Muse Food – Orca Sculptures And Second Glances

By Cynthia Sax on September 11, 2023

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this wonderful sculpture of an orca (killer whale) near Hoonah, Alaska.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby had the clever idea of photographing it so the orca looks like she’s jumping into the sky.

If someone looked at it quickly, they might think it was a real orca.

But on a second slower glance, they’d realize it was a skillfully-wrought sculpture.

I like to craft characters in stories that way also.

At first glance, you might think, for example, Strive doesn’t pay attention to the world around him. He appears ‘lost’ in his art and in his own processing.

But once you get to know him, you realize he pays attention to EVERYTHING. He sees the details in a scene. He hears the nuances in a friend’s voice. He’s ‘lost’ but he’s lost in the moment.

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Strive For Forever

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.


Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.

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Muse Food – Starfish And Origins Of Myths

By Cynthia Sax on September 4, 2023

When the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I were in Hoonah, Alaska ago, we spotted hundreds of starfish stranded on the rocky beach during low tide.

Most of them should have been okay (including the starfish in the photo). The day was overcast. The temperatures were cool. There was water between the rocks. They should have survived.

Some of the starfish, however, were in danger of being squashed by humans. They were on popular routes and people weren’t being very cautious.

So the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I carefully moved as many of them as we could.

We joked about how those starfish would have stories to tell their buddies. They were in one place. A giant hand picked them up. And suddenly, almost miraculously, they were in another place.

(grins) That is how legends and myths are created.

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Strive For Forever

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.


Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.

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Muse Food – Interesting Pairings And Alaska Ravens

By Cynthia Sax on August 7, 2023

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this magnificent raven perched on a beached boat near Hoonah, Alaska.

A raven on his own isn’t noteworthy in Alaska. A beached boat isn’t noteworthy either.

But when these two elements are combined, it becomes an interesting sight.

Combinations of things or events or beings can add interest to stories also. He is a cyborg warrior, for example, and he carries around and cares for a potted plant. Or she is a human medic and she has sweets hidden in her jacket pocket. Bam. The character becomes much more intriguing.

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Strive For Forever

This cyborg seeks to vanquish an ancient entity and save his curvy human female.

Euryale made a terrible mistake. She opened a container she shouldn’t have touched and released one of the oldest lifeforms in existence. That all-powerful entity is now utilizing her as its host body and is slowly draining her energy.

Soon, she’ll die.

Euryale has accepted this fate and is determined to use her remaining moments in the universe to save as many lives as she can.

Her plans do NOT include a smoldering-hot, poetry-wielding cyborg willing to decimate entire planets to save her.

While under the control of the Humanoid Alliance, Strive, a K Model cyborg, disobeyed direct orders and refused to kill on their behalf. If he hadn’t escaped their cruel clutches, his defiance would have led to his death.

The male knowingly risked that fate to save the lifespans of complete strangers.

There is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect Euryale. The curvy human female is his genetic match, the one being he is destined to defend.

And she is in danger.

Strive would break every vow, cross every boundary, risk absolutely everything to keep her from harm.

Including battle a deity no one has ever defeated.


Strive For Forever is Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features an inspired cyborg, a joke-cracking scientist, and an all-powerful deity with plans of his own.

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