Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

By Cynthia Sax on October 28, 2021

If you’re in a Halloween-type of mood as I am and you’re looking for a Halloween-themed romance to read, Dark Thoughts would be my pick of all my stories.

Kralj is a modified humanoid and unique but he DOES have a vampire vibe to him. He drinks blood (well…he eats his enemies and blood IS part of that). He can read most minds. He believes he’s a monster.

His human heroine, Dita, believes she’s a monster also. The pint-sized assassin isn’t scared of anyone, including Kralj. She is the sunshine to his darkness and very much his equal.

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

By Cynthia Sax on June 3, 2021

When Kralj, the all-knowing, all-powerful hero of Dark Thoughts, first appeared in one of the cyborg romances (Chasing Mayhem), I knew he would, some day, be featured in his own story. This enemy-eating modified humanoid was too fascinating, too mysterious not to investigate.

His heroine, Dita, is 100.0000% human yet is fully his match. She is the one being he has encountered in his long lifespan whose mind he can’t read, can’t control.

This is a true enemy-to-lovers romance. The two of them try to kill each other. Their love is that passionate, that wild. No rules apply.

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

By Cynthia Sax on February 11, 2021

Valentine’s Day is on Sunday. I don’t know why but, when buddies ask me which of my stories they should read on Valentine’s Day, I always mention Dark Thoughts first.

Yes, Kralj, the enemy-eating, all powerful, all knowing ruler, is top of mind for this love it or hate it celebration. (laughs) I think it is because I associate red with Valentine’s Day and there is a LOT of red in this story. Blood is spilled. Crimson sprays are everywhere.

Kralj’s relationship with Dita, his tiny yet fierce human assassin, is so very special. They have their own views of romance (it often involves ending lifespans) and they are magical as a couple.

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

By Cynthia Sax on October 29, 2020

I had to promote ONE story for The Romance Studio’s Spookapalooza ( ). I wanted that story to be as Halloween-appropriate as possible.

The most Halloween-appropriate story I have is Dark Thoughts, Kralj and Dita’s romance, the first story in the Refuge series. (This story is currently FREE everywhere.)

 Kralj has vampire-like attributes. He has fangs. He drinks blood. He waits in the dark, is a predator and a self-proclaimed monster. I always associate vampires and monsters with Halloween.

Dark Thoughts is also a great story to re-read right before reading Warlord’s Return (which releases on Tuesday). In Warlord’s Return, we return to the Refuge, Kralj and Dita’s home. We spend some time with the modified humanoids. We explore a bit more of Carinae E.

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Throwback Thursday – Dark Thoughts

By Cynthia Sax on July 30, 2020

Warlord’s Return (releasing in November) takes us back to the Refuge on Carinae E. That’s the outlaw settlement ruled by Kralj from Dark Thoughts. He and Dita and many of the other modified humanoids and their mates will be making an appearance in Warlord’s Return.

Kralj has changed as we all do over time. I won’t say he has mellowed. (grins) He’s still eating his enemies and is super protective of the beings he cares about (threatening Dita is now a leading cause of death in the Refuge). But he cares more about what happens both inside and outside of the Refuge. He’s taking a more active role in other activities.

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Books That Need A Prequel

By Cynthia Sax on January 9, 2019

Today’s blogging challenge from Long and Short Reviews is to talk about books we feel need a prequel i.e. another book set BEFORE the book we’d enjoyed. (See all of the blog posts on this subject here – )

I’ll start with my own books. Of all of my books, I think Dark Thoughts deserves a prequel…except it wouldn’t be romance (and that is all I write). I’d love to write more about Kralj and the other modified humanoids’ time with the Humanoid Alliance, how they all met (can you imagine other modified humanoids meeting Kralj for the first time, not knowing anything about his powers?), how they escaped. There would be humor and action and, I suspect, quite a bit of blood (and, in Balvan’s case, skull crushing).

I think the prequel to Laurann Dohner’s Ral’s Woman would be very similar. Ral and his brethren are skilled warriors. The battle to enslave them must have been fierce. There COULD have been a tragic romantic storyline. Perhaps a paired warrior was separated from his female, forced to leave her, to spend years not knowing what she was doing, if she was alive. The likelihood of that happening is quite high.

Loretta Chase’s Lord Of Scoundrels, my benchmark book (and yes, a historical romance – benchmark books don’t have to be within the same subgenre), definitely warrants a prequel. Jess’ Grandmother is a firecracker, very much like Jess. We get hints in the book about the vivid life she is leading and must have led in the past, the men she had charmed, the unconventional things she had done. Again, her story might not be a romance but wow, it would be fascinating.

I’d read the heck out of any vampire novel’s prequel. Anne Rice has shown us how fascinating those can be. Vampires have lived such long, action-filled lives. Cyborgs and other near-immortals are similar. The cyborgs in my stories were manufactured for battle. They have huge databases filled with war stories.

What books do you think need a prequel? Would that prequel be in the same genre or niche?


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Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Dark Thoughts – In A World Where Moose Fly

By Cynthia Sax on July 1, 2018

Dark Thoughts is featured on the cutest Canada Day SciFi promotion EVER at Kobo.
It is titled… In A World Where Moose Fly

See The List Here:


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Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Dark Thoughts Featured On Hook us with ONE PAGE Wednesday

By Cynthia Sax on May 24, 2018

Dark Thoughts was featured on Bianca Sommerland’s Hook us with ONE PAGE Wednesday!

Listen to the entire podcast here:


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Dark Fire Alien Romance

Dark Fire

What the Beast wants, the Beast gets.

Dare’s savage nature has made him an outcast among his kind. The silver-scaled Dracheon warrior can’t control his inner beast. It’s too strong. When his primitive instincts told him his destined mate was on Carinae E, he had no choice. He had to travel to the outlaw planet. There, he hoped to meet a female powerful enough to survive his Drache.

He finds Faylee, a delicate little human.

Faylee is the best thief on the planet. Everyone she encounters mistakes her for a young boy…except for a tall, shiny warrior from off-planet. When she gazes into Dare’s flame-filled eyes, he makes her feel, for the first time, like a desirable female. The fire-breathing male has her yearning for hot kisses, fierce embraces, and a future filled with love. She doesn’t realize mating with him might be the last thing she ever does.

Dare’s beast isn’t the only danger on the planet. An enemy from the past has returned and he’s determined to stop Dare and Faylee…permanently. They’ll need luck and the assistance of every warrior in the Refuge to stay alive.

Dark Fire is a STANDALONE SciFi Romance set in a gritty, dark world.

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Dark Thoughts – One Of The Top 9 Out-Of-This-World Super Sexy Sci-Fi Romances

By Cynthia Sax on March 23, 2018


Romance Rehab named Dark Thoughts one of their top 9 out-of-this-world super sexy sci-fi romances!

The full list is here:


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Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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Dark Thoughts – One Of The Best SciFi Romances Of 2017

By Cynthia Sax on December 9, 2017

Dark Thoughts was nominated as one of the Best SciFi Romance of 2017 in the #readRchat Romance Awards 2017!

Yes! There is love for cannibal heroes!

You can vote here:


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Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.
The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.
He’s truly a monster.
This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

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