Qulpa, The Hero Of Warlord Sky, Is Interviewed At Dawn’s Reading Nook

By Cynthia Sax on January 30, 2019

Qulpa, my hero from Warlord Sky, has been interviewed at Dawn’s Reading Nook!

Here’s a snippet…

“Q: What was one of the most embarrassing things your author did to you in Warlord Sky?

Qulpa: A certain part of my body is…ummm…curved. (faces turns red) One of my gerel’s bots held out a straightening tool, seeking to fix that curve.”

Read The Full Interview Here: https://dawnsreadingnook.blogspot.com/2019/01/character-spotlight-with-author-cynthia.html


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Warlord Sky

No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Fact Vs Fiction

By Cynthia Sax on January 24, 2019

Coffee Time Romance asked writers

“How much of your real life bleeds over into your books? And do you worry that someone will be able to tell the fact from the fiction?”

Here’s a snippet from my reply…

“…when they ARE my emotions, the causes of those emotions are often different. I’ve never been chased by hostile aliens, for example. But I HAVE been chased by hostile humans. I’ve never lost a best friend during a military battle, as another example. But I HAVE lost a best friend to her battle with cancer. I’ve never fallen in love with a cyborg. I HAVE fallen in love with a human male (the Dear Wonderful Hubby).”

Read the full post here: https://coffeetimeromance.com/CoffeeThoughts/adjan2019-cynthia-sax


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Warlord Sky

No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Warlord Sky Featured On Veronica Scott’s New Release Post

By Cynthia Sax on January 23, 2019

Warlord Sky was mentioned in Veronica Scott’s weekly new release round up!
(If you love SciFi Romance like I do, this is THE blog to follow.)

See all of the new releases here: https://veronicascott.wordpress.com/2019/01/23/new-releases-in-scifi-fantasy-and-paranormal-romance-for-wednesday-january-23/


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Warlord Sky

No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Warlord Sky Releases Today!

By Cynthia Sax on January 22, 2019

It is the release day for Warlord Sky!
I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Warlord Sky

No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

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Giving Back To Science

By Cynthia Sax on January 4, 2019

My stories wouldn’t have been possible without the insights and research completed by the scientific community. I read scientific articles, watch podcasts, contact scientists and other experts in the field directly to ensure my theories are sound.

MANY scientists and other experts contributed to the ‘challenges’ of cyborg self-healing and reproduction, for example. I couldn’t have written the cyborg series without their help.

Experts usually refuse financial compensation in return for their insights. As a thank you, I often make donations to their research projects.

I also donate a small percentage of monthly sales to ongoing projects.

Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida, for example, is making great contributions to the field of evolutionary biology (the key science in most of my stories) with their coral restoration program. They are ‘breeding’ corals to develop strains that can withstand higher ocean temperatures (i.e. global warming). This research is shared with the rest of the scientific community and is helping restore coral reefs all over the world.

To date, donations from sales of my books have been responsible for the planting of approximately 140 coral fragments.

The inspiration for this post came from a discussion with a reading buddy (waves to her). I hope to make this an annual feature. I think it is important to know your favorite writers compensate experts for the research they use. They give back to the community that has helped them.


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No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Happy New Year!

By Cynthia Sax on January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

I’m super excited about 2019.

There’s the new Chamele Barbarian Warlords series starting in January. Warlord Sky is the first story in that 6 story series.

Choosing Chuckles, the March cyborg story, has been sent to my awesome editor. I LOVE Chuckles and his bad, bad female. You first met this grumpy cyborg in Releasing Rage. He has been waiting for his female for a while.

I plan to release a story every second month, alternating between the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series and the cyborg series.

2019 will be amazing!


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No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord Sky Featured On USA Today

By Cynthia Sax on December 28, 2018

Warlord Sky was featured as a Hot New Pre-order on the Smashwords Hotlist at the USA Today HEA blog!

See All Of the Featured Books Here: https://happyeverafter.usatoday.com/2018/12/28/smashwords-hotlist-weekly-indie-romance-bestsellers-and-hot-preorders-december-28-2018/


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No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Drones In Warlord Sky

By Cynthia Sax on December 28, 2018

Nayan, the heroine of Warlord Sky, is the Head Of Ship And Weapons Design for Chamele 2. She has created a mechanical family for herself. Some of the members of that family are drones.

This cute little flying bot reminds me of Aerial. Aerial’s primary function is to record what she sees. Nayan takes her to crash sites and she notes anything of interest.

This drone reminds me of Velocity. Velocity is one of the most bad a$$ drones Nayan has ever designed. She is the biggest drone and has the ability to carry around missile launchers. No one messes with Velocity.


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No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Bots In Warlord Sky

By Cynthia Sax on December 19, 2018

Nayan, the heroine of Warlord Sky, is the Head Of Ship And Weapons Design for Chamele 2. She surrounds herself with a robot family.

This little robot reminds me of Tubby, one of her enthusiastically helpful assistant robots. Tubby is short and stout but that’s not the reason for his name. He is named Tubby because his body consists of a container or a ‘tub.’ He stores tools and snacks and other things in his ‘tub’by tummy.

Tubby’s best friend is Hitch.

This little robot reminds me of Hitch, a creation that almost stole the story away from Qulpa and Nayan, the hero and heroine of Warlord Sky. Hitch is smaller, is black (to blend into the shadows) and has more legs but he has the same cute face.

Hitch loves Nayan, his creator, and wants to be with her constantly…which causes problems. (grins)

He shows up in places he shouldn’t be.

Nayan can’t stay angry with him for very long though.

He’s too adorable.


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No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Warlord Sky Available For Pre-Order

By Cynthia Sax on December 15, 2018

I’m releasing a new (well, partially new) series in January. This is a spin off of the Refuge/Dark Thoughts series and features the Chameles. Qulpa (we meet him in Dark Cure) is our first hero.

All six stories in the Chamele Barbarian Warlord series will be standalones. Each story can be read on its own. The couple featured in the story has their happy ever after.

There will be six stories in this series.

Book 1: Warlord Sky

Book 2: Warlord’s Bounty – This is a greatly expanded and revised story based on a previously released story. If you already have the first version, please contact me.

Book 3: Warlord Unarmed – This is a greatly expanded and revised story based on a previously released story. If you already have the first version, please contact me.

Book 4: Warlord Reunited – This is a greatly expanded and revised story based on a previously released story. If you already have the first version, please contact me.

Book 5: Warlord’s Mercy – This is a greatly expanded and revised story based on a previously released story. If you already have the first version, please contact me.

Book 6: Warlord’s Return – This story is partially set in the Refuge so yes, we WILL see Kralj and his modified humanoids again.

No one grounds a barbarian warrior.

Qulpa, a Chamele warrior, lost everyone he loved in the brutal Succession Wars. Flying is the only thing that brings him joy. Serving as his team’s pilot is the sole duty he has left. Then a horrific crash leaves him injured and unable to fly.

The one being who can help him is also his gerel, the female destined to be his. She insists she doesn’t feel their connection. Qulpa is certain his beautiful mate is lying and nothing will stop him from finding out why.

Nayan knows the injured barbarian is her warrior, her one chance at a forever bond. His dominance makes her feel safe. His gentle touch inflames her passion. His kisses scorch her very soul. The tall muscular male tempts her as no one else has.

But she has a deadly secret. If it’s exposed, her injured male will lose more than his ability to fly. Both of them will die. She can’t take that risk, not for him, not for them, not for a lifespan filled with love.

* * *

Warlord Sky is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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