Being Green Available At Booksellers For Free

By Cynthia Sax on July 12, 2016

You’ve told me that you wanted Being Green, the free cyborg short story, available at booksellers so you can have this story in your library.
I, of course, listened and have done exactly that!

You’ve also told me that you want updates on your favorite characters. In months in which I don’t have a release (August is the first one), I’ll be giving updates in my newsletter. These will be exclusive to newsletter readers only (as they will only be 8-10 pages long).

This December’s free cyborg short story, Jumping Barrel (which I’m writing right now), will be available at as many booksellers as I can manage (Amazon has been pushing back on free stories recently, but ARe has a mobi option which is suitable for Kindle/Amazon users).

Green, a cyborg warrior, cares for one being—his plant Windy. When Windy becomes sick, he’ll do anything to heal her, even venture across the universe to visit a worlds-renowned plant doctor.

He doesn’t expect to find love.

Doctor Shelby Cooper is the sole resident of a tiny planet. She prefers to be alone rather than risk caring for another being and then losing him. The curvaceous scientist is determined to resist Green’s patient caresses, his thought-burning kisses, his slow seduction.

She has underestimated the power of a cyborg’s passion.

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Why I Love Just Wright

By Cynthia Sax on July 7, 2016

I watched Just Wright for the gazillionth time this weekend. It’s one of my favorite RomComs, a feel good movie about a curvy physical therapist who falls in love with the hunky basketball player she’s helping to recover from a career-threatening injury.

Yes, it is a fantasy (why would a top basketball player listen to his jealous girlfriend and hire an unknown physical therapist?) but the characters, especially Leslie (played by Queen Latifah), spoke to me. I could relate to her. I felt her pain.

Leslie meets Scott, the hero before he’s injured (Scott is played by the yummy Common – who was very nice to me when I met him at the Consumer Electronics Show years ago). There’s immediate chemistry between them but she’s so accustomed to being the ‘friend’, the woman guys like but don’t lust after, she doesn’t take it seriously.

When Morgan (played by Paula Patton), her good looking, size nothing friend, goes after Scott and lands him, Leslie steps aside. She hasn’t known Scott for very long and she simply assumes she doesn’t have a chance with him.

Because that is what many of us curvy girls do. We assume that handsome, super fit, super nice guys want the more socially acceptable size nothing women (in the case of Scott and my Dear Wonderful Hubby, that isn’t true). And when we step aside, the men usually see this as a sign we’re not truly interested in them and they DO walk away.

Which is exactly what Scott does in this movie.

And Leslie merely shrugs her shoulders and moves on. I love that she isn’t the bitter perma-single curvy girl. She knows (what she believes is) her place in the world and she’s okay with that.

Leslie is also aware of her own worth. She knows she can get a man tomorrow. She is waiting for THE man, the man who will capture her heart.

And our girl has her own life to live. She has a house that she’s constantly fixing up, a job that she loves, and she’s a dedicated basketball fan. She doesn’t need Scott. She wants him. There’s a big difference between the two.

I thought the love triangle was handled well and semi-realistically. Scott made some frustrating choices but I understood why he made them. He maintained his nice guy status throughout those choices.

I loved how Leslie was devastated during the dark moment but she didn’t crumble. She went on with her life, focusing on her career. I cheered when she questioned the hero after he came to his senses. She doesn’t blindly forgive him.

There were some silly moments (her rolling in his bed) and some WTF moments (her job situation at the end of the movies – that is definitely a conflict) but, overall, I really enjoyed this movie…which is why I watched it for the gazillionth time (grins).


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He wants one night. I want forever.

Hit it and quit it—that’s Smoke Sheridan’s relationship philosophy. The tall, dark, and dangerous club owner never spends more than one night with any woman. He seduces the broken-hearted, leaving them with smiles on their faces and a sexual confidence other men can’t resist.

I need his services.

My boyfriend of four years dumped me because I’m a lousy lay. Smoke can help me win him back, teach me how to make my man writhe in ecstasy. I’ll show him such bliss, he’ll bellow my name in the dark of the night, want me with an all-consuming desire.

This sounds like a great plan. Except I see the loneliness in Smoke’s eyes, feel the wistfulness in his touch, experience the wanting in his embrace. The player isn’t as shallow as he appears.

And I’ve never been good at letting go.

One And Done contains inappropriate humor, very bad pickup lines, a BBW heroine who doesn’t know what she’s doing and a player who thinks he does.
This is a standalone story.

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Defying Death Featured In Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly

By Cynthia Sax on July 2, 2016

Woot! Defying Death was featured in Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly!

There are some other awesome SciFi Romance stories on the list if you’re looking for a story to read this long weekend!


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Fathers In Romanceland – Releasing Rage

By Cynthia Sax on June 19, 2016

Today is Father’s Day in North America. There are some awesome dad moments in romance novels. There’s something very sexy about a man taking care of his son, whether that son is biologically his or a son he has chosen to love.

Yesterday, I shared a scene from One And Done, my next contemporary romance release. Today, I thought I’d share a scene from Releasing Rage featuring Rage, the first cyborg daddy.


He’s highly intelligent.

He? Rage frowned. Did viruses have a sex? Answer my questions. Will my female survive?

The virus squealed, its tone joyful, and the cyborgs laughed. They fraggin’ laughed while his female was ill!

“Stay still, little engineer.” Rage brushed his lips over Joan’s forehead and stomped toward Doc and Surge. They didn’t look away from the viewscreen, watching it as though they’d never seen anything so intriguing.

Rage pushed Surge out of his way. “Let me see it.” He gazed at the image. It looked like a misshapen humanoid with a giant skull and a shrunken little body. That was inside the female he loved, feeding off her, infecting every other being around them?

“What type of parasite is that?” He touched his stomach. Did he now have one of those creatures inside him too?

“Parasite?” Joan’s face turned pale. “Get it out of me.”

“Parasite.” Surge smiled.

“Technically, he is one.” Doc appeared as irrationally happy. “And judging by how quickly he’s growing, he’ll be out of you in mere planet rotations, Rage’s female.”

“We might have to remove him.” Surge tapped his fingers against his chin. “She’s human. She might not be able to carry him to term.”


Rage’s frustration levels spiraled higher and higher. “Will.” He picked Doc up by his neck. “She.” He shook the cyborg. “Live?”

“Yes,” Doc croaked. “Not virus. Offspring.”

“What?” Rage dropped him. “That’s your diagnosis?” Were they idiots? “Cyborgs can’t produce offspring. I know. I was in the breeding programs, was paired with twenty-two human females and one hundred and fifteen cyborg females. None of those pairings were successful.” He narrowed his eyes, questioning Doc’s credentials. “Where did you learn about repairing cyborgs?”

Doc rubbed his neck. “I’m qualified.”

Rage didn’t believe him. Crash. He opened his transmission lines to his friend. Relay these images and all subsequent information to Intrepid. Ask him to search on possible causes. “Are there additional medical staff on board?”

“You don’t need advice from additional medical staff.” Doc glared at him. “This is an image of an offspring manufactured in one of the human’s laboratories.” He tapped the screen and an image appeared. “This is the image of the offspring in your female’s womb.” He reduced the size and displayed them side by side.

They were identical.


That meant…

Rage swayed, his view of the worlds, the future, fate shifting.

Because something he thought impossible had occurred. He had created offspring with Joan. She wasn’t sick, wasn’t dying. She would live, spend her lifespan with him.

And she was carrying his son.

“My son,” he roared, falling to his knees, his fingers curling into fists. “I have a female and a son.”

Cyborgs cheered over the transmission lines, their joy almost rivaling his.


He’d never felt this happy. Ever. It was as though every pleasure he’d ever experienced, every dream, every unspoken wish, had converged into one.

“Rage?” Joan gazed at him with wide eyes, her hands placed protectively over her rounded stomach. She’d given him this happiness.

“We created offspring, female.”


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Curvy Girl And Super Shy Hunky Guy

By Cynthia Sax on June 8, 2016

I’m at Selena Robins’s online home today, talking about Curvy Girl and Super Shy Hunky Guy, a real life romance I witnessed.

Here’s a snippet…

I’ve been watching a real life romance between a super shy hunky guy and an oblivious curvy girl at the gym every day.

Hunky Guy runs on the treadmill every day, watching the business news as he works out.
Girls give him the eye (I admit to checking him out too – he’s no Dear Wonderful Hubby but he is REALLY good looking).

He pays them no attention.

Then this girl walks by. She’s a curvy girl, brown hair up in a ponytail, glasses, no make- up, wearing an oversized T-shirt, leggings, and black goth-like running shoes.
He almost gets whiplash, watching her pass him.


Read the second scene here (available June 13th):


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He wants one night. I want forever.

Hit it and quit it—that’s Smoke Sheridan’s relationship philosophy. The tall, dark, and dangerous club owner never spends more than one night with any woman. He seduces the broken-hearted, leaving them with smiles on their faces and a sexual confidence other men can’t resist.

I need his services.

My boyfriend of four years dumped me because I’m a lousy lay. Smoke can help me win him back, teach me how to make my man writhe in ecstasy. I’ll show him such bliss, he’ll bellow my name in the dark of the night, want me with an all-consuming desire.

This sounds like a great plan. Except I see the loneliness in Smoke’s eyes, feel the wistfulness in his touch, experience the wanting in his embrace. The player isn’t as shallow as he appears.

And I’ve never been good at letting go.

One And Done contains inappropriate humor, very bad pickup lines, a BBW heroine who doesn’t know what she’s doing and a player who thinks he does.
This is a standalone story.

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Defying Death And Names

By Cynthia Sax on May 27, 2016

One of the most common questions I receive from reading and writing buddies is

“Where do you get your names?”

The quest for unique names is very real for every writer. Reusing names can be confusing for reading buddies. Heroes, heroines, every significant secondary character requires a name.

When I first started writing, I would use names of friends and family members. That made writing scenes even more fun. All of my siblings, my mom, my aunts and uncles have had their names used in my stories.

As I hit 20 stories, I started running out of the common names. That’s when I picked up a used book of baby names. That book was awesome. The listings gave me meanings for the names, which added to the stories. I’d cross off names as I used them. I felt super organized.

Then, after about 100 stories, there were fewer and fewer names left in the baby name book. Many of these names aren’t hero or heroine worthy.

Lucky for me, I have plenty of reading buddies and you often have AWESOME names, strong, unique, sexy names. Nymphia, Safyre, Tifara are all names of reading buddies. They seem exotic and SciFi-like but they belong to wonderful women right here on planet Earth.

So don’t be surprised if, after you contact me, I ask to use your name.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Defying Death And Carinae E

By Cynthia Sax on May 20, 2016

In Defying Death, Death and Tifara stop at Carinae E to restock nutrition bars.

Here’s a snippet…


“We’ll work together going forward. We’ll have to. In a little over a planet rotation, we’ll land on Carinae E. It’s a primitive, harsh planet.”

Airspace wasn’t monitored, which appealed to her cyborg. There were great expanses of terrain with very few inhabitants. A ship could land and depart without detection.

The databases also described the planet as lacking sanitation and liquid purification systems. That intrigued Tifara.

“The locals could have viruses humanoids haven’t seen in solar cycles.” A thrill zinged through her. “Like Silean 5692.”

Death grunted. He didn’t sound as enthused as she was about that prospect.

“That virus has a cure but the local population might not have it.” They were isolated. “We could share it with them and save millions, thousands.” She thought about the number more. “High hundreds.” The planet wasn’t very populated. “Of beings.”


Carinae E is named after the stars in the constellation Carina.

Carina contains Canopus (formerly called Alpha Carinae), a white-hued supergiant that is the second brightest star in Earth’s night sky. It is 313 light-years from Earth.

Carina also contains Beta Carinae and Theta Carinae, blue-white hued stars, Epsilon Carinae, an orange-hued giant star, and Iota Carinae, a white-hued supergiant star, among other stars. There are several double stars and binary stars in the constellation.

Little is known about the planets in the constellation. Could there be a planet like Carinae E? It’s possible.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Defying Death, Bounty Hunters And Retrievers

By Cynthia Sax on May 13, 2016

In Defying Death, we’re first introduced to Retrievers, a group of individuals working for the Humanoid Alliance.

Here is a snippet…


“It’s a Retriever ship.” She realized. “My friend Safyre told me about Retrievers.” Her mood sobered as it always did when she thought about the friend she’d lost. “They work for the Humanoid Alliance, capturing rebels and other beings, returning them to be sentenced and reprimanded.”

Death’s body stiffened.

“She has a full ship.” Tifara hastened to reassure her trigger-happy male. “Every chamber is filled. She won’t be interested in us.” She hoped. “And she can’t see us, remember? She doesn’t know we’re here.”

He didn’t reply.

“We’ll wait and watch and take action only if she does.” She concentrated on the image of the Retriever’s ship, willing the female not to notice them.

Safyre, her friend, hated Retrievers with a burning passion, thought them the lowest of the low, but Tifara merely saw precious lifeforms, beings she could save.

She held her breath as the ship soundlessly drifted by theirs. It was frighteningly close yet there was no indication that they were detected. The Retriever’s ship didn’t slow or react in any way.

It passed without incident and she exhaled heavily. “That was—”

“The ship is turning.” Death changed the angle on the main viewscreen, allowing them to look behind their vessel.

The Retriever ship was turning. The speed of that turn accelerated, the ship moving faster and faster. Then it dropped, corrected, held for a moment, tilted to the right and to the left.

“What is happening?” Was that normal for an attack? Tifara’s expertise was healing. She knew very little about battle or flying.

Another lifeform scan appeared on the main viewscreen. This time, all of the lifeforms were out of their chambers. “What is that?” She pointed at the huge yellow and red blob at the end of a hallway.


Tifara did know fire on a ship was a bad thing. “We have to help her. They’ll all die if we don’t.”

“They’ll all die if we help, every being except for her.” Death’s eyes shone with suppressed rage. “She’s hunting rebels. You could have been one of her captives.”


“The rebels she captured won’t be reprimanded, my female.” He steered their ship farther away from the Retriever’s vessel. The image in the main viewscreen grew smaller. “They’ll be sent to a cyborg manufacturing compound.” His voice was flat. “Newly manufactured warriors will be forced to fight them, to kill them. I could have been one of those warriors. I could have been forced to fight you, my own female, in the ring. I would have had to kill you because if I didn’t, some other warrior would and he might not end your life as quickly, as painlessly as I could.”

“Oh, Death.” Tifara crawled into his lap and petted his chest, trying to comfort him.


Retrievers are very similar to bounty hunters except bounty hunters work for anyone with the credits to pay them. Retrievers only work for the Humanoid Alliance.

As Mayhem, the wildest of the cyborgs, has been captured by his Retriever female, we’ll learn much more about Retrievers in the next story (Chasing Mayhem, releasing in August). They have a very good (or rather, bad) reason for taking on this terrible job.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Fourth Scene From Defying Death

By Cynthia Sax on May 11, 2016

I’ll be sharing the first chapter from Defying Death over the next few weeks.

Read the first scene here:

Here is the final scene


Why is that transfer of responsibility required? Why do you want this mission?

He wanted Tifara. She might, as Crash’s female stated, find his personality too grim, his manner too violent, but she was his and he would have her. Does it matter why I want this mission? I’m free, as you often state. I can do what I wish and I wish to be the warrior to retrieve her. I have earned that right.

Crash’s face hardened. You can’t do what you wish with Tifara. I don’t know what you’re planning but it won’t involve my female’s friend. She’s not yours, Death. You can’t force a link where there is none.

There was a link. Death felt the connection. Give me this mission. Have I not proved my worth over and over again?

You have. That’s why I chose other warriors for this mission. You’re too valuable to utilize.

Anger rolled inside Death. And Tifara isn’t valuable? She was everything to him yet merely a secondary consideration to the E model.

You’re required elsewhere. Your brethren need you. I need you. Crash played upon his sense of responsibility.

Death was tired of putting others first. You don’t need me. Killing was his strength. There would be no killing in the Homeland.

I do, Crash insisted. I need you to lead the J Models, to represent them with the cyborg council. The J Models trust you. Allow Ace and Thrasher to retrieve Tifara. They’re capable warriors.

Capable isn’t skilled enough. I’m retrieving Tifara.

My friend—

Don’t call me that. Death wouldn’t be manipulated by emotion. This is my mission. I’m taking it. With or without Crash’s approval.

The E model gazed at him. Death gazed back, determined to win the standoff.

You’re not taking this mission. You will accompany us to the Homeland. That decision has been made. Crash’s tone signaled that the discussion was closed.

Tension stretched across Death’s shoulders. So much for being free.

“Ace and Thrasher will retrieve Tifara,” Crash announced to the group. “The rest of us will voyage to the Homeland.”

The cyborgs looked toward Death.

Death showed none of his rage, none of his frustration. His disagreement was between Crash and himself. He wouldn’t undermine the E model’s authority by making it public.

Mayhem’s eyes narrowed, the warrior not fooled by Death’s lack of expression.

Crash ignored the discontented murmurings and talked about administrative issues. Death drifted farther and farther into the crowd, edging his way toward the doors. The E model tried to include him in the decisions. He didn’t answer Crash’s queries.

A youngster asked about obtaining body armor. Death slipped out of the chamber and accelerated, moving through the hallways at cyborg speed, faster than any human male could.

His first stop was Safyre’s ship.

The small vessel was the female’s home. She had formed an emotional attachment to it and he would never take it from her, would never cause her that pain.

Safyre was a precious female, to be treasured, protected.

But he would take Tifara’s scarf. Death unwound the white fabric and stuffed it between his body armor and his chest. A wave of scent wafted upward, hardening his cock.

He ignored his reaction and exited.

Fraggin’ hole. He stifled a groan.

Menace, that irritatingly observant cyborg, waited in front of the ramp to the second ship, a vessel Death had privately claimed for himself. “Crash has access to the auditory system of the council. If you rebel against his orders, they could block you from reaching the Homeland.”

When he rebelled, they would do more than that. The council couldn’t risk cyborgs operating on their own, mixing unmonitored with other species. The humans could realize cyborgs weren’t as easily controlled as they believed. Humans would decommission, kill, millions of his not-yet-freed brethren.

To prevent that from happening, the council would send warriors after him. If caught, he’d be executed, his death discouraging other warriors from rebelling.

One moment of happiness with Tifara was worth that fate.

“Step aside, Menace.”

“I know why you’re doing this.” The warrior didn’t move. “Crash doesn’t, and he also doesn’t have our history. He doesn’t trust you as I do. He’ll assume your processors have gone offline.”

That might be the truth. Desperation to reach Tifara welled up inside Death.

“Let me speak to the E model.”

“It’s too late for that.” And he didn’t want another warrior to plead his case. “Crash made the announcement.” Even E model cyborgs had pride. Crash wouldn’t change his decision.

“Then I’ll go with you. Mayhem will distract Crash and then catch up with us.” Menace moved to the side and grasped his pack. It was ready, waiting. The warrior had obviously decided on that action before Death arrived. “One warrior rebelling looks like a processor malfunction. Two, eventually three, warriors rebelling will have a logical cause.”

Menace and Mayhem would risk exile and death to assist him.

Death couldn’t allow the males to make that sacrifice. “You’re not coming with me.” He stomped up the ramp.

“I am.” Menace followed him closely, too closely for the door to close between them. “We’ll retrieve her together.”

“No, we won’t.” Death turned, pulled his guns, slid the levers to stun. “Back away from the ship, Menace. This isn’t your mission.”

“You’d assist me.” The warrior lifted his chin, undaunted by the threat. “I’m assisting you.”

Frag the cyborg. He’d force him to do this. “You’re staying here.”

Death pressed the trigger.

Light zapped around Menace. He jerked, his eyes widening. You stunned me, he transmitted, disbelief wrapped around the words.

And now I’m pushing you over. Death proceeded to do exactly that, shoving the warrior off the ramp. Menace landed on his face, cursing him through the line. Tell Crash I forgive him for any action he has to take. I regret nothing.

You’re a stubborn ass.

Death grunted and closed the door, aware that he’d likely never see the warrior, the closest being he had for a friend, again. He was leaving his brethren and any possibility of reaching the Homeland behind him.

His Tifara was worth the sacrifice.

He hurried to the bridge, smacking his palms on the control pads. Engines purred to life, the floor vibrating under his boots. There was no time to waste. Menace could prevent his escape with one command to the docking bay doors.

Death guided the ship out of freighter.

His exit remained open.

He gritted his teeth as he was shot into the open blackness of space.

No guns fired upon him.

The coordinates for the battle station had already been entered into the system. The ship headed in the direction of his female. Anticipation pulsed through his circuits.

It was edged with gratitude. Menace hadn’t raised the alarm. Death listened to the warrior grumble, over the transmission lines, about obstinate males and missing all the excitement.

It didn’t take long for Crash to find Menace. The E model interrogated him. Menace stubbornly said nothing.

His assumption had been correct. Crash believed Death’s processors had malfunctioned. There was chatter of retrieving him, of informing the council.

They hailed him.

Death switched off all transmissions, severing that constant connection with his brethren, ensuring they couldn’t track him through the link.

To combat the eerie silence, he played the footage he’d collected of Tifara on his main viewscreen. Her beautiful face shone down on him, surrounded by the darkness of space. Her light, bubbly laughter filled his auditory system.

Death removed the scarf he’d taken. His female’s scent filled his nostrils. He wrapped the cloth around the right armrest of his chair, placed his palm on top of it.

All of his precautions to hide his presence would merely delay his fate, earning him more time but not forever. The cyborgs would catch him and, when they did that, they’d end his lifespan.

Before that happened, he’d touch his female, kiss her, might even breed with her. She’d smile at him, her eyes soft with caring, with love, and for one wonderful moment, he’d be happy.

His lips curled upward.

He was a fortunate warrior.


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Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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Happy Mother’s Day

By Cynthia Sax on May 8, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day!

I can’t think of any readership that celebrates mothers more than Romance. Many of our heroes and heroines have mothers. Those that don’t, like our cyborg warriors, wish they had them. Some of our heroines are moms or will be moms in the future.

Our moms are often the first beings to love us. They teach us how to love, how to say it, how to show it.

Or their lack of love might create a void within us or within our characters. That damaged hero might have never known a mother’s love and that is why he has trouble showing it.

I hope you spend today with either your mom, your children (human and/or pet babies), or a fictional mom.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter:

Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

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