Throwback Thursday – Dark Flight

By Cynthia Sax on March 6, 2025

Dark Flight is an enemies-to-lovers alien-like romance featuring a claw-sporting winged warrior hero and a protective human heroine on a mission to save her beloved sister.

There are sexy times in the air, fights to the death on the ground, and a love to last all eternity…if they survive the next few planet rotations. (grins)

Dark Flight

His mission. His challenge. His forever.

Orol, the Refuge’s second-in-command, has been given what he believes is a simple mission—escort two human females to the settlement. The winged warrior arrives at the meeting site to find one of the females missing and the other aiming a gun at his head. To rescue the first, he must capture the second. Once he has Rhea in his talons, however, he realizes he never wants to let her go.

Her enemy. Her captor. Her everything.

Rhea doesn’t trust anyone. She certainly doesn’t follow commands issued by a gorgeous flying male with glittering eyes, a beautiful face, and a seductive touch. Orol is dominant, edged with darkness, and determined to find her sister. Rhea will do anything to prevent that, even if it means playing sensual games of submission with her powerful enemy, seducing him into forgetting everything except her.

Dark Flight is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance set in a gritty, dark world.

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The Hornet And The Grasshopper In Madagascar

By Cynthia Sax on March 5, 2025

Trekking around Madagascar with the Naturalist was like living in a nature documentary. There was life all around us. We witnessed births, deaths, courting rituals and struggles for survival.

For example, we watched as this hornet dragged a stunned grasshopper across a patch of sandy soil.

The hornet, the naturalist explained, had laid its eggs inside the grasshopper.

The hornet then dug a hole and stuffed the grasshopper into the mini tunnel.

The grasshopper would serve as a food source for the hornet’s young.

That’s some circle of life sh*t right there. (grins) I LOVED it.

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Gardening – Start Small

By Cynthia Sax on March 4, 2025

As you’re planning your 2025 garden, one piece of advice I would give you is to start small.

Plant 3 tomatoes, not 30, for example. 3 tomatoes are manageable. You can dig a garden to hold those 3 tomato plants in less than an hour. You can sow seeds for 3 tomato plants in mere minutes. You can weed around those plants in minutes.

30 tomatoes, in contrast, is almost a full time job. Caring for a garden that size is a lot of work.

And things will go wrong. Plants will die. Or become ill. Or have to be moved.

You are learning. Allow yourself plenty of time to do that.

If you’re successful with the 3 tomato plants and you have excess time and energy, you can plant a few more and expand your garden next year.

Or not.

Maybe the 3 tomato plants are enough.

Start small.

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Muse Food – Look Upward

By Cynthia Sax on March 3, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted this vibrantly colored bird in Mazatlan, Mexico.

It is human nature to gaze around us at our eye level. That’s quick. That’s easy.

That’s…dangerous. Because threats can come from the sky. And they can come from below us.

As writers, we tend to describe the scene from our character’s eye level also.

And that can be…uninspired. Because there are likely interesting things happening above their heads and below their feet.

Look upward.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – March 2

By Cynthia Sax on March 2, 2025

This kitty the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I spotted in Qatar has an adorably crooked tail.


The Moonbeam sets remain on hold. I haven’t requested covers for them…yet. I’m waiting to see what happens in the US regarding romance novels.

I HAVE been writing. Because…well…that’s what I do – I write. I’m working on a couple low-probability-of-happening, very-different-for-me projects. I’ll let you know if any of those long shots pay off!

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Consider taking a wild chance on something also, especially if taking that chance has very little downside to you. We never ever know and it COULD pay off!


Cyborg Sizzle Homeland Omnibus

Cyborgs will do anything to protect their Homeland.
* * *
The cyborgs have claimed their Homeland but that has come at a cost. As they reconcile with their pasts, they seek to manufacture happier futures with the females they’re destined to love and cherish forever.
This omnibus includes three stories in the Cyborg Sizzle series: Taking Vengeance, The Cyborg’s Secret Baby and Dark Arsenal.
All of these Cyborg Romances are set in a dark, gritty, often violent universe.

Taking Vengeance

The only force stronger than their hate is their love.
Vengeance hates all humans. They killed every being he ever cared about. When the huge C Model cyborg is told he’s genetically compatible with the enemy, he makes it his mission to capture the female and use her to expel all humans from his home planet.

The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.

Dark Arsenal

A cyborg warrior and a Rebel female’s first mission together might be their last.
Arsenal considers himself to be a disposable cyborg. He drifts from assignment to assignment, forming no connections to anything or anyone. When the cyborg council requires a warrior for a high-risk mission, Arsenal volunteers. He believes no one will miss him if he dies. He doesn’t realize he’s one female’s fantasy.

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Making Someone’s Life A Little Bit Better

By Cynthia Sax on March 1, 2025

It is dang easy to make someone’s life a little bit better.
(And that is SO needed at the moment.)

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I uncovered that fact recently.

We were crossing a parking lot.
It was dark.
It was cold.
It was sleeting.

A man was crossing the parking lot in the other direction, walking toward us.
He was carrying 3 filled reusable grocery bags in each hand and was likely walking to his home.

‪After he passed us, we heard a loud noise, a howl and some cussing.

We turned around.

One of the reusable bags the man had clearly just purchased had blown out its bottom.
There were cans EVERYWHERE.
In puddles. In the snow. In the muck.

‪The man was cussing and kicking the slush and was clearly dangling on the edge of darkness.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I approached him.
We smiled gently, held out our reusable bags and offered them to him.

Friends, I thought the man was going to burst into tears.
He was SO touched by the offer.

‪He had other reusable bags and didn’t take ours.
But he was no longer alone, you know?

Someone, TWO someones, cared about him and his VERY BAD DAY.

When we left him, he almost looked…happy.
He was definitely more stable.

‪And all it took was an offer and a smile and some understanding.

THAT is how easy it is to make someone’s world a little bit better.

You can do the same – by smiling at that stressed out mom standing on the sidewalk, arguing with her child or by telling the cashier at the grocery store they’re doing a great job or by doing some other tiny-for-you thing that will likely be A BIG DEAL for the other person.


It is THAT easy.

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When You’re Surrounded By Change, Re-Read A Favorite Story

By Cynthia Sax on February 28, 2025

We’re often told that the only constant is change.

And that certainly holds true thus far in 2025.

It seems like every dang day, a gazillion major changes are happening in the world around us. It is mind-spinning and stressful and sometimes…I simply can’t deal with it.

So I re-read a favorite romance novel, one that I’ve read once, twice, twenty times in the past.

And I relax.

I know there will be a happy ending. I know I will enjoy the story. I know…well…everything that will happen because I’ve already read the story and IT hasn’t changed.

If you’re feeling stress due to all the change around you (big hugs), consider escaping for a few moments into a much beloved story. The familiarity of that story might soothe you and allow you to deal with our current reality.

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Throwback Thursday – Breathing Vapor

By Cynthia Sax on February 27, 2025

Mira, the human heroine of Breathing Vapor, looks like a villain. The cyborgs, including Vapor, the hero, believe she’s a cruel and unfeeling monster like her father.

They don’t realize she’s doing her fraggest to help them. She’s a rebel in disguise.

She’s also Vapor’s genetic match, the one being in the universe he was manufactured to bond with.

And she’s his target.

He plans to stop her activities. Permanently.

Breathing Vapor

Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

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Mango Season In Madagascar

By Cynthia Sax on February 26, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby and I last visited Madagascar in December and it was mango season!

The mangoes were falling off the trees and rotting. That was how plentiful they were.

(According to our guide, it was a disastrous year for lychee, however. The guide blamed that on climate change and the huge decrease in the number of bees.)

The Dear Wonderful Hubby absolutely LOVES mangoes. He picked a gazillion off the trees and gobbled them up (you’ll notice the mango juice on his fingers in the photo – grins).

Our guide told him the mangoes he was eating were juicing mangoes, not eating mangoes.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby replied with a grin, “All mangoes are eating mangoes for me.”

The guide shook his head and laughed.

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Regrowing Store-Bought Vegetables From Scraps

By Cynthia Sax on February 25, 2025

The Dear Wonderful Hubby, when he has the choice, always buys vegetables and herbs with their roots intact.

We then cut off the roots plus a little bit extra, stick those roots in dirt and hope the plants grow back.

We did that with this cilantro here.

These cilantro roots have been planted for 2 days and they’re already growing little leaves.

The tops of the plants WILL likely grow back.

So a piece of carrot (the orange part IS all root) might grow carrot tops (which are GREAT in soups). It is unlikely, however, to grow another ‘carrot’ i.e. orange root part.

Herbs respond awesomely to this ‘trick.’ It is a fast track to growing them.

Green onions are the absolute BEST, however. We’ll buy a bunch of green onions, cut off the bottom part with the roots (eating the rest of it), stick those roots in dirt and we can cut and recut those green onions about five or six more times.

This is fun for us. And we usually get at least one more harvest from any roots.


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