Muse Food – Boats And Framing

By Cynthia Sax on June 25, 2024

I love this photo the Dear Wonderful Hubby took when we were visiting Panglao Island in the Philippines.

The focus is on the boats.

But the reason it is so beautiful to me is the framing of the much less interesting rocks and tree branches.

In every chapter, there’s usually one scene I’m super excited about writing.

I REALLY want to go straight to that scene and skip all the things that have to happen before that scene.

But I remind myself that those less gripping scenes are WHY the super exciting scene is so exciting. They are the reason that scene makes sense for reading buddies. They’re the reason that scene is impactful. They are the reason that scene is emotional.

They’re the rock framing the boats.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Drift Would – First Scene Of The First Chapter

By Cynthia Sax on June 24, 2024

The countdown to Drift Would’s release day has started! Woot!

I will be sharing the first chapter while we wait.

Today, I’m sharing the very first scene.


Chapter One

Beings assumed Drift gravitated toward his pilot role because he loved flying above all else.

That projection wasn’t 100.0000 percent accurate.

He became a pilot because he had an overwhelming need for speed. And he could go faster when he was at the helm of a ship in space.

Especially if he was flying a battle station equipped with systems he’d spent solar cycles fine-tuning. The Dauntless was now an extension of him, like an arm or a leg.

The prospect of severing that connection and allowing another being to sit in his chair was…unsettling. Especially as that being was Grid, a warrior who delighted in causing chaos.

But Drift would make that sacrifice. Because his flying skills were needed for a dangerous mission. And because his captain, Intrepid, ordered him to do that.

Intrepid had been instrumental in freeing him and many other cyborgs from the Humanoid Alliance, their cruel manufacturers. Drift would follow any command the male issued.

Don’t modify anything. He sent that clear message to Grid over the officer-transmission lines.

Save the settings, because I’m modifying everything. The navigator cackled as he accessed the Dauntless’s flying-critical systems.

That isn’t logical. Choice, one of their engineers and the newest addition to their crew, attempted to reason with the male. Drift has optimized his controls. The Dauntless has broken every speed record in the battle-station categories due to his modifications.

They had broken every speed record in the battle-station categories. That truth repeated in Drift’s processors. It would be fraggin’ difficult to go faster.

In the same type of vessel.

Drift isn’t the pilot now. Grid was already modifying the settings.

You’re correct. There was nothing Drift could do to stop the male. You have the pilot’s chair.

He stood.

You’re giving up so easily? Grid sounded disappointed.

I trust our captain. Drift processed their captain would never endanger the battle station or the crew. Both would be safe with Grid as their pilot.

He had to focus on the upcoming mission.

And the different type of ship he’d be flying.


His lips curled upward. New records would soon be broken.

He walked with Cure, his mission partner, toward the docking bay.

The lead medic’s countenance showed 0.0000 emotion.

Many of them had worn similar blank masks when they were under the Humanoid Alliance’s control. But 99.5869 percent of them, including Drift, had discarded those impenetrable expressions once they reached freedom. They often allowed their organic sides to emerge and their emotions to be visible.

Cure was part of the remaining 0.4131 percent. The male rarely showed emotion.

Drift projected his organic side wasn’t fully functional.

But the male was a fraggin’ skilled medic. And he was an asset to any team.

They didn’t feel a need to speak to each other as they moved through the battle station. Yet the hallways weren’t navigated in silence.

The warriors they passed pelted them with taunts and gibes and comments through the transmission lines.

Save some enemies for us.

The weapon will be destroyed twice as fast.

Modified-freighter speed records will be broken.

That last statement was the truth. Drift’s tread lightened. The modified freighter he would be flying had been altered more significantly than the others. He’d rebuilt the engines with his own two hands and had allocated 719.6488 free shifts to improving the small vessel’s capabilities.

Guns had been added. The monitoring ranges had been extended. Other changes had been made. Those weren’t as exciting as the velocity increases, however.

According to Strike, the Dauntless’s former second-in-command, there would be plenty of open space en route to reach top speeds. The male had plotted much of the course they would follow. Planets, moons, and debris fields had all been noted in the shared cyborg databases.

It would be glorious. Drift grinned. There would be no one and nothing around them. He’d push the modified freighter’s systems.


Read the next scene (available July 1st) here:


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – June 23

By Cynthia Sax on June 23, 2024

Drift Would, the second core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in July), is loaded at booksellers and should be ready to go on release day.

Should be. (grimaces) According to a couple of my writing buddies, one of the major bookseller has been having ‘issues.’ Fingers crossed it will be working well on Drift Would’s release day

I continue to craft the very messy and chaotic first draft of Claiming Cure, the third core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in November). Cure and his heroine are doing some seemingly random sh*t. (laughs) I’m sure they have a reason for their actions but that hasn’t been revealed to me yet.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Pluck a leaf off a herb you love. Savor its color. Smell the herb. Feel its texture between your fingers. Taste it (the herb, not your fingers – laughs). Be present and revel in that herb.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Drift Would And Sacrifices

By Cynthia Sax on June 22, 2024

Roshini, the human heroine of Drift Would, is willing to sacrifice everything, including her life and the lives of the beings she’s leading, to free her planet from the ‘Invaders’, as she calls them.

Some might say it is easier for her to risk her lifespan because she is very ill. She doesn’t have much living left.

But, I would argue, this makes every moment of living even more precious. Her time might be short. Shortening it more is a big deal. Many beings would prefer to spend their remaining time somewhere peaceful and beautiful and… less explosive. (grins)

Her possible sacrifice is exactly that – a sacrifice. And she has my respect for that reason (and other reasons).


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Drift And Focus

By Cynthia Sax on June 21, 2024

Drift, the cyborg hero in Drift Would (releasing in July), is intense about a couple of things.

Before he meets his female, that’s mainly

Breaking speed records


Optimizing systems on ships in order to break speed records.


Drift is easy-going about almost everything else.

He doesn’t care if Cure, his mission partner, experiments on him during their voyage…as long as that experimentation doesn’t interfere with his attempts to break speed records.

He doesn’t care if someone else is placed in charge of a ship he’s optimized as long as that being doesn’t break speed records in that ship.

He doesn’t care that he’s being sent on a dangerous mission as long as…you guessed it…he’s given an opportunity to break speed records during that mission.

Drift has one-track processors.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Throwback Thursday – Defying Death

By Cynthia Sax on June 20, 2024

Facing death changes a being. And the cyborgs have faced so much death they won’t ever be ‘normal’ by human standards.

Death, the hero of Defying Death, is no exception to that. He has faced death and delivered death so many times he chose to call himself Death.

Death is all he has ever known.

Until he meets the curvy human female destined to be his.

Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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The Tomatoes Are Flowering

By Cynthia Sax on June 19, 2024

The tomato plants are flowering. (smiles) Both the heirloom tomato plants and the cherry tomato plants.

That means we should have cherry tomatoes soon! Woot! Nothing beats the first tomatoes of the season.

The peas have flowered and are growing pea pods. The beans are also flowering and growing beans. The potatoes flowered. I picked those flowers off, redirecting energy to growing spuds. The spinach and lettuce are being slowly harvested. As is the cilantro, basil and parsley.

It really feels like summer now.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Drift Would And Doubling The Team

By Cynthia Sax on June 18, 2024

In Strike Zone, only one cyborg – Strike – was sent to investigate the mysteriously pulsing sound.

Power and the rest of the cyborg council didn’t have any reason to believe the cyborg sector and/or everyone inside that sector were in danger. They certainly didn’t believe the Humanoid Alliance, their enemies, had a presence in the neighboring sector.

At the end of Strike Zone, they process the Humanoid Alliance likely has a presence in the neighboring sector. The enemy is close, too close. The pulsing sound could be caused by a weapon. And their enemy could be in control of that weapon.

The cyborgs and everyone they love could be in danger.

Power decides to double the team sent to investigate from one cyborg to two cyborgs.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Muse Food – Fruit And Being The First

By Cynthia Sax on June 17, 2024

When the Dear Wonderful Hubby and I travel, we encounter many new-to-us edible fruits, vegetables and other foods.

We also encounter many new-to-us fruits and vegetation that would kill us or make us very ill if we consumed them.

And often, there isn’t much visible difference between the two groups.

So how did we, humans, figure out what we could eat or couldn’t eat?

Trial and error.

If the first person to eat the fruit or vegetation (or fish or animal or insect) died or became very ill, the rest of our ancestors knew not to consume it.

Yep, our current food system was built on that level of sacrifice.

I remember that when worldbuilding in my stories. A character wouldn’t arrive at a new-to-them place and know instinctively what was safe to eat or drink. They would have to be told or have a device that tested food and beverage or some other means of determining that.

Or they risk dying.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – June 16

By Cynthia Sax on June 16, 2024

Drift Would, the second core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series, is loaded to booksellers and should be ready for its release day on July 23rd. I can’t wait for you to read this story. I love it so much!

I am loving Claiming Cure, the third core story in the Dauntless Cyborgs series (releasing in November), thus far, also. I continue to craft the very messy first draft.

The story is starting to form. That’s always super exciting. (grins)

Have a wonderful week, my friends. (big hugs) Re-read a favorite romance novel. Spend time with those beloved characters. Think about what they might be doing now. A romantic happy ever after is forever. Know that these characters are still happy, still very much in love. Revel in their joy.


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Drift Would

A cyborg and a spy fly into danger.


Drift is one of the best pilots in existence, and he has been assigned a perilous mission.

The G Model cyborg must fly to a distant planet, locate the sector-destroying superweapon the enemy is projected to be developing there, and obliterate that threat to the universe.

When Drift arrives at his destination and meets with an informant, he’s distracted by a mysterious human female seated in the shadows. She’s Drift’s genetic match, and she is the one being he’s destined to care for, claim, and protect.

She’s also a liar and a thief. And she might be working with the enemy.

Trusting her could kill him and everyone he cares about.

Liar. Thief. Seductress. Saboteur. Roshini has been called all of those things. And she has earned each label. She’s done some terrible things to safeguard the beings she loves.

A gray-eyed cyborg warrior with nimble hands and a shared need for speed won’t stop her high-risk activities.

She’ll sacrifice everything, including her lifespan, to complete her self-appointed top-secret assignment.


Drift Would is a standalone, enemies-to-lovers, Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a cyborg who loves to break speed records, a human spy with a talent for changing her appearance, and a foe intent on killing them both.

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