North Bound – Third Scene Of The First Chapter

By on April 6, 2020

North Bound, the fifth standalone story in the Cyborg Space Exploration series, is releasing on April 21st.

I’ve shared the first scene from the first chapter.

You can read that scene here:

This week I’m sharing the third scene of that first chapter.


“I’m a survivor.” Dissent’s female had delusions of strength. “And I’ll be armed. I didn’t die on Khambalia 5 or Altair Alpha. I won’t die on this planet. The environment is hospitable. You said that yourself.”

“The oxygen levels can sustain a human.” Doc displayed the specs on the main viewscreen. “And—”

“Hospitable isn’t equivalent to safe.” North severed that discussion, not wanting to hear it. “The planet is dangerous.”

“We don’t know that.” Dissent’s female persisted in arguing with him.

She was right. He didn’t know that with 100.0000 percent accuracy.

“I’ll protect her.” Dissent relayed what everyone on the bridge had already processed. Any warrior would die before allowing his female to be damaged.

“I’ll protect her also.” Truth stated another known fact. Females were rare. Honorable warriors would safeguard them.

“We’ll all protect her.” North hid his impatience under a flat tone. “That’s the issue. Her presence will delay the completion of our mission.”

“I can protect myself.” Lines appeared between the eyebrows of Dissent’s female.

“We have numerous planet rotations to complete this mission.” Truth sought excitement. It didn’t surprise North that the restless D Model preferred to spend a longer duration exploring a new planet over roaming around a familiar-to-him warship. “Three or four extra planet rotations won’t make a difference to us.”

“Every additional planet rotation spent on the surface of a hostile planet increases the probability of death.” That calculation was absolute.

“The planet isn’t hostile.” Dissent’s female’s voice was edged with frustration.

It was a frustration North shared. “100.0000 percent of the planet’s population is situated here.” He circled that area a second time. “Based on my observation, humans and humanoids spread over any hospitable terrain.” They greedily grabbed planets and other land. That was one of the reasons the Humanoid Alliance had manufactured cyborgs—to clear areas of the local occupants. “The humanoids aren’t doing that on Balazoid Minor.”

Dissent, Truth, Doc, Chuckles and the females gawked at main viewscreen.

Captain dipped his head. “I projected you would process that, Second.”

The approval in his superior’s voice warmed North’s chest.

“Something is stopping them from spreading over the land mass.” Dissent’s female expressed the conclusion North had already reached. “That something is a threat to the humanoids.” She glanced up at her warrior. “And it could be a threat to me.”

Dissent tightened his grip on his female.

North quashed his envy. Females were a distraction, and as Captain’s second-in-command, as the leader of other warriors, he couldn’t afford to be distracted.

Splitting his focus could result in the loss of beings he had a duty to protect. “The unknown something could be a threat to cyborgs also.”

“I love this planet.” Truth grinned.

North wasn’t as enthusiastic about Balazoid Minor. Truth’s and Dissent’s lifespans would be placed in peril. Every decision he made or didn’t make could impact their survival.

He took that responsibility very, very seriously.

“I’ll remain on the ship.” Dissent’s female, thankfully, eliminated one of those decisions for him. “You should be focusing on potential dangers, not on protecting me.”

Dissent studied her for a long moment, his expression grave. “Then I’ll stay on the Reckless also.”

Fraggin’ hole. The J Model’s illogical decision was another reason why North couldn’t have a female. Females caused warriors to malfunction, to base actions on their emotional systems, not on their processors.

Every cyborg had tasks to perform, a role to hold. Refusing to complete those tasks was akin, in North’s processors, to rebellion.

It put all of their kind at risk.

He concealed his disappointment with Dissent under a blank mask and considered alternatives.

Participation in the exploration missions had been a benefit extended only to the senior warriors, the cyborgs stationed on the bridge, members of Captain’s most trusted inner circle. They had earned that reward based on their loyalty and their dedication to their roles.

But, for this mission, one of the less-experienced, less-skilled, warriors could take Dissent’s place. Many of the cyborgs would battle for that opportunity.

That solution wasn’t optimal, but it was a possibility.


Read the next scene (available April 13th) here:


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North Bound

A mission-focused cyborg battles a captivating and dramatic distraction.


North, the second-in-command of a cyborg crew, has two priorities—he has to explore and collect data on Balazoid Minor, a small planet in their sector, and he must bring his three-being team back to the ship alive and fully functional.

When he encounters his brash, bravado-wielding female, the one being genetically designed for him, he recognizes her for what she is—a distraction that might get him and his brethren killed. He WILL claim her, but only on his terms, when his mission is complete and everyone he is responsible for protecting is safe.

Myrina the Magnificent is the best warrior on her planet and possibly the universe. She has captured an unparalleled fourteen males for her all-female tribe. Once she has secured the fifteenth male, she will be a legend. Her name will live forever. She’ll earn the undying adoration of her sisters. Glory will be hers.

The male in her sights—and in her snare—is a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg with a skill for war and lips designed for kissing. One emotionally charged battle is all it takes for Myrina to realize she wants North for herself. She won’t share his caresses with anyone.

Their forbidden love might be destined to be, but it won’t be easy to maintain. Myrina will have to fight her sisters, an all-powerful male-eating plant, and her cyborg’s unbending will to make North hers and hers alone.


North Bound is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It is the fifth of six core stories in the Cyborg Space Exploration Series.

Book 1: Choosing Chuckles

Book 2: Doc’s Orders

Book 3: Dominance And Dissent

Book 4: Passion Surge

Book 5: North Bound

Book 6: Testing Truth

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