Warlord’s Return – Second Scene Of The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on October 12, 2020

As we wait for the release of Warlord’s Return on November 3rd, I’ve been sharing scenes from the first chapter.

You can read the first scene from the first chapter of Warlord’s Return here:

This week I’m sharing the second scene of that first chapter.


There was no one currently occupying the training chambers. That was unfortunate for him. Ariq rolled his shoulders back. He would have liked to spar with someone, to burn off his excess energy.

But it was fortunate for another being on board the warship.

“Zondoo.” He uttered that curse loudly, seeking to get Lysagh’s attention. The bounty hunter-in-training was likely hidden in the ceiling space somewhere. “According to the schedule.” He moved to the control panel by the door and accessed that information. “No one will be using this training chamber for an entire shift.”

He blocked that duration, ensuring that would be its reality. A shift should be sufficient time for the girl to use the chamber’s facilities, perhaps have a short rest.

Ariq reached upward, removed a panel from the ceiling. There was a scurrying noise, as though the warship was infested with massive rodents…or with one young human girl.

“I’ll store these excess supplies here.” He placed the cleaning cloths, container of beverage, and nourishment bars in the space.

Lysagh had hidden aboard the warship during takeoff. Her presence had been detected immediately. His Warlord, his Second, and their gerels had decided to grant the girl the trip she so desperately wanted.

Ariq had convinced them to ignore her presence, to act as though they weren’t aware she was on board. Lysagh wanted to be a stealth occupant.

He would honor her wish.

“I’ll return in one shift.” He stressed that duration as he replaced the ceiling tile. “There might be warriors to battle here at that time.”

He exited the training chamber. The doors slid closed behind him.

Ariq’s next stop was the medic bay.

Seven-One, a Chamele clone, was its only occupant. He stared into a device.

“Lead Medic located the DNA of my source’s source’s source.” The clone’s voice was tinged with awe, with reverence. “I’m looking at it, at the start of it all.”

The male was young also. There were few scars on his form.

“That’s…good?” Ariq guessed at that response. Science wasn’t his skill set.

“It’s a miracle.” Seven-One looked at him. His eyes glowed. “We might be able to track the degradation.” Every generation of the youth’s kind—Chamele clones—had more and more genetic weakness. “We could also separate the added enhancements from the original DNA.”

The clones on Carinae E had fixed the degradation issue. That was the reason Seven-One was joining them on the trip.

Everyone on board the warship had a purpose for visiting the planet…except for Ariq.

Ariq had no purpose at the moment. Anywhere.

And he had no place in any group. He was too seasoned a warrior to spend excessive time with the youths and, unlike the other males with his number of solar cycles, he had no gerel for companionship.

All he had was a burning desire to fight, and that wasn’t needed. Not on the ship. Not in the Chamele sector.

“I’ll leave you to your task.” He nodded at Seven-One, left the medic bay, continued on his route to the bridge.

His pace was slow. Second and Qulpa were currently situated on the bridge.

He had trained with Second since they first held swords. Qulpa had been their pilot for many solar cycles, many skirmishes. They were his brothers-in-arms, and he would kill for them, die for them.

 Normally, he would also rush to see them, to exchange battle stories, to talk fighting strategy. In the past, that had alleviated some of his os khonzon, his need for vengeance.

But since the warriors had obtained gerels, his relationship with them had changed, as had the focus of their discussions.

Their Warlord had found his gerel, now had a baby son. Second and Qulpa were venturing along the same route.

And Chameles were at peace. Talk of killing, of battle, of death, was no longer appropriate.

The males were focused on their females, on children, on homes and families. They tried to include him in their chatter.

Ariq tolerated that conversation. He sighed. Debates over the ideal number of chambers in domiciles didn’t ease his need to kill.

It increased that urge.

And he was achingly conscious he no longer fit into the group. He was the exception, the different one, would be that way forever.


Read the next scene (available October 19th) here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=7517


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Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – October 11th

By Cynthia Sax on October 12, 2020

This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. I’m taking the full weekend off, eating some turkey and stuffing (I LOVE stuffing – that’s my favorite part of any Thanksgiving meal), and trying to relax. We had a bit of a family emergency this morning but everyone survived it and, for that (and so much more), I am extremely grateful.

The rest of the week will be devoted to writing the next 4 chapters of Containing Malice, the first story in the Rebel Cyborgs series (releasing in February). If you enjoyed Releasing Rage, I think you’ll enjoy Containing Malice. Rage and Malice are both C Models and both of these warriors were extremely angry at the beginning of their stories…for good reasons.

Choosing Chuckles, the first story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series, is currently priced at 99 cents so I’ll be spotlighting that story on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yes. (head slap) I booked promo on Prime Day. I didn’t know it was Prime Day at the time. (shakes head) But it IS 2020 so I SHOULD have known if it could be the wrong date, it would be the wrong date. (laughs) This year has been an adventure.

Enjoy every day, my friends. As my also terrible-pun-living Dear Wonderful Hubby says, they call it the present because it is a gift.

(grins) I heard those groans!


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

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By Cynthia Sax on October 10, 2020

Stock photo crafted by and indirectly purchased from: Akifyeva Svetlana

This is Canadian Thanksgiving and it is a unique one this year. (grins) My section of the universe is in renewed lockdown. In order to keep our loved ones safe, we have been asked to celebrate face-to-face only with the people in our household.

I’m grateful that our leaders are concerned about our wellbeing. Telling people to stay home for Thanksgiving wasn’t an easy task to tackle. But they did it because they care about us.

I’m grateful I have loved ones (biological and found family) I am trying to protect. I care about the family and friends I would have normally visited. I care about the people in my neighborhood. I want to keep the big German Neighbor, his tiny Wife, the two Princesses safe. I care about Dorine, the single Mom who works at the corner grocery store. And I care about so many others.

I’m extremely grateful for technology and online shopping. I’ve set up Zoom meet-ups with friends and family so I can see their beautiful faces. I’ve sent my Awesome Mom and other loved ones little gifts through online stores. My cards and letters to them have already been delivered.

I’m grateful for my Dear Wonderful Hubby who has purchased THREE pies for this weekend-pumpkin, blueberry and apple. He is striving to make this Thanksgiving special and I truly appreciate that and him.

And I’m super grateful for you and the rest of my Romancelandia family. (big hugs) When I feel a little lonely, I jump on Twitter or Instagram and there’s always a friend there, willing to chat. That is such a gift.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord’s Return And Family

By Cynthia Sax on October 9, 2020

Warlord’s Return, like Testing Truth, is, I believe, a perfectly timed release. I didn’t plan it that way. (laughs) I’m not that organized. But November and December are often a time for families, biological or found, and Warlord’s Return is definitely about families.

Oghul, Khan’s Second, is returning with his gerel to the Refuge on Carinae E to visit with his family, his brother and his gerel. He is taking Ariq and the rest of his team, his brothers-in-arms, his found family with him.

Lysagh, the bounty hunter-in-training we first met in Warlord’s Bounty, is searching for a place where she will fit. She thinks she’s looking for a mentor. I suspect she’s truly looking for a family. Xareni, the heroine of Warlord’s Return, is a bit of a loner and, at first glance, she seems to be someone who doesn’t need friends or family. But she would kill for Spark, her mini dragon hunting partner. She loves the grumpy little creature. Spark is HER family.


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Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord’s Return – A Bonus Story

By Cynthia Sax on October 6, 2020

Some reading buddies have asked me why I didn’t end the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series after Warlord’s Mercy. That story answers almost all of the questions raised during the series. What more is there to tell?

Lysagh’s story DOES need a happier for-now ending. Her story is one that hadn’t been completely told. This young bounty-hunter-in-training is still looking for her place in the universe. Her gut tells her it isn’t with the bounty hunters. There’s so much anger in her and she wants vengeance.

Ariq, Oghul’s best warrior and the hero of Warlord’s Return, also needed some resolution. He is struggling with peace, as many warriors here on Earth do.

 Just because the wars for a species or nation end doesn’t mean the wars for those involved have ended.

Ariq has adapted to battle, is genetically-disposed to battle, has spent most of his lifespan honing those skills. Now they’re not needed.

And he’s lost. He doesn’t know where he fits anymore. I wanted to tell that story, to see him receive his happy ending.

But I DO view Warlord’s Return as a bonus story, a story I wrote mostly for myself and thought you’d enjoy. (grins) It is a reason to go back to the Refuge, the home of Kralj and Dita from Dark Thoughts. I hung out with Oghul and his crew and received updates on the modified humanoids.

The Refuge series and the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series are closely connected.

It felt right to return to Carinae E. It felt like returning home.

And I really needed that right now. I thought you might need it too.

(big hugs)


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord’s Return – First Scene Of The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on October 5, 2020

The countdown for Warlord’s Return, the next Chamele Barbarian Warlords romance, is on! Woot!

While we wait for it to release on November 3rd, I’ll be sharing the first chapter, starting with the first scene.


Chapter One

Ariq was a warrior without a war.

The Chamele sector was finally at peace.

That was cause for celebration for the average Chamele. The Succession Wars had waged for solar cycles. Beings had died. Families and homes were destroyed.

All that hardship was over.

But it created a different type of trauma for beings like him, beings who lived for battle—who were created for it. There was a restlessness within Ariq, a need to fight, to kill, to appease that thirst within his soul. The beings in his birthing settlement called it the os khonzon, the vengeance, and that genetic aberration had carved its claws deep into him, threatened to tear him apart.

Carinae E, an outlaw planet, could provide the hostilities he craved…if they ever reached there. The trip there from Chamele 2 was long, and it involved too much sitting on his ass, not enough bloodshed.

Looking for a diversion, Ariq moved through the ship.

Yesun, the youngest Chamele warrior reporting to Oghul, their Warlord’s Second, was seated at his usual place in the nourishment-consumption chamber. He clutched a nourishment bar in each of his hands. “Is Second looking for me?”

“He’s not looking for you.” The last time, Ariq saw Second, his friend and leader was cuddling with his gerel, the ship’s Lead Medic. “Leave some of those for the rest of us.” He teased the always-hungry youth.

“I’d leave them all for you if there was something else to eat.” Yesun grimaced. “These bars don’t fill me up…not like my mother’s do.” His gaze lost focus.

The young warrior was likely thinking of all the nourishment he’d eaten in his short lifespan.

Not wanting to hear that recap, Ariq picked up two nourishment bars, a container of beverage, and three cleaning cloths, put them in the holsters on his ass coverings, and hastily exited the space.

 Rinchinbal was in the corridor. The Chamele boy had been adopted by Qulpa, the ship’s pilot, and Qulpa’s gerel, their Warlord’s Head of Ship and Weapons Design.

The boy twisted his slender form to the right and to the left. The tips of the mechanical claws attached to his right hand were yet again stuck in the wall panel.

It was the third time in three planet rotations Ariq had found him that way.

Qulpa’s gerel had deliberately made Rinchinbal’s claws dull…which was a good thing as the boy would have done serious harm to himself if they were sharp. His small body was covered with scratches and shallow puncture wounds.

But bluntness meant, with great force, the boy could pierce a surface but couldn’t cut himself loose. He huffed and puffed, struggling to free himself.

Hitch, one of their bots, tugged on the boy’s index finger, seeking to help him. The little creation chirped encouragement. His lights flashed.

Tubby, another bot, was positioned at the boy’s booted feet. He held out a straightening tool.

That would make the situation worse.

Ariq stifled a sigh. “Stay still.” He extended his natural claws and made slits in the wall panel around the boy’s mechanics. “You’re patching these holes also.”

Rinchinbal might not yet be a skilled warrior, but he had become very good at repairs.

“Please don’t tell Head of Ship and Weapons Design about this.” The boy extracted his claws. “If she finds out how bad I am at using her claws, how I can’t work them properly, she might send me back, choose another boy and—”

“Head of Ship and Weapons Design has already invested almost a solar cycle of training into you.” Ariq stopped the young Chamele’s impending meltdown.

The boy had been born without claws, had been rejected and abandoned by his biological parents for being different. He worried others would be as judgmental as those uncaring beings had been.

“It takes Chameles much longer than one solar cycle to learn how to use their claws. See this mark?” Ariq pointed to one of the scars on his side. “I inflicted that wound on myself after I had my claws for fourteen solar cycles.”

Unlike Rinchinbal, he had been born with claws. He had been trying to impress other boys during training, had misjudged a move and accidentally impaled himself upon his natural weapons.

The boy’s eyes widened. “That’s a great scar.”

Hitch whistled, adding his commentary.

Ariq grunted. He had plenty of great scars. “Head of Ship and Weapons Design would be a fool to exchange you for another boy at this stage of your training.”

Qulpa’s gerel also loved the boy more than she loved her own lifespan. Qulpa cared for Rinchinbal with that same intensity. The boy was part of their family…permanently.

Ariq narrowed his eyes at the young warrior, forcing himself to be tough on him. Rinchinbal wouldn’t respond to soft words. “Are you calling Head of Ship and Weapons Design a fool?”

“No, sir.” The boy straightened, almost poking himself in the hips while doing so.

“Then stop worrying about nonsense.” Ariq shook his head. “Patch the holes and continue your training.”

He walked away from the boy and the bots.


Read the next scene (available October 12th) here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=7515


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

Pre-order Now:

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Cure

By Cynthia Sax on October 1, 2020

I remembered it was Thursday! Yay! Go, me! LOL This is especially impressive as I’m 6 chapters into the first draft of Containing Malice (releasing in February 2021) and I’m completely sucked into this cyborg romance. I love it thus far.

Dark Cure is the last official story in the Refuge series but it could very easily be the first story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series. These two series are entwined. The last story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, Warlord’s Return (releasing in November), brings us back to the Refuge, closing that circle.

Why are they entwined?

A Chamele, Oghul’s brother, lives in Kralj and Dita’s settlement. Oghul, the hero of Dark Cure, visits that brother and meets his gerel, Gisella, there. She’s the Refuge’s top medic and is a female no one messes with…except for our hero. (grins) He messes with her in some delightful ways.

Dark Cure has sexy times and humor, explosions and tenderness, all the stuff I love to write. Oghul and Gisella are wonderful together. And we get to visit with many of the previous couples in the Refuge series.


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Dark Cure Alien Romance

A warrior seeking forever faces a medic living in the moment.

Gisella, the Refuge’s medic, is dedicated to her role. She doesn’t have the space in her lifespan for love, a mate, or children. Healing is her entire focus.

But she’s also a female in her prime. She has needs, wants, cravings…especially for a scarred, long-haired barbarian warrior temporarily residing in the settlement. One fierce, soul-blasting, passion-filled encounter is all she is willing to give him before she returns to her duties.

Oghul, a Chamele Warlord’s Second-In-Command, has waited his entire lifespan to find his gerel, the being fated to be his. He’s thrilled to discover she wants him as savagely as he yearns for her.

His little human medic appeals to his primitive possessive side. Greatly. He wants to stamp his ownership all over her bountiful curves, take her back to his home planet, claim his fiery female permanently.

When Carinae E’s solitary sun rises, two determined beings with very different desires find their lifespans entwined. Their battle for emotional supremacy will span systems and alter destinies.

The universe will never be the same.

Dark Cure is a STANDALONE SciFi Romance set in a gritty, dark world.

Buy Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HCTHN27

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HCTHN27

Amazon AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B07HCTHN27

Apple Books : https://books.apple.com/us/book/dark-cure/id1436359104

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dark-cure-cynthia-sax/1129542129

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/dark-cure

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/895634

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Warlord’s Return Pre-orders And Puffkers (grins)

By Cynthia Sax on August 26, 2020

This cute little doggy reminds me of a puffker. He is so fluffy.

And, yes, there WILL be puffkers in Warlord’s Return (releasing in November).

We’re returning to the Refuge and Balvan’s collection of creatures has greatly expanded. (grins) The great green gatekeeper can’t resist tending to them. He loves them so much.

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.

He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.

* * *

Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.

* * *

Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female, and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

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Warlord’s Return – Blurb And Release Date

By Cynthia Sax on August 14, 2020

Warlord’s Return, the 6th and final story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, will be releasing November 3rd! Woot!

I have a cover, a blurb, and Amazon is the first as always to list the story for pre-order. The other booksellers should be listing it next week at the latest.

Warlord’s Return

Ariq is a barbarian warrior seeking a war.
He locates that battle when he meets Xareni.
* * *
Ariq is one of Chamele’s top warriors. A genetic predisposition to fighting, paired with intensive training and experience, has honed the scarred male into an effective killing machine. He loves war, can’t live without combat.

The Succession Wars, however, have finally ended and the Chamele sector is now at peace. Seeking excitement and purpose, the barbarian warrior accompanies his Second to the Refuge, an outlaw settlement on Carinae E. He hopes to locate the battle he’s been craving there.

Ariq finds that conflict and more when he meets his fated mate.

Xareni owes the Ruler of the Refuge a favor. That’s the only reason she has returned to the settlement. She doesn’t like crowds or structures or a certain barbarian warrior who insists on following her everywhere. It doesn’t matter that there’s a connection between them, that he makes her burn with desire, that he looks at her with heat in his dark eyes.

She’s a monster and monsters don’t need anyone.
* * *
Warlord’s Return is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a determined barbarian warrior, an equally resolute human female and an eyeball-eating mini dragon.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord’s Return And Finishing A First Draft

By Cynthia Sax on July 17, 2020

I finished the first draft of Warlord’s Return (releasing in November) yesterday. Woot!

It is a steaming piece of sh*t as all of my first drafts are but the bones of the story are solid, the couple (Ariq and a heroine you haven’t yet met) is magical together, and I believe you’ll really like this 6th and final installment of the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series. We return to the Refuge, the home of Kralj, so we interact not only with the Chameles but also with the modified humanoids (the flying triplets are physically grown and are causing chaos).

Completing a first draft is a time for celebration in the Sax household. Heck, any win at all is a time for celebration and completing a first draft is a HUGE win. As Jodi Picoult says, “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” And as my awesome editor once told me, I have to write the first draft. She can’t help me with that. She CAN help me with everything else.

Even if the first draft sucks big hairy donkey balls, it is an achievement. It gives writers and editors something to work with and that is a very good place to be. Celebrate those first drafts.

If my schedule allows it (laughs semi-hysterically), I set aside a first draft for a day or two, give myself some space, some distance from it, before rolling into the extremely intense second draft. I tend to continue thinking about the story and jot down ideas, solutions to plot holes, etc to include when I pick it back up again.

The timing of this completed first draft is great because Testing Truth (releasing in September) has returned from my awesome editor. I’ll work on that today and this weekend.

Then on Monday, I’ll start the second draft.


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Other Chameles view him as the enemy.

She sees the warrior hero he never believed he could be.

* * *

Tolui is a Warlord in search of a planet to rule. He has been leading his fellow clones in a stealth battle, fighting for both control of the Chamele sector and the right to exist. The brave warriors he commands warrant respect, and they deserve the best.

That best isn’t the barren, dangerous terrain on Chamele 4. When Tolui crashes on that planet’s surface, he’s determined to leave it as soon as possible. The tiny human female rescuing him might be as beautiful and as wild as the land she inhabits, but her flowing words, trusting gaze, and enthralling submission won’t stop him from rejoining the war.

After many solar cycles of living alone, Lea is overjoyed when a tall, scarred, muscular warrior falls from the sky. Her savage stranger is strong and severe, and he makes her feel safe, an emotion she hasn’t experienced in a long, long time.

He also insists they must part. Before they do, she’ll show him the splendor of her home, and she’ll enjoy his big form, collecting passionate moments she can revisit when she’s solitary once more.

Every additional moment Lea and Tolui spend together increases the chance they’ll both die. Lea is being chased by female-hating fiends. Tolui is being hunted by the best bounty hunters in the universe. War will soon arrive on their threshold, and the blood spilled might be their own.

* * *

Warlord’s Mercy is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.

It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a villain turned hero and a brave, chatty heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Warlord’s Mercy is the fifth of six core stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series.

Book 1:  Warlord Sky

Book 2:  Warlord’s Bounty

Book 3:  Warlord Unarmed

Book 4:  Warlord Reunited

Book 5:  Warlord’s Mercy

Book 6: Warlord’s Return

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