Warlord Reunited – The Third Scene Of The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on February 3, 2020

Warlord Reunited, the fourth standalone story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, is releasing on February 18th.

Last week, I shared the first scene from the first chapter.

You can read that scene here:

This week I’m sharing the third scene of that first chapter.


Berke forced himself to concentrate on the upcoming search. “Are we ready for sunrise?” He had relayed his plan to Jochi earlier in the planet rotation.

“Yes, my lord.” The male’s head dipped. “We merely await your order.”

“Good.” Berke expected nothing less than total obedience from his warriors, had a low tolerance for incompetence.

His parents’ deaths had taught him that mistakes killed loved ones. The bloody Succession Wars that followed that tragic event had reinforced that lesson.

“Assign three more warriors to the control chamber.” Finding Tolui wasn’t his only priority. “They are to monitor the border. If any ship approaches Chamele space, I am to be informed. Immediately.”

His brothers had claimed two of Ellie’s bounty hunters as their gerels. He knew his female, knew how her mind worked. She would respond to that.

He had to prepare for her arrival.

“Three more warriors will be assigned to the control chamber, my lord.” Unspoken questions glimmered in his Second’s eyes. The male knew better than to ask them. “You will be notified immediately if a ship approaches our borders.”

“Ensure that happens.” Berke arrived at the exterior doors. Two warriors guarded it. He stopped, waiting for Jochi to leave his side.

The male remained beside him.

“You have a task to complete.” He reminded his Second of his request.

“No task is more important than safeguarding you, my lord.” Jochi could be as stubborn as his Warlord.

His Second’s loyalty was admirable. And the concerns over his safety were warranted. Tolui remained on the loose. The would-be Warlord could target Berke.

But Berke needed to be alone. “I can protect myself.” He’d take that risk.

Jochi’s jaw jutted. The warrior was going to be a pain in the ass about it.

Berke couldn’t berate him for it. If…when his Ellie returned to Chamele 1, he would want his Second to be as protective of her. And she, knowing his defiant gerel, would be as adamant about safeguarding herself.

“If I don’t return in one-tenth of a shift, follow my trail.” He made that concession.

Jochi blew out his breath. His shoulders lowered. “I will do that, my lord.”

The warriors standing in front of the exit moved.

Berke pulled his furs upward, partially covering his face, placed his right palm on that control panel, and pushed through the doors.

Cold blasted him. Snow pellets bombarded his garment, tiny projectiles seeking bare skin. He hunched his shoulders, bowed his head, and trudged through the knee-deep banks of white.

Chamele 1 was permanently covered with ice and snow. Many beings, including his two brothers, questioned why he, as the eldest, would choose that planet to rule.

Destiny had made the decision for him.

Chamele 1 was where he had first met his Ellie. Her single-being ship had crashed near the settlement. He had been defending his right to rule, had been waging war against a cruel and ruthless uncle. There had been a break in fighting. He’d ventured to the crash site to investigate, had smelled the most delectable fragrance on the crisp cool wind, and his fate had been set.

And now it was the closest planet in the sector to his gerel.

Berke trekked up the mountain, moving as quickly as he was able. His muscles strained. Wind whipped his hair. Crystals of ice formed on his eyelashes.

The effort shaved off some of his tension. The air grew thinner. The terrain below him was concealed by the falling snow. The howling of the never-ending storm would mute the loudest of screams.

Berke reached the peak, tilted his head back, and gazed up at the sky. “Ellie, my Ellie.”

It was here that he felt closest to her, here that he spoke to her, not hiding his loneliness, his caring, his need.

The stars above him were covered by thick clouds, yet he was aware they were there, knew exactly where Dorian 2’s distant sun was situated.

He had left his Ellie on that planet. Where she would be safe.

That had been the toughest decision he’d made in a lifespan filled with tough decisions. Walking away from her had almost broken him.

But he had done it…for her, because a universe without his gerel in it wasn’t a place he ever wanted to be. He had to protect her…from his enemies, from his inability to think rationally when he was around her.

Not that she had appreciated that. 

Planet rotations after he’d left, she’d left also, breaking her vow to stay on Dorian 2. She had returned to the bounty hunter academy she now led.

That had been devastating, a betrayal of his trust and a blow to his heart. The new planet, her current location, was farther from Chamele 1. It hosted more-violent beings, was the site of more gruesome deaths than the planet he’d chosen.

Berke lifted his right hand, reaching for his gerel, aware she was too far away to grasp yet needing to try…because he needed her. He craved her touch, her voice, her scent.

But he had to keep her safe. When he’d heard of her departure from Dorian 2, his resolve cracked. A wild impulse to pull her back to him, to re-capture her, had seized him.

Only the realization that he might lead his enemies to her had stopped him from chasing after her. Berke dropped his hand. He couldn’t risk his adversaries following him.

And while the academy was situated on a more violent planet, it was surrounded by high walls and hosted skilled bounty hunters. Sources of his stealthily checked on his gerel from time to time, relayed her circumstances to him.

He never revealed to those sources why he was interested in the leader of the bounty hunter academy. The warriors were loyal, obeyed him without asking any questions.

No one residing in the structure was in any danger. His Ellie would never place the girls she trained in peril.


Read the next scene (available February 10th) here:


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Warlord Reunited

This barbarian warrior’s cold demeanor hides the warmest of hearts.
* * *
Solar cycles ago, Berke, a savage Chamele Warlord, found his gerel, the one being he is destined to be with for all time…except he couldn’t embrace that fate. He was fighting a series of brutal wars.

To protect his little human female, he conveyed her far from the Chamele sector. He then returned to the endless battles, concealing his pain, his anguish, his need, under a thick layer of ice.

His gerel was safe. That was all that mattered to him.

When Elle was a young bounty hunter, she bonded with an arrogant warrior on a distant planet. She was deliriously happy…for a while. Then he dumped her in a strange settlement far from his home and left, never to return.

Their parting caused her excruciating pain—both physical and emotional. She endured it, earned the esteemed role of head bounty hunter of an academy, salvaged a bit of a life from the disaster her primitive warrior had made of it.

Now, two of her bounty hunters have made the same terrible mistake. Elle is determined to rescue her friends and break their connections with their Chamele Warlords.

While she is in the sector, she plans to kill the warrior she’d once considered hers. Elle is ending her relationship with Berke…permanently.
* * *
Warlord Reunited is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a warrior hero and a take-charge heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

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Warlord Reunited – The Second Scene Of The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on January 27, 2020

Warlord Reunited, the fourth standalone story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, is releasing on February 18th.

Last week, I shared the first scene from the first chapter.

You can read that scene here:

This week I’m sharing the second scene of that first chapter.


Berke rolled back his shoulders. A loud crack reverberated through the space. That action didn’t ease the weight bearing down on him, didn’t dissipate the tension that was slowly coiling tighter and tighter around him.

The jagged shards of ice piercing his core no longer alleviated the pressure either. That excruciating pain was always there, reminding him his gerel wasn’t by his side. He’d become accustomed to the hurt.

More was needed. He glanced around him. Some of his favorite weapons were displayed on the walls. A tinge of regret tugged at him. His Ellie would rave over the new additions. She shared his love for unique killing instruments.

He could picture her slender fingers wrapped around the handles, the sparkle in her big brown eyes as she tested them. Zondoo. He had to leave the chambers he’d once shared with her before he lost his renowned composure.

Rejoining his warriors didn’t appeal to him. He was too wound up, too close to breaking. They were loyal and skilled, deserved the cool, rational leader they expected. He couldn’t give them that right now.

Leaving the underground was a better option. He donned his furs, layering the garments over his form. Holsters and sheaths were strapped to his waist, his arms, his legs. They were filled with guns and blades, an assortment of weapons.

He opened a wall compartment, paused, gazing at its contents. Another stratum of stress settled on his chest.

Two swords in leather sheaths were stored there. One was wide and long and heavy. The other was thinner and shorter and lighter, yet no less deadly…like his gerel.

Berke ran his fingertips along the smaller weapon’s sheath. It was fashioned from the finest materials he could find. An image of a solar eclipse was imprinted on it. Rays of a solitary sun illuminated the curves of the moon, light emerging after a brief duration of darkness.

He craved that brilliance, that heat. The sheath had taken him almost a solar cycle to craft. The twenty-three previous attempts hadn’t met his severe specs. The bindings hadn’t been strong or straight enough. The images hadn’t the precision of the final version.

His fingers drifted over the hilt of the sword. The metal warmed to his touch, seemed as alive as his Ellie, its intended recipient.

Horologium carbide was coveted by warriors throughout the universe, was the best material to construct blades. Berke had sourced enough of it for the fabrication of the two swords, had that precious compound conveyed to the most skilled weapons designer alive, an elderly Silian female who had dedicated her long lifespan solely to that craft.

His lips lifted slightly. The result was perfection. It was a flawless sword for a flawless female. His Ellie would love it.

And she would be the first being to wield it. He reluctantly lifted his hands from the smaller blade, grasped the larger one.

That weapon was his. It was identical in design, would have been a joy to handle if he could still experience pleasure.

That emotion required a functional heart. His was frozen, had been enclosed by ice from the moment he and his gerel had parted.

The holder for his sword was much older, had been worn by time, battered by past battles. He could, and would, never replace it. The sheath had been constructed by his father, the previous Warlord.

That male had been a great leader, a loving parent, and Berke missed him.

His gaze shifted to the smaller sword. His losses, both temporary and permanent, haunted him. The tension inside him increased to unbearable levels.

He had to expel it. In private. Where no one could see or hear him. As he stalked across the chamber, he strapped his sword to his back.

His warriors were also aware he had found his gerel. Most of them assumed he’d somehow survived her death.

Berke preferred they believed that. If everyone thought his gerel was dead, unscrupulous enemies wouldn’t use her existence against him. They couldn’t hurt her, kill her.

The stress he was under threatened to break him. He sealed his emotions under a chilly mask, placed one of his palms on the control panel.

The doors opened, revealing two Chamele guards. They stepped aside.

Berke strode forward.

Jochi, his second, waited in the hallway. His best warrior’s expression was as studiously blank as his own was.

“My lord.” The male fell into place beside him, matching his pace.

They marched up the incline, heading toward one of the less-utilized entrances to the underground settlement.

It was the passageway his Ellie had preferred. She believed it to be her own and he had allowed her to think that.

Zondoo. He had to focus, had to stop thinking about her. That was one of the reasons he’d sent her to safety. When she was around him, he couldn’t hold another thought in his head.

That was dangerous…for her, for him, for the beings under his protection.


Read the next scene (available February 3rd) here:


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Reunited

This barbarian warrior’s cold demeanor hides the warmest of hearts.
* * *
Solar cycles ago, Berke, a savage Chamele Warlord, found his gerel, the one being he is destined to be with for all time…except he couldn’t embrace that fate. He was fighting a series of brutal wars.

To protect his little human female, he conveyed her far from the Chamele sector. He then returned to the endless battles, concealing his pain, his anguish, his need, under a thick layer of ice.

His gerel was safe. That was all that mattered to him.

When Elle was a young bounty hunter, she bonded with an arrogant warrior on a distant planet. She was deliriously happy…for a while. Then he dumped her in a strange settlement far from his home and left, never to return.

Their parting caused her excruciating pain—both physical and emotional. She endured it, earned the esteemed role of head bounty hunter of an academy, salvaged a bit of a life from the disaster her primitive warrior had made of it.

Now, two of her bounty hunters have made the same terrible mistake. Elle is determined to rescue her friends and break their connections with their Chamele Warlords.

While she is in the sector, she plans to kill the warrior she’d once considered hers. Elle is ending her relationship with Berke…permanently.
* * *
Warlord Reunited is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a warrior hero and a take-charge heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

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Warlord Reunited – First Scene Of Chapter One

By Cynthia Sax on January 20, 2020

Warlord Reunited, the fourth standalone story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, is releasing on February 18th.

As we wait for Warlord Reunited to release, I thought I’d share the first chapter. This week I’m sharing the first scene of that first chapter.


Chapter One

A Chamele warrior couldn’t live without his gerel.

Berke had proven that ‘fact’ to be false. He was living without her. It was torturous, more painful than a deep stomach wound. But he had survived the separation.

He would continue to tolerate it until the last threat to his female was dead.

“We have to find Tolui. Now.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, his frustration and impatience hidden under a countenance as icy as the planet he ruled.

They were running out of time to deal with the would-be Warlord.

A chill gripped Berke. Knowing his Ellie, she was already contemplating traveling to Chamele to retrieve her bounty hunters, the two females his brothers had claimed as their gerels.

If he and his warriors failed to find their sole remaining enemy before she arrived, his little bounty hunter, the holder of his heart, would be placed in peril. All his sacrifices, all of the time spent in agonizing solitude, would have been for nothing.

“And how do you propose we find Tolui?” Murad, the youngest of his two brothers and a fellow Warlord, lifted his eyebrows. His image, along with their brother Khan’s, was displayed on a wall viewscreen in Berke’s private chambers. “He and his clones have eluded every trap we’ve set for him. His ships are indistinguishable from ours.”

“They were our ships.” Khan was the most battle-ready of his brothers and the Warlord of the lushest planet in the system. “That’s why they’re indistinguishable. The dishonorable male stole those ships from us.”

“We were sloppy.” Murad’s lips flattened. One of the ships had been his private vessel. “It won’t happen again.”

“I agree. It won’t happen again. Once Tolui is dead, the thefts will stop.” Berke didn’t care about the ships. His sole concern was protecting the one being he loved most in the universe.

That had been his top priority since the first moment he saw his Ellie, his gerel, the only being who could thaw the frost inside him and heat his soul.

His brothers had never met her.

They must have realized he’d found his female. His scent had changed after he bonded with her. That happened with all Chamele warriors once they claimed their gerel, the one being they were destined to find.

But his brothers might have believed the rumors about her having died. They weren’t aware that she was very much alive, was the reason he was driven to hunt down their rivals and end the Succession Wars.

“When we find Tolui, we’ll find our ships.” If that was the incentive his brothers needed, he would supply it.

“We could ground our warriors and shoot any remaining ships out of the skies.” Khan had offered that option in the past.

It remained unacceptable. The risk they could kill the one being Berke couldn’t live without was too great. His Ellie was…unpredictable. He couldn’t foresee when she might arrive and where she might go.

“At sunrise, we’ll employ all our fleets and all our warriors, both active and inactive. We’ll gather every being we can spare and canvass Chamele, searching every planet, every square of terrain, every section of space.” Berke shared his plan with his brothers. “We’ll locate Tolui and we’ll kill him.”

“He could surrender.” Murad glanced off-viewscreen. His expression softened.

Both of his brothers foolishly kept their gerels close to them.

Berke’s lips twisted. He cared for his Ellie too much to do that. “If Tolui surrenders and pledges loyalty to us, he will live.”

The would-be Warlord would be given the same choice they had offered to all of their rivals during the long and bloody Succession Wars. If he surrendered, he would be watched by some of their warriors for the rest of his lifespan.

Berke didn’t trust the rogue Chamele to keep his word. 

“We’re in the midst of the harvest.” His youngest brother’s planet supplied much of the nourishment for the sector. “If we wait ten more planet rotations, I can spare more warriors for the search.”

Berke couldn’t wait that long…because his Ellie wouldn’t delay her voyage. She might have already left her bounty hunter academy. Excitement edged with fear rushed through his form.

“The search for Tolui is happening at sunrise.” He wouldn’t move on that timing.

Murad narrowed his eyes at him. “A postponement of ten planet rotations won’t make a difference to you and your search.”

A postponement of ten planet rotations could kill his gerel. Berke folded his fingers into tight fists. “We stick to the plan.”

His youngest brother opened his mouth.

“Sunrise is optimal.” Khan surprised Berke by defending his timeline. “This is a battle, and in battle, we strike hard and fast.” He extended his claws and jabbed the air in front of him. “It will give Tolui less time to prepare should one of our warriors betray us and inform him of our plans.”

They had all been deceived by beings close to them, had learned to be wary.

“Then we search at sunrise.” Murad blew out his breath, his youngest brother conceding defeat.

“We’ll communicate after the rest cycle.” Berke nodded, satisfied with that decision.

He ended the transmission. The images of his brothers faded.


Read the next scene (available January 27th) here:


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Reunited

This barbarian warrior’s cold demeanor hides the warmest of hearts.
* * *
Solar cycles ago, Berke, a savage Chamele Warlord, found his gerel, the one being he is destined to be with for all time…except he couldn’t embrace that fate. He was fighting a series of brutal wars.

To protect his little human female, he conveyed her far from the Chamele sector. He then returned to the endless battles, concealing his pain, his anguish, his need, under a thick layer of ice.

His gerel was safe. That was all that mattered to him.

When Elle was a young bounty hunter, she bonded with an arrogant warrior on a distant planet. She was deliriously happy…for a while. Then he dumped her in a strange settlement far from his home and left, never to return.

Their parting caused her excruciating pain—both physical and emotional. She endured it, earned the esteemed role of head bounty hunter of an academy, salvaged a bit of a life from the disaster her primitive warrior had made of it.

Now, two of her bounty hunters have made the same terrible mistake. Elle is determined to rescue her friends and break their connections with their Chamele Warlords.

While she is in the sector, she plans to kill the warrior she’d once considered hers. Elle is ending her relationship with Berke…permanently.
* * *
Warlord Reunited is based on a much shorter story sharing the same title.
It is a STANDALONE Alien Barbarian SciFi Romance featuring a warrior hero and a take-charge heroine set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

Pre-order Now:

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Talking Collections And Warlord Unarmed With Delilah Devlin

By Cynthia Sax on October 8, 2019

I’m visiting Delilah Devlin’s online home, talking about Warlord Unarmed and collections.
What do YOU collect?

Read the full post here:  https://www.delilahdevlin.com/blog/2019/10/07/cynthia-sax-collections-and-warlord-unarmed/


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed Mentioned On Dear Author

By Cynthia Sax on September 17, 2019

Warlord Unarmed was mentioned on Dear Author!

See all of the new releases here:  https://dearauthor.com/features/new-releases/new-releases-week-of-september-17-2019/


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed Releases!

By Cynthia Sax on September 17, 2019

Warlord Unarmed, the third story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, releases today!
I hope you enjoy this story!

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed – Fourth Scene From The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on September 9, 2019

As we wait for Warlord Unarmed, the third story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, to release on September 17th, I’m sharing the first chapter.

You can read the first scene here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6971.

Today, I’m sharing the final scene in the first chapter.


The ship they were flying landed. The doors opened. The scent of smoke and fuel assaulted Murad’s nostrils.

The drones flew over the site, relaying images. Panels, engine parts, seats were identifiable…barely. The size and shape were telling.

It had been a ship.

Bots navigated the terrain. There were no signs of undetonated explosives. Tolui and his rogue warriors had blown up the ship and departed.

“Inform me if you spot anything unusual.” Murad told his males as they started walking the site.

Wires snapped and slithered on the ground. He lifted a piece of panel. An unoccupied seat was hidden underneath it.

Murad recognized it, had chosen that style for their new ship. Hopes of finding his two warriors alive dwindled.

“My lord.” One of his males called to him.

All of them moved to the spot. A severed hand lay on the flattened vegetation. There was a deep silver scar on the palm.

Murad recognized it. “Renzong deserves our respect. Collect as much of his body as possible.”

“My lord.” Sartaq had lifted a piece of debris.

Hair covered what appeared to be a head. Murad’s stomach heaved as he crouched beside it.

It was tempting to relay the task of identifying the dead to another warrior. But he couldn’t do that.

The males had been his responsibility, his beings to safeguard.

He carefully unwrapped the long black strands from around the face. Gegeen stared back at him, his eyes wide and unseeing.

Grief gripped Murad, digging its sharp claws into his soul. “You defended our ship with your lifespan, warrior.” His heart ached. “I would have never asked that of you. I can replace the ship. I will never replace you.” His friend had been one of a kind, a male unlike any other. “But I’m not surprised you made that sacrifice. That was the type of warrior you were – brave, fierce, extremely stubborn.”

The males gathered around him guffawed uneasily at his weak attempt at a joke. Gegeen and Renzong would have done the same.

But now they wouldn’t laugh again.

“I’m honored to have fought with you.” Murad straightened, holding the head of his friend. “We will meet again. But not soon.”

That prompted more sorrow-edged laughter from his warriors. Humor had pushed them through the dark times, the times when they believed they were doomed, when all hope had vanished.

This was one of those moments. They had been waging war for so long, had lost so many beings, family, friends, warriors, the combat-hardened, and the innocent.

It seemed endless, and the males watching him, waiting for him to speak, were tired…as he was.

But they were close to peace and they couldn’t give up.

“The being responsible for this isn’t a new enemy.” Murad reminded his warriors. “We know who did this.”

“That bastard Tolui killed Gegeen and Renzong.” Jayaaatu, the youngest warrior on the team, spat on the debris-covered ground.

“Yes, that bastard Tolui killed them.” Murad looked at each warrior, meeting their gazes one by one, absorbing their volatile emotions, allowing them to see his. “I was the being he was targeting with this strike. He thought I was flying the ship.”

The warriors shifted slightly, tightening the protective circle around him, their leader.

“Tolui thinks I’m dead. He believes Chamele 3 no longer has a Warlord.” Murad’s voice rose. “But the enemy is wrong.”

The males nodded, their eyes sparking with fire.

“We have a Warlord and we have the best warriors and the best technology in the sector.” Murad blasted them with words. “It’s time to rid Chamele of our sole remaining enemy. We will honor the memories of Gegeen and Renzong by eradicating that threat. That will be their legacy and we will give that to them.”

The warriors cheered, lifting their swords and daggers high above their heads.

He did the same, raising his sword, a weapon given to him by his father, one of the best Warlords Chamele had ever known.

Murad would be worthy of the role he’d been given. They would kill Tolui, avenge Gegeen and Renzong. The clones would surrender. Peace would engulf the sector.

Then he would retrieve his gerel.


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Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed – Third Scene From The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on September 2, 2019

As we wait for Warlord Unarmed, the third story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, to release on September 17th, I’m sharing the first chapter.

You can read the first scene here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6971.

Today, I’m sharing the third scene.


“I’ve prepared for a possible attack by Tolui.” The way Berke said that relayed he expected Murad to do the same. “My warriors are on high alert.”

Murad’s warriors had left their seats and were standing in front of the main viewscreen, chattering.

“Once we take delivery of our new ship and test it, we’ll return to base.” It was one of the safest places on his planet. “That structure is impregnable.”

“You said that about your ship.” Khan would ridicule him about that until the end of time.

Murad loved his brothers but they could be pains in his ass. “My ship would have been impregnable if its systems had been activated.”

“My lord—” Sartaq, the being who hadn’t activated those systems, interrupted them.

Murad waved him away. “My ship was top-of-the-line.”

“Tolui now has that top-of-the-line ship.” Berke was angry about that.

Murad was also. “He removed the tracking device I installed in it.” That irked him. “We—”

“My lord.” Sartaq stood directly in front of him. “You need to see this.”

He looked up. His warriors parted, revealing the main viewscreen.

Smoke billowed from a stretch of scorched terrain. An unidentifiable object had been pulverized. Debris littered the ground, the pieces of it alarmingly small. Several small fires burned.

He straightened in his seat. “What are our coordinates?”

His Second met his gaze squarely. “We’ve arrived at the old test site, my lord.” He confirmed Murad’s suspicions.

Was that object the new ship? Had Tolui targeted his warriors?

Murad folded his fingers into tight fists, anger swelling inside him. His claws pricked at his skin. “Ship, contact Warrior Gegeen.”

“We’ve attempted to contact Gegeen and Renzong…multiple times, my lord.” Sartaq informed him. “There’s no reply.”

“Then we try again…and again…and again until we do receive a reply.” Murad’s tone was brusque.

Gegeen and Renzong would never give up on him. He wouldn’t give up on them.

“Head of Ship and Weapons Design has a means to track his creations.” Murad told Sartaq. “Ask him to locate the ship. Tell him nothing more.”

That last guidance was unnecessary. All of his warriors knew not to talk about incidents until they were authorized to do so.

“Contacting the Head Of Ship and Weapons Design, my lord.” Sartaq tapped on his private viewscreen.

“Were you supposed to be in your missing ship?” Khan frowned.

“I’ve always been the first to fly the ships.” Every being on the planet knew that. And every being in the facility would have been privy to the fabrication schedule.

“Tolui believes he killed you.” Berke stated what Murad already suspected.

Khan tilted his head. “That could be useful.”

Murad didn’t want to talk about tactics or the enemy or usefulness. He was focused on his two missing warriors.

“We’ll discuss this later.” He told his brothers.

“Do not land.” Berke’s eyes blazed.

He was landing. His warriors could have somehow survived. “I’m ending the transmission.” He tapped on his private viewscreen.

The images of his brothers disappeared, leaving only a view of the destruction.

“System, are any ships within range?” He hoped there were. He wanted to blow Tolui, that dishonorable warrior, out of space.

“There are no ships within range, my lord.”

Son of a Gechii. Tolui had escaped them yet again.

And Murad might have lost two loyal warriors. The weight of those lifespans pressed down on his shoulders. “Perform a lifeform scan, system.”

“There are no lifeforms within range, my lord.”

“The fires could be interfering with the scan, my lord.” Sartaq didn’t believe his own words. Murad heard that in his Second’s voice.

“Did Head of Ship and Weapons Design locate the ship?” Could there be a chance the rubble had come from something else?

“No, my lord.” His Second wouldn’t meet his gaze.

“Set this ship down outside the debris field.” Murad didn’t address the likelihood of his warriors being alive. “The drones and bots will roll out first.” They didn’t know if Tolui had left explosives on the site. “Then we will walk the terrain.”

His warriors nodded. They were somber, the joking and laughter discarded. Two of their own might have fallen.

They’d all lost friends and family members in the seemingly endless wars. But Gegeen had been there since the beginning. He’d trained several of the males. And Renzong was as well-liked, could often be found by the older warrior’s side.

They were still together…wherever they were. Pain squeezed Murad’s heart. Zondoo. He hoped they hadn’t yet arrived.


Read the next scene (available September 9th) here:  http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6983


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed – Second Scene From The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on August 26, 2019

As we wait for Warlord Unarmed, the third story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, to release on September 17th, I’m sharing the first chapter.

You can read the first scene here: http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6971.

Today, I’m sharing the second scene.


Murad reviewed some system changes to a nourishment fabrication facility as his males joked and teased each other.

All Chameles were warriors. It was part of their nature. But most of the inhabitants of the planet Murad ruled were also agri-lot tenders. They grew nourishment for themselves and many other beings in the sector.

It was his duty to protect them, a duty he took very seriously, despite his public façade of being the lighthearted, humor-loving brother.

“There is an incoming multi-being hail routed through Chamele 1, my lord,” the ship’s system informed him.

Murad stifled a groan. It must be his two older brothers, checking in on him. They didn’t trust him to rule his own planet.

“Quiet.” He gave that order to his warriors and they immediately complied, a hush falling over the bridge. “Secure the line.” Technology was his strength, not his brothers’. “And answer the hail, system.”

“Securing the line and answering the hail, my lord.” The robotic voice confirmed that command.

Khan appeared first on his private viewscreen. His scarred face was etched with lines. Those grooves faded as he saw Murad. “You’re alive.”

Berke’s expression was as dour as ever. “He’s alive.” His voice was flat.

“Yes. Yes.” Murad rolled his eyes. “I’m alive.” His brothers’ overprotectiveness was irritating. “I might not be as skilled a warrior as Khan is—” No one in the sector could match the Warlord’s fighting skills. “—but I can protect myself and the beings answering to me.”

Sartaq and his other warriors grinned.

“Tolui stole your ship.” Khan reminded him, his tone dry.

Sartaq, the being responsible for that embarrassing mishap, stopped smiling. The other males kicked his booted feet.

Murad’s face heated. “That was sloppiness.”

There was no other excuse for it. The ship’s security systems hadn’t been activated before his Second had left it unattended.

“Sloppiness in battle results in death.” Berke shook his head. “Return to your most secure location and remain there until you’re told otherwise.”

Murad stared at his brother. That command was highhanded even for Berke. “I’m a Warlord.” He gritted his teeth. “I’m not going into hiding because one of my ships was stolen.”

“This isn’t about your ship.” His eldest brother’s expression grew more severe. “What was that message Tolui sent you, Khan?”

Khan’s gaze lowered. “A brother for a brother.”

“A brother for a brother.” Berke’s head dipped. “Khan killed one of Tolui’s clones. Our enemy plans to kill one of us in retaliation.”

Zondoo. The rebellion whooshed out of Murad. “Send me the message.” He doubted he could track the source. Tolui had hidden his past communication trails well. But Murad would try his best. “That brother could be you, Berke.”

“I realize that.” His eldest brother’s eyes blazed. “I’m already in hiding, as you call it, and will remain there until Tolui is dealt with.”

“And how are we dealing with him?” Murad raised his eyebrows. “We can’t locate him.”

“When he can’t locate you, he’ll come after me.” Khan looked smug. “I’m ready for him.” He extended his claws.

“Or he’ll simply send one of his clones to kill you.” Murad didn’t trust their enemy. “As he did the last time.”

Some of his warrior brother’s bravado wavered. “We’re changing the laws. That clone will have the option to surrender.”

Being a clone was currently punishable by death in the Chamele sector, which meant the warriors in Tolui’s clone army had no option—they had to continue fighting or they would die.

The laws were being amended to ensure the clones had the right to exist. Once those laws were approved, the clones could surrender and live as regular Chameles.

Khan believed that would prompt mass defections, depleting Tolui’s forces, making him easier to defeat.

Murad wasn’t as optimistic as his brother was. Tolui had proven to be a clever and strong adversary and the warriors were his clones. Murad wouldn’t betray his brothers. He doubted the clones would betray Tolui.

“He will try to locate us, to deliver on his message.” Berke appeared even more grim than he normally was.

Of the three of them, Berke had sacrificed the most since the battles for succession had begun. He had found his gerel, the one female he was genetically destined to be with, and had somehow lost her during the war.

Murad suspected the female had died, and with her, all hope of happiness for Berke had perished also. His brother was facing a lifespan of solitude, wouldn’t experience companionship or have children.

Khan would have all that. Every one hundred heartbeats or so, their warrior brother’s gaze flicked off viewscreen, the gleam in his eyes communicating that Zeta, his human gerel, was close. And knowing his brother, the little bounty hunter was well protected.

Murad’s gerel was also safe. He didn’t know much about her, but he did know her name was Gale, she was a friend of Zeta’s, and she was situated far away, in a secure location, within a peaceful sector.

Once Tolui was dealt with, he would retrieve her.


Read the next scene (available September 2nd) here:  http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6979


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

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Warlord Unarmed – First Scene From The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on August 19, 2019

Warlord Unarmed, the third story in the Chamele Barbarian Warlords series, will be releasing on September 17th.

While we wait, I’ll be sharing the first chapter.


Chapter One

Murad had found his gerel, the one being he was destined to bond with, the sole female who could give him offspring. He heard her voice in an intercepted communication, had known instantly she was his, his cock hardening, all of him bellowing to claim her.

Before he traveled across the universe and retrieved his gerel, he had to eliminate possible threats to her in the Chamele sector. He and his brothers needed to neutralize their sole remaining enemy.

That would be easier to accomplish if Murad was flying the most advanced warship available and not the obsolete model he was currently occupying.

“Gegeen sent another message.” Sartaq, his second-in-command, relayed that information. “They had to move the ship again. It was blocking manufacturing.”

“If we delay much longer, Head of Ship and Weapons Design will charge me a storage fee.” Murad joked about the situation.

The warriors on the bridge laughed.

It was the third time Gegeen and Renzong had moved the ship.

Murad and his warriors were supposed to take possession of it a shift ago.

But the early-warning system for an academy had failed, and protecting Chamele 3’s children was more important than taking ownership of a new warship. Defeating the enemy and retrieving his gerel would have to be delayed for one shift.

He checked their current location. Their final destination didn’t yet appear on the monitoring systems. On the main viewscreen, yellow vegetation swayed, the tops of the shafts kissing the clear blue sky.

The older warship they were temporarily utilizing was flying at its top speed but it would be several moments before they reached the manufacturing facility.

“Ship, contact Warrior Gegeen.” He instructed the system.

“Contacting Warrior Gegeen, my lord.”

The robotic voice irked Murad. It was a reminder of the age of the vessel.

The system in his previous ship had sported almost human tones. It had been faster, had upgraded defenses, better programming. He clenched his jaw. His enemy, Tolui, had stolen that ship.

“My lord.” Gegeen’s face appeared on the main viewscreen. Renzong stood behind the older warrior. Both males were grinning.

All of his warriors were excited about the new ship. They loved new technology as much as Murad did.

“Fly the ship to the old test field.” Communications should be secure, but Murad wasn’t taking any chances. The warrior knew where that location was. There was no need to send coordinates. “We’ll meet you there.”

That would save time, allow more test flights to occur before Chamele’s solitary sun set.

Gegeen blinked once, twice. “You want me to be the first being to fly the new ship, my lord?”

Renzong appeared as stunned. The entire bridge of Murad’s current ship was deathly quiet. They were all listening to the conversation.

Each of them took turns at flying the new ships. They tested the systems and handling and top speeds, trying to best the previous pilot.

But the order had always been highest to lowest rank.

He, as their Warlord, had always been first. “You will be first, Warrior Gegeen.”

“I’m first.” The male glanced at Renzong.

The other warrior nodded.

“I’m first.” Gegeen’s chest heaved as though he had run a long distance. “I’ll be worthy of this honor, my lord. I won’t let you down.”

“You have never let me down, warrior.” Zondoo. If Murad had known what it meant to the older warrior, he would have relayed that duty solar cycles ago. “I trust you with my lifespan…and with our ship.”

“We will fly it directly to the old test site, land it there, and wait for you, my lord.” Gegeen straightened. “I won’t leave the ship. It will never be unaccompanied.”

Warriors jabbed their elbows into Sartaq’s stomach. Murad’s Second had left the previous ship unattended. That was how Tolui, their enemy, had stolen it.

“We’ll meet you there shortly, warrior.” Murad ended the transmission.

“We’ll never hear the end of this.” Sartaq’s grin belied his grumbled words. “Gegeen will be boasting for solar cycles about being the first to fly it.”

The warriors laughed.

Gegeen deserved any honor Murad could bestow upon him. Like many of the males on the bridge, the older warrior had fought fiercely by Murad’s side during the brutally violent Succession Wars.

They had emerged victorious, their combined efforts earning Berke, Murad’s eldest brother, his rightful place as Warlord.

Berke had then divided the role into three. He’d kept control of Chamele 1, the planet closest to the border of the sector. Khan, the second eldest brother, had been given Chamele 2 to rule. Murad, the youngest brother, had been granted Chamele 3. All of them shared authority over Chamele 4, the hunting planet.


Read the next scene (available August 26th) here:  http://tasteofcyn.com/?p=6975


Subscribe To My Monthly Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Warlord Unarmed

Protected by the Barbarian Warrior
* * *
Murad, a technology-loving Chamele Warlord, has to track down and eliminate a rogue warrior before that male ends Murad’s reign. Permanently.

When a pieced-together wreck of a ship enters the sector without authorization, Murad assumes it is piloted by an ally of his enemy and decides to blow the battered vessel out of open space.

Then he hears the voice of its sole occupant and his orders and his priorities immediately shift. The captain of the ship is his gerel, the one female he’s genetically compatible with—the light to his darkness, his future, his everything.

He will protect her…even if it costs him his life.

Bounty hunter Gale doesn’t want or need protection. She has entered Chamele space on a rescue mission. A tall, muscular, half-naked barbarian with humor-lit eyes and gentle hands won’t distract her from that purpose, no matter what he tries.

A broken ship and an enemy focused on revenge do interfere with her plans. Gale’s goal changes from saving a friend to saving herself. The only being who can increase her chances of survival is the one Warlord she can’t resist.

Pre-order Now:

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