Was Kralj Questioning Mayhem’s Honor?

By Cynthia Sax on September 23, 2016

In this scene from Chasing Mayhem, Mayhem, our cyborg hero, believes Kralj, the mysterious Ruler of the Refuge, is questioning his honor.


Mayhem had a rival for his female’s affections, a dangerous, powerful rival. “You love her.”

Kralj tilted his head to the left and then to the right, as though he was pondering that statement. “I doubt I’m still capable of that emotion. I respect her. She has more honor and strength than you and I combined.”

Was Kralj questioning his honor? Mayhem opened his mouth to defend himself.

“Ignorance will get you killed, my young friend.” Kralj bared his teeth, revealing fangs.


Kralj can read Mayhem’s thoughts. He can intercept his transmissions. He knows Mayhem is a cyborg and he knows Mayhem is an honorable male.

So why does he say Imee has more honor?

Because he can read Imee’s mind also. He knows her past, her thoughts, all of her secrets, everything she’s done. He tells Mayhem that he respects her, which, for Kralj, is the highest compliment. Respect is the one thing he demands from everyone around him. To disrespect him is the gravest of insults.

Yet he uses that word with Imee. He might not love our heroine but he holds her in the greatest esteem.

Kralj doesn’t believe Mayhem to be lacking honor. He simply believes Imee is more honorable (and Kralj doesn’t believe himself honorable at all).


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Buy Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

Apple/iBooks/iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/chasing-mayhem/id1136333685

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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The Retriever In Defying Death

By Cynthia Sax on September 19, 2016

Imee, the heroine of Chasing Mayhem, is a Retriever, a bounty hunter for the Humanoid Alliance.

We first learn about Retrievers in Defying Death. Death and Tifara’s ship pass a vessel piloted by a Retriever. The Retriever’s ship spins out of control and this happens next.


The Retriever ship was turning. The speed of that turn accelerated, the ship moving faster and faster. Then it dropped, corrected, held for a moment, tilted to the right and to the left.

“What is happening?” Was that normal for an attack? Tifara’s expertise was healing. She knew very little about battle or flying.

Another lifeform scan appeared on the main viewscreen. This time, all of the lifeforms were out of their chambers. “What is that?” She pointed at the huge yellow and red blob at the end of a hallway.


Tifara did know fire on a ship was a bad thing. “We have to help her. They’ll all die if we don’t.”

“They’ll all die if we help, every being except for her.” Death’s eyes shone with suppressed rage. “She’s hunting rebels. You could have been one of her captives.”


“The rebels she captured won’t be reprimanded, my female.” He steered their ship farther away from the Retriever’s vessel. The image in the main viewscreen grew smaller. “They’ll be sent to a cyborg manufacturing compound.” His voice was flat. “Newly manufactured warriors will be forced to fight them, to kill them. I could have been one of those warriors. I could have been forced to fight you, my own female, in the ring. I would have had to kill you because if I didn’t, some other warrior would and he might not end your life as quickly, as painlessly as I could.”

“Oh, Death.” Tifara crawled into his lap and petted his chest, trying to comfort him.

He wouldn’t have had to end her life. Dying in a fighting ring wasn’t her destiny.

But he’d been forced to kill others and that must have hurt her cyborg. Her heart ached for him. She stroked his skin with her fingers.

“We’re not helping her.” Death’s tone told her he wouldn’t relent on that. “And you should return to your seat.”

“We’re not helping her,” she agreed, ignoring his comment about returning to her seat. “Rescuing the Retriever will doom the others to death. And—”

The Retriever’s ship exploded, bursting into a million pieces, and Tifara jumped, shocked, surprised, horrified. Debris, fragments of metal, shot outward, reaching toward them, deadly fingers of shrapnel flying in their direction.


In Chasing Mayhem, we hear about a Retriever who had died.


Imee read the fifth communication once, twice, three times, unable to absorb the words. A Retriever, having fewer solar cycles than she did, had lost control of her targets. They had escaped from their holding chambers and had tried to take over her ship. The ship had blown up, killing every being inside it.

“She made one foolish mistake and she died.” Imee leaned forward, covering her face with her hands, trying to hide from the horror that message invoked.


Yes, this is the same Retriever. If it hadn’t been for this young female’s death, Imee might not have taken the risk of trying to rescue her family. This unknown female is partially responsible for the fate of all her sister Retrievers.


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Buy Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

Apple/iBooks/iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/chasing-mayhem/id1136333685

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Chasing Mayhem Featured On Weekend Book Club

By Cynthia Sax on September 17, 2016

Woot! Chasing Mayhem was featured on N.J. Walters’ Weekend Book Club!

I love N.J. She’s a talented writer and a wonderful person.

Look at the other selections here: http://njwalters.blogspot.ca/2016/09/weekend-book-club-chasing-mayhem-by.html


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Buy Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

Apple/iBooks/iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/chasing-mayhem/id1136333685

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Fun Facts About Cynthia Sax

By Cynthia Sax on September 14, 2016

Brandi Gillilan and Mandy Helms featured me in their newsletter!

I’m sharing 3 Fun Facts About Me.
You can read them here: http://us13.campaign-archive1.com/?u=167190abf1b1f5b0302bbf785&id=b02b924c8b

Here’s a snippet…

Like Brandi Gillilan, I love short stories. Although I write longer stories now (stories in the cyborg series are 200 pages), my first 100 or so published works were short stories. I love the challenge of making every word count, giving sentences multiple meanings. This is something I continue to strive to accomplish in my longer stories.


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Buy Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

Apple/iBooks/iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/chasing-mayhem/id1136333685

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Talking Chasing Mayhem and Strong Heroines With Liza O’Connor

By Cynthia Sax on September 10, 2016

I’m at Liza O’Connor’s online home today, talking about heroines and strength.


Here’s a snippet…
“Strong people don’t have to be strong all the time. When they’re with beings they trust, they can let down their guards. They can lean on these other beings. They can ask for help.”


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Pre-order Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Cyborgs And Continuous Learning

By Cynthia Sax on September 9, 2016

Chasing Mayhem is releasing on Tuesday. This is a sidequel to Defying Death. It happens at the same time.

Why is this important?

Because cyborgs share everything they learn. As long as their transmission lines are open, information is being transferred. Millions of bits of knowledge are whizzing through the lines all at once.

If one cyborg calls the love of his life ‘my female’ (as Rage did), other cyborgs are likely to use the same endearment (especially if it works with the female – grins – they might be cyborgs but they are still males – if it works, they’ll use it again and again until it’s no longer effective). If one cyborg battles the Humanoid Alliance, all of the cyborgs view the fight and learn from the experience.

This is why cyborgs no longer use the expression ‘Thank the Designer.’ Mira, the heroine in Breathing Vapor, is the daughter of the current Designer (there have been many Designers – this is a position, not a being). Her father hurt and disappointed her. Greatly. She still loves him but she’ll never see him again. Out of respect for both Mira and Vapor, her male, the warriors would never casually refer to the Designer in conversation.

This sharing of information influences more than knowledge. A writing buddy asked me if there would ever be a cyborg as angry and as dark as Rage.

That’s unlikely.

Because, after Releasing Rage, all cyborgs have hope.

Before Rage met Joan, cyborgs lived with the knowledge that eventually their kind would cease to exist. They might free themselves. They might be able to choose their battles and how they died. But they’d never have females and they’d never have a next generation.

At the end of Releasing Rage, all cyborgs have been given hope. Finding their compatible females might be tremendously difficult but it COULD happen. They COULD have offspring. They COULD have a future.

A little hope is a powerful thing.

When you’re reading Chasing Mayhem, keep in mind that, for much of the story, Mayhem doesn’t have any knowledge about the activities in Defying Death. For him, these events haven’t yet occurred.


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Pre-order Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Allie Ritch’s One Liners

By Cynthia Sax on August 27, 2016

I’m participating in Allie Ritch’s One Liners today


My one liner is…
“I’ve endured worse abuse from less beautiful beings.” — Chasing Mayhem

Mayhem, the cyborg hero, says this to Imee, the heroine.


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Wild. Free. Hers.

Mayhem has spent his lengthy lifespan obeying the Humanoid Alliance’s rules. Finally free from their cruel control, the cyborg warrior plans to cause chaos. He infiltrates a remote settlement, provokes the savage locals until they want him dead, and allows himself to be captured by the sexiest little Retriever he has ever laid his mechanically-enhanced eyes on.

Imee’s sole mission in life is to keep her family alive. To do this, she must hunt rebels, returning them to the Humanoid Alliance’s evil clutches where they will be executed. She doesn’t allow herself to feel anything for her targets…until she meets a tall, muscular cyborg with wild hair and even wilder eyes.

With his sure hands, laughing lips and erotic holds, Mayhem makes Imee’s body sizzle and her resistance melt. Their love is doomed. She must deliver the warrior to his death or she’ll place her family’s safety at risk. But she can’t resist him.

Imee soon discovers that Mayhem, life, and love are never predictable.

Chasing Mayhem is Book 6 in the Cyborg Sizzle series and is a STANDALONE story.
It is also a BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

Pre-order Now:

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY/

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingmayhem-2077430-340.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-mayhem-cynthia-sax/1124139998

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/chasing-mayhem

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Releasing Rage And The SFR Brigade Showcase

By Cynthia Sax on August 4, 2016

See other great SciFi romance posts here – http://sfrcontests.blogspot.ca/p/sfr-brigade-presents.html

Chasing Mayhem, my sixth story in the cyborg series, is releasing on September 13th (you can pre-order it on Amazon US here – https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Mayhem-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01IRPO9WY#nav-subnav ). I’m super excited about this!

If you’re new to this series, Releasing Rage is now free at all booksellers.

Here is an excerpt from Releasing Rage


She stepped into the firewall square. The door behind her closed and she authorized the interior door to open.

A buzz swept over her. No, not simply over her. Into her. She gasped, her inhalation of air drawing more of this unknown presence inside her.

It was too much, almost suffocating. Joan swayed, lightheaded. “Do not faint. Do not faint,” she repeated to herself, closing her eyes.

The rolling under her feet gradually stopped. She opened her eyes and wished she hadn’t. Crimson spray covered everywhere she looked. Gore was splattered into the farthest corners, hanging from the ceiling. Cleaner bots scrubbed the walls and floor.

This was why she felt dizzy, she reasoned. She smelled and sensed this butchery.

C899321, the being she had been told was responsible, stood in his uploading dock, a cable inserted into his nape, his towering form naked, covered with blood, his long black hair dripping with it.

He turned his head, locked his gaze with hers and she sucked in her breath. There were worlds of agony, of rage, in those bright blue eyes. This was no rational, logic-driven cyborg. This was a man, an animal, crazed by bloodlust and pain.

“They thought to pacify me with the use of a human female?” he thundered, his deep gravelly voice clawing across her skin, awakening parts in her she didn’t realize slept. “I’d kill you before I allowed you to touch me.”

This insult didn’t hurt her the way he’d intended. Joan knew she wasn’t the slim tiny female males desired. She was solidly built, good breeding stock, as her mother had once said.

She discarded his words and focused on the torment in his tones. He hurt. Horrifically. Her fingers twitched, the urge to reach out to him, to comfort him, tremendous. Judging by the flex of his powerful biceps and thigh muscles, by the anger radiating from him, he wouldn’t appreciate that response.

He also wouldn’t listen to any command she issued. A reprimand, verbal or physical, would add to his hostility. Some being had already tried to restrain him and failed. The reportedly unbreakable wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the frame of the uploading dock had been shattered, rendered useless.

Joan discarded four solar cycles’ worth of theory on how to handle malfunctioning cyborgs, realizing now that the academy experts knew nothing.

Her late father, however, had taught her how to deal with wild beasts.

“I would never touch you without your permission.” She lowered her gaze, showing submission, recognizing C899321 as the dominant male he was. He’d seek to harm any aggressor, to protect himself and his territory. If she wasn’t female, she suspected she’d already be dead.

“I also would never hurt you.” Joan stuffed a couple of cleaning cloths into her pockets and dropped to her knees, into a puddle of red. The moisture soaked through her flight suit. “I’m here to serve you, to clean you.”


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Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.
Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

Buy Now for FREE:
On Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Releasing-Rage-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B00ZOL1DRO

On Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ZOL1DRO/

On Apple/iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/book/releasing-rage/id1025933626?l=en&mt=11

On ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-releasingrage-1850041-340.html

On B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/releasing-rage-cynthia-sax/1122455646

On Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/releasing-rage

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Cyborg Series Featured At ARe

By Cynthia Sax on July 16, 2016

The Cyborg series was featured in the ARe newsletter today!
If you haven’t signed up for the ARe newsletter and you’re a romance lover, seriously consider it (all you need to do is sign up for an account – no credit card number or payment information is required). I love this newsletter and find many new-to-me writers and series this way.


Subscribe To My Release Day Newsletter: http://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/

Defying Death

He’ll risk it all for one moment of happiness.

Cyborgs don’t show emotion. Death learned that lesson early in his long lifespan. To survive, he hides his fierce passions behind a stoic wall. He calls no warrior friend. He never admits to caring for any being.

Even the human female he’s destined to love.

Tifara is Death’s obsession, his sole opportunity for happiness, to express the all-consuming passion burning brightly inside him. He’ll do anything to obtain the curvaceous medic: defy a direct order, abduct Tifara from her battle station, and wage war on his fellow cyborgs.

To earn her love, he’ll have to risk much, much more.

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Defying-Death-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01D6OUQS2/

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Defying-Death-Cyborg-Sizzle-Book-ebook/dp/B01D6OUQS2/

ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-defyingdeath-2001671-147.html

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/defying-death-cynthia-sax/1123562659

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/defying-death-2

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One And Done And Clubs In Toronto

By Cynthia Sax on July 15, 2016

In One And Done, my next release (releasing July 19th), Smoke Sheridan, the hero, is the owner of a club. There wasn’t much additional research that I had to do. I was involved with the design and start up of a large club in downtown Toronto.

Most of the clubs in Toronto are concentrated in an area called the Entertainment District. The Entertainment District is located between the Financial District and the Fashion District and really comes to life at night, especially during the summer.

The area has a youthful vibe to it (which is why Jenella, our fairly mature 30 year old heroine, feels a little out of place). The legal drinking age in Toronto is 19 and the city is home to several colleges and universities.

These primarily twenty-something guests want new experiences. They don’t want to go to the same club every week. That’s why, in One And Done, Smoke is concerned with reinventing the club, keeping the experience fresh and exciting for guests.

The owners of the club I worked with had the same concern. Walls were designed to slide, to move easily. One night, the club would be one huge open space. The next night, the club would consist of a collection of smaller rooms. Lighting could be swapped, making the walls seem different colors. Different themes were planned. The club would constantly change.

It is important that a club seem like the hot place to be. Smoke parks his Lamborghini in plain view of the club goers for that reason. The club I was involved with would do the same, often renting different, sexy, interesting cars to draw in guests.

There was always a line to get in. The club could be almost empty and the doormen would still make people wait. The line attracted attention and gave people the impression that the club was THE hot spot in town.

It takes a very special person to be a successful club owner. Smoke is definitely a unique hero, one of the most interesting men I’ve ever written about.


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He wants one night. I want forever.

Hit it and quit it—that’s Smoke Sheridan’s relationship philosophy. The tall, dark, and dangerous club owner never spends more than one night with any woman. He seduces the broken-hearted, leaving them with smiles on their faces and a sexual confidence other men can’t resist.

I need his services.

My boyfriend of four years dumped me because I’m a lousy lay. Smoke can help me win him back, teach me how to make my man writhe in ecstasy. I’ll show him such bliss, he’ll bellow my name in the dark of the night, want me with an all-consuming desire.

This sounds like a great plan. Except I see the loneliness in Smoke’s eyes, feel the wistfulness in his touch, experience the wanting in his embrace. The player isn’t as shallow as he appears.

And I’ve never been good at letting go.

One And Done contains inappropriate humor, very bad pickup lines, a BBW heroine who doesn’t know what she’s doing and a player who thinks he does.
This is a standalone story.

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