Throwback Thursday – Defying Death

By on June 20, 2024

Facing death changes a being. And the cyborgs have faced so much death they won’t ever be ‘normal’ by human standards.

Death, the hero of Defying Death, is no exception to that. He has faced death and delivered death so many times he chose to call himself Death.

Death is all he has ever known.

Until he meets the curvy human female destined to be his.

Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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