

But if he has to stop her…permanently…to protect his kind, he will make that sacrifice.

Olrun has been tracking the whereabouts of a one-of-a-kind object. The stolen item is critical to the safety of Valkyries everywhere and she will do anything to retrieve it.

That includes waging war on a tall, broad-shouldered cyborg warrior sporting brilliant blue eyes and grimly set lips.

The male might…just might have battle skills matching her own. And that excites the immortal fighter. She craves his rough touch, his punishing embrace, his stern words.

But Olrun’s desire for the cyborg won’t distract her from achieving her goal. She will shield her Valkyrie sisters from danger, even if that means ending Intrepid’s lifespan in the process.


Intrepid Encounter is an enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a protective cyborg, a vengeful Valkyrie and a destiny neither of them can predict.

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