Godzilla vs. Kong And Communicating Without Dialogue
Spoiler Alert: This post might contain spoilers around the 2021 movie Godzilla vs. Kong. If you haven’t yet watched this movie, you might wish to skip the post.
I LOVE Godzilla. I also love Kong. I was super stoked to finally watch this movie.
Godzilla vs. Kong has its issues. You might wish to suspend all logic and knowledge of basic science while watching this movie. I went into the viewing merely expecting a good time and some awesome monster fight scenes and I was happy.
Godzilla vs. Kong is also set in the MonsterVerse (the same series as Skull Island) and it is helpful (yet not essential) to have watched the previous movies. Many of the characters (including Kong and Godzilla, of course) return.
One of the things I REALLY love about this movie is how the two main stars – Godzilla and Kong – communicate without speaking. They don’t rely on dialogue to express their thoughts and feelings. Kong works a little harder to communicate with the humans but when the two monsters are together, their expressions and body language are sufficient.
There is a scene at the end of the movie where the two monsters are facing each other. We scan to Godzilla, then to Kong, and back again and we know exactly what they’re thinking from their eyes (and their brows) and their stances. They move from “I’m going to beat you into the pavement” (fists clenched, bodies rigid and tilted forward, brows lowered) to “Would that effort be worth it?” (leaning slightly backward, raised brows, released fingers) to “I can’t be bothered to fight you at this time” (slumped shoulders, relaxed stance, brows at normal placement).
It is a scene I’ll study, dissect and learn from. I’ll use that knowledge in my future stories to reinforce the dialogue or perhaps to replace it completely.
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Baring Grudge
No one in the universe is more determined than a cyborg warrior tracking his female.
Grudge, a C Model cyborg, has been assigned a mission – safeguard a Humanoid Alliance space station for his kind. Honor was once all he had, and he is determined to fulfill his duty.
That resolve is tested when a tiny human female enters the space station and sets the prettiest little explosives the warrior has ever seen. She is Grudge’s genetic match, the one being manufactured for him. He wants to touch her, kiss her, claim her in all ways, but first he has to stop her from blasting him into the next galaxy.
Taelyn has a self-appointed mission—to destroy every battle robot the Humanoid Alliance has ever manufactured. A huge gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg warrior with mismatched arms won’t prevent her from achieving her goal. She’ll escape him, leaving destruction in her wake.
Before she departs, she’ll experience one toe-curling moment of hatred-edged passion with her handsome foe. She’ll show him how skilled with detonations she truly is. He will have his universe rocked.
Then she’ll disappear.
Her cyborg, however, has no intention of ever letting her go.
Baring Grudge is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It features a determined, damaged warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an explosive game of predator and prey played across galaxies.
Baring Grudge is the third of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.
Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power
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Spookapalooza And Halloween Fun

While waiting for Warlord’s Return to release (on Tuesday – woot!), I’m having some Halloween fun.
I, and many other awesome Romance Writers, are participating in The Romance Studio’s Spookapalooza on their party site. There will be awesome contests and free books and monstrous (grins) posts. You can access the fun here – https://www.trsparties.com/
My post on Dark Thoughts And Monsters is live.
Here’s a snippet…
Halloween is the time of monsters and I absolutely LOVE monsters. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite tropes and who is the Beast? He’s a monster.
I absolutely believe monsters deserve love and companionship. Often they are misunderstood and merely appear scary.
The hero of Dark Thoughts, Kralj, truly IS scary. He was designed to kill and he does that very enthusiastically.
He doesn’t scare Dita, however.
You can read the full post here – https://www.trsparties.com/dark-thoughts-and-monsters-by-cynthia-sax/
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Warlord’s Return
Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.
The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.
Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.
Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.
She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.
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Interview With Christine d’Abo
I sat down (virtually) with Christine d’Abo for a short interview. Christine d’Abo’s upcoming release (available for pre-order NOW) is The Bond That Ties Us, an absolutely yummy SciFi Romance.
I devoured this story. The Bond That Ties Us will definitely make SciFi Romance Readers happy, especially if you love the sexy times and super hot alien males! The entire series is wonderful.
Cynthia Sax: What is super special about The Bond That Ties Us?
Christine d’Abo: There are so many things that makes this book special for me. This was THE book for me, when it came to what being an author meant to me. This was the first one that the whole writing thing clicked. I had a fun idea, strong characters, but I also learned more about craft writing this book than I’d ever had before.
Cynthia Sax: Where did you get the idea for The Bond That Ties Us?
Christine d’Abo: This will sound weird, but I’d gotten this idea from a reoccurring dream I’d been having. I kept seeing a man struggling and a woman knowing that she had to help him. He was a complete stranger to her, but she had this compulsion to help. From that thread the whole idea of the Briel people and their need to mate with only one person, grew.
Cynthia Sax: That doesn’t sound at all weird to me. For me, writing is very much like dreaming. The story comes from my brain but I don’t have any control over it.
Where is The Bond That Ties Us set?
Christine d’Abo: I set this story on a planet named Eurus. I wanted it to be far away from Earth, mostly so the society had to rely on their own people, on the others who will drift in and out of their lives. For me, it provided the opportunity to have a rich playground for these characters where anything could happen. Aliens, monsters, ghosts, anything can happen. But most importantly, these people are able to find love.
Cynthia Sax: I do love the monsters (thinks of Kralj from Dark Thoughts and smiles). What do you love about writing in SciFi Romance?
Christine d’Abo: My first love has always been science fiction. As a kid I watched every sci-fi show or movie I could get my hands on. Doctor Who, Star Trek, Space 1999…all of them. When I eventually found the world of romance and subsequently, romantic sci-fi, I knew I’d finally found my joy. Being able to write these stories, to create new worlds while having my characters also find love, is the best job in the world.
Cynthia Sax: Thank you for joining us today, Christine!
Christine d’Abo’s Website: http:/www.christinedabo.com
Haylie knows her life is about to change the moment she sets foot on the Eurus colony. What she didn’t count on was her instant, overwhelming sexual desire for the seven-foot-tall, sexy as hell alien ambassador. He’s in her every thought and dream, teasing and taunting her body into a sexual frenzy.
Kamran has waited his whole life to find his bonded mate. When she arrives in the form of a slender human with brilliant eyes, he can’t stop his all-consuming need to possess her. If their bond is discovered, they will be forced by Briel law to leave the colony, giving up the lives they’ve worked so hard to build. While Haylie and Kamran fight their growing desire, their colony is threatened by an unseen enemy.
When the colony comes under attack by a brutal alien force, can Haylie and Kamran keep their bond a secret and stop the invasion in time to save everyone?
Buy Now:
On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06WLGTFQ1
On Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/the-bond-that-ties-us-1
On iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/the-bond-that-ties-us/id1203538367?mt=11
On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/702397
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