Under Strain, Rohini 9 And Its Namesake

By Cynthia Sax on April 6, 2021

In Under Strain, much of the action occurs on Rohini 9, a dinosaur planet located outside the cyborg’s sector.

Rohini is a nod to Aldebaran or Rohini (the red one) as the giant star is referred to in Hindu astronomy. Aldebaran is situated about 65 light-years from our sun and is notable for being the fourteenth brightest star in our sky.

There’s a probe right now traveling to Aldebaran. It should arrive there in about 2 million years. (grins) That’s a LONG trip.

Rohini is a goddess (specifically the red goddess) in Hinduism and is a personification of Aldebaran. She is a consort of Chandra, the moon god.

Rohini 9’s moons play a pivotal role in the Rebel Cyborgs series.


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Cynthia Sax Upcoming Releases

By Cynthia Sax on April 5, 2021

There’s so much excitement coming up and I realized I haven’t given you an update on my release schedule for Cynthia Sax in a while.

Containing Malice, the first story in the Rebel Cyborgs series, released in February. The rest of 2021 and a bit of 2022 will be dedicated to this series. I realize many of you are waiting for Power’s story and I don’t want to extend that wait any longer than I have to.

There WILL be more cyborg stories after this series ends. There will be next generation stories and there are many warriors we’ve ‘met’ in past stories who will find their genetic matches. The Rebel Cyborgs series will modify the cyborgs’ world and that will have repercussions.

I plan to write about cyborgs for a long, long time.

Under Strain, the second story in the Rebel Cyborgs series, has been written, edited, formatted and loaded to booksellers. It is on track for release in May (that is dang soon)!

I’m completing the second draft of Baring Grudge, the third story, this week and hope to send it to my Awesome Editor by the 10th. I am so optimistic about her loving this story I’ve set Baring Grudge up for pre-orders also.

I’m a little ahead writing-wise in my schedule but I think I will likely need that extra time when I get to Power’s story. That story will suck all the brain cells out of my head…in a happy way. Power and his female have HUGE personalities. This series will definitely end with a bang. (grins)

Here is my core story release schedule for the next year

May 2021 – Under Strain (Available For Pre-Ordering Now)

August 2021 – Baring Grudge (Available For Pre-Ordering Now)

November 2021 – B Free

December 2021 – Valor’s Story

February 2022 – Seizing Power


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Cynthia Sax Weekly Update – April 4th

By Cynthia Sax on April 4, 2021

Woot! It is the first update in April, one of my favorite months. I love Spring so very much. It is all about renewal and babies and more sunlight. I missed the sun.

I’m halfway through the second draft of Baring Grudge, the third story in the Rebel Cyborgs series (releasing in August). I hope to complete this second draft and maybe the third in this upcoming week. Grudge is such a fun special cyborg and his female is perfect for him.

I survived April Fool’s Day! That’s an accomplishment for me as I tend to believe friends and family when they tell me something. (sheepish grin) But I spent most of the day offline so I cheated a bit. Plus I had post-its everywhere reminding myself it was April Fool’s Day.

The Dear Wonderful Hubby treated me to some Cadbury Easter Crème Eggs this weekend. One of my Awesome Brothers-In-Law also gifted me with a Gold Lindt Bunny, who was almost too cute to eat. Almost. (evil grins) The ears were the first to go. Then his bunny tail. And feet. There’s not much of him left. I am a chocolate monster.

I’m wishing you a wonderful day, a terrific week, much happiness and love. I hope you get a chance to read and relax and do something just for you. You deserve it. (big hugs)


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Under Strain, Cyborgs And Reprimands

By Cynthia Sax on April 3, 2021

While the cyborgs were under Humanoid Alliance control, they were reprimanded harshly for any sort of wrongdoing, real or imagined. They were often deemed to be malfunctioning and suffered the most painful death possible, being sliced apart while conscious, salvaged for parts while feeling everything.

The Humanoid Alliance also tortured the cyborgs in all the ways a warrior could be tortured.

No cyborg would voluntarily do that to one of their brethren.

Which pushes cyborg leaders to be creative when reprimanding warriors.

Power punished Death and his female in Defying Death by restricting them to the Homeland. Taking away the freedom they fought so hard to obtain is quite severe.

Cadet punishes Strain in Under Strain by stripping him of his weapons and forcing him to watch upcoming battles, not participate in them. This is a very effective reprimand because most cyborgs, including Strain, LOVE to fight. They love their weapons. They’ll regret not having that fun with their brethren.

Strain, however, discovers another kind of fun…with his female. (grins)


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Hot Cross Buns And My Awesome Mom

By Cynthia Sax on April 2, 2021

These are NOT my Awesome Mom’s hot cross buns but they kind of resemble them. This stock photo was taken by and indirectly purchased from  jackmac34

When I was growing up, we didn’t have much. Some days, we didn’t eat (yes, here in Canada). We didn’t have outdoor plumbing (we used an outhouse). We made our own fun.

Some family members are still living like this today.

But every year, on Good Friday, my Awesome Mom would make hot cross buns for everyone and I mean everyone. (grins) She made them for the entire village. Other folks would drop by. It didn’t matter what people believed, their religion or their views on the universe. It was a celebration for everyone, a way my Awesome Mom, having not much at all, would give back to the world.

We, of course, didn’t have the fancy ingredients. There was no candied fruit. These hot cross buns had raisins and were topped with the simplest of icings (mostly icing sugar and straight-from-the-cow milk).

But stars, those buns were good. We would stuff our little faces.

And we would realize how very lucky we were.

We might have been poor but folks came from all over to eat my Mom’s hot cross buns, raving about how good they were. That was something to be proud of, something to be grateful for.

I’m thinking of her today, thinking how lucky I am to know such a generous, giving woman. I will definitely be calling her later, once the hot cross bun baking is done.


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Under Strain And Peace-Seeking Beings

By Cynthia Sax on March 26, 2021

Kamyelle, the heroine of Under Strain, the second Rebel Cyborgs story (releasing in May), is the last of a long line of peace-seeking humans. Her ancestors came to Rohini 9 in search of a place where they could live in harmony with other beings, with other creatures, with the land.

They found that place…for a while. Rohini 9 hosted predators, velociraptor-like theropods, but the humans learned how to coexist with them with very little conflict…similar to how indigenous people in North America lived with predators like wolves or bear. There was a mutual respect.

 Then the Humanoid Alliance arrived on Rohini 9. They brought cyborgs and warships and killing machines with them. And they didn’t want to share the planet…with anyone or anything.

As you can imagine, it didn’t go well for Kamyelle and her kind.


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Under Strain And Dinosaur Planets

By Cynthia Sax on March 19, 2021

Much of the action in Under Strain, the second Rebel Cyborgs story (releasing in May), occurs on Rohini 9, a dinosaur planet.


You KNOW I couldn’t resist that type of setting for long. I’m proud of myself for waiting this many stories to visit a dinosaur planet. I LOVE dinosaurs, real or fictional. I’ve been on digs. I’m a Jurassic park/world fan. When I was a babysitter, I was a hit with many kids because I could talk dinosaurs with them.

Looking at this setting from a science point of view, there is no reason why there couldn’t be dinosaur planets. If there hadn’t been a triggering event here, Earth might still be a dinosaur planet.

The cyborgs, especially Grudge and Rancor, have an absolute blast with them. And I hope you’ll enjoy this planet also.


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Redeeming Strain

By Cynthia Sax on March 12, 2021

The second story in the Rebel Cyborgs series is Under Strain (releasing in May). As soon as I ‘met’ Strain on page, when he tried to attack the heroine of Containing Malice, I was intrigued. I wanted to know why he was so hostile, why he hates humans with that intensity.

Strain is extremely damaged. He makes Malice look like he’s well adjusted. (smiles) He, of all the cyborgs, is the warrior Cadet believes is most like Ghost, another severely damage cyborg.

Cadet and Grudge and the rest of the cyborg retrieval team, however, believe in him. They see something special, something worthy in Strain.

There is a huge gap between being worthy of a team and being able to love and be loved. It will take a unique female to embrace Strain.

Kamyelle, the heroine of Under Strain, is certainly unique. (grins)


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Under Strain Finalized

By Cynthia Sax on March 5, 2021

Under Strain, the second standalone story in the Rebel Cyborgs series (releasing in May), has been finalized and loaded to booksellers. Yay!

I LOVE this story. Strain is very much broken and I have a weakness for damaged warriors.

His female is exactly who he needs. Not to fully function because I don’t think that will ever be possible for him, but she shows him how to enjoy life. She allows him to experience happiness and love again.


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Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor after a horrific decision was made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans, and when he attacks one who is under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, and told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes place on a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue, but Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to claim her. Forever.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely…by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant-blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.


Under Strain is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a broken warrior, a human female who thinks he’s perfect, and velociraptor-like dinosaurs who view them both as light, tasty snacks.

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Under Strain

By Cynthia Sax on February 8, 2021

A reading buddy reminded me that I haven’t yet shared all of the bookseller links for Under Strain, the second story in the Rebel Cyborgs series.

Oops. (sheepish grin)

Here they are…

The blurb for Under Strain hasn’t yet been edited by my Awesome Editor. It is a tad rough. (grins) But it should give you a feeling for the story.

Under Strain

A damaged cyborg warrior is hunted by a peace-loving human female.


Strain is severely malfunctioning. The D Model cyborg was the sole survivor of a horrific decision made by his cruel manufacturers. He hates all humans and when he attacks one placed under his cyborg leader’s protection, he is reprimanded, stripped of his weapons, told to watch and not actively participate in the next mission.

That mission takes him to a small remote planet. Its lush terrain should only be inhabited by the cyborgs they were sent to rescue. Strain senses another presence on the surface. She is watching him, tracking him, hunting him.

A fully operational cyborg would end her lifespan.

Strain wants to capture, kiss, claim her.

Kamyelle is the only one left of her kind. Warriors have killed the other nonviolent human inhabitants of her planet. She survived…barely by hiding in the trees, observing her enemies, and covering herself with lifeform scan-concealing mud.

When a handsome, gray-skinned, brilliant blue-eyed male arrives, surrounded by weapon-carrying warriors, she knows she has to save him. Warriors harm and they kill. That is what they do.

She won’t allow them to hurt Strain.

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Containing Malice

This tormented cyborg craves vengeance…and her.


Malice, a C Model cyborg, has spent his long lifespan enslaved by the Humanoid Alliance. His cruel manufacturers have hurt him in all the ways a male could be hurt.

His enemy has now added a new weapon to their arsenal—a tiny human medic with soft hands and a delectable scent. She experiments on him multiple times a shift, delivering pain…and frustration.

He wants her. He also seeks retribution.

Once Malice frees himself, he plans to achieve both of his goals, taking Medic Illona captive and ending her research…permanently.

Illona is as much a prisoner as the cyborgs she experiments on. Since her arrival at the Human Alliance’s secret laboratory, she has carefully, stealthily, crafted a plot to free her test subjects. To conceal her covert activities, the medic has been forced to harm beings rather than heal them.

The being she has damaged the most is also the cyborg she fiercely desires— Malice, a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed C Model with massive hands and a voice deeper than space. He hates her, has good reason to do so, and, when he’s freed, there’s a high probability he’ll kill her.

Illona will take that risk to ensure he survives.


Containing Malice is a STANDALONE enemies-to-lovers Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It is the first of five core stories in the Rebel Cyborgs Series.

Book 1: Containing Malice
Book 2: Under Strain
Book 3: Baring Grudge
Book 4: B Free
Book 5: Seizing Power

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